Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 7 (VII) - Yoga and Yogis

Chapter VII

Hymns 48

Man of knowledge

1. O man, for realising God, be a learned man, work pure heartedly under the direction of sages, who are to be respected and listened to by you.

2. O superb man of knowledge, I attain prosperity by carrying out your instructions.

3. O man of knowledge, you have promptly crushed the demon of igorance. I follow you for longevity and acquisition of happiness.

Yoga and Yogi

4. O aspirant of yoga! learn control over your vital breaths, mind and organs.

5. O Yogi! gladden others with use of yoga.

6. O supreme yogi! know the best course for the observance of truth and dharma and follow it.

7. O yogi! you have the power to protect others. I instruct you to practice that power.

8. O teacher of yoga!, yoga is pain dispelling.

9. O yogi! you are endowed with noble traits.

10. O noble and friendly yogis! give us daily the speech that rightly teaches us the knowledge of yoga.

11. O student of yoga! this yoga learning will provide your comfort.

12. O yogi! elevate your soul by continuous practice of yoga.

13. O yogi! you are also a purifier people like sun.

14. O yoga students, learn the preliminary steps carefully even though you may be experiencing some difficulties. May our method of teaching be accommodated by you.

15. O yoga students, you also like your teachers resort to truth and virtuous deeds.


16. O skillful ruler, with the army I accept your laws for curbing the sinful and establishing the code of morality.

17. O king! your subordinates should follow your instructions even in the form of a signal of your finger.

18. O ruler, you are the developer of loyal subjects by making them prosperous under your rule. Support the just and suppress the unjust. Keep doing your job like sun and moon without break and rest.

19. Eleven mighty substances do their duty in heaven, on the earth and in respiration. Similarly, members of the kings court have to carry on their job with zeal and devotion continuously.

20. O ruler! you protect your subjects and subjects protect you. Protect the learned and all valuable things.

21. O learned people, just as a good ruler tries to improve all things in the country, you should participate in improvement efforts and encourage people to participate in them. Help the administration in improving the country.

22. O General, I appoint you for your knowledge, military skill and valour. Do your job with knowledge (veda).

23. We elect you as head of state to harness all natural forces for the betterment of people.

24. Establish the greatness of your country.

25. O god! I accept you and pray to you to make our people united.

26. O performer, all the substance sacrificed by you fill the space and air all around and will come back to the earth in larger quantitites. Carry out yajnas under the direction of learned people.

27. O educator! teach me as how to acquire sound knowledge.

28. O give of knowledge teach me yoga.

29. King says, I wish to have good subjects, I wish to have good soldiers, I want them to be energetic.

30. O king we accept you as our ruler all the time. In all twelve months of the year you are our ruler.

31. O members of the king's court! participate effectively in discussions and protect our welfare.

32. O members of the king's court! justice is your aim. Learn the related knowledge and art.

Teacher and Pupil

33. O teacher accept my son as a pupil. O pupil! I accept you as a seeker of knowledge.

34. O son! you are accepted by the teacher. Learn from him by obeying his directions.

35. O ruler! we like you for your good relations with people.

36. We learned accept you as our ruler for all the good work that you have done for the society so far.

37. O General! You are appointed for you knowledge and ability. Understand your military like sun understands every thing by the falling of his rays on them.

38. O head of the state! we goad you into this battle. Fortify yourself individually and fortify your military, go into the battle and bring us victory.

39. O god! you are the doer of all great deeds. We depend on you to help us in doing big things.

40. O God! like a raining cloud, you bless your worshippers profusely.

41. Like sun rays that provide light to all, the sayings of the learned people must benefit humanity.

42. Always remember God is mightier than all the natural forces and all the knowledge of learned people.

43. O God, remove from us sinful thoughts.

44. We require victory of various people to give us peace and happiness. We want victory over diseases. We want victory over external enemies. We want victory over ignorance. We want victory over trouble makers we destroy our valuable things through irreligious ways.

45. O rich persons! lead a religious life and encourage people to do proper things by giving them gold as remuneration.

46. Honour the brahmins, who are learned people, whose fathers and grandfathers are learned people and learn from them.

47. O teacher, I as a person anxious to learn commit to a life of brahmacharya for 24 years/44 years. I am handed over to you by my parents for learning. Provide me a long life with your knowledge and make me a learned person.

48. Vedic instruction is given for the benefit of soul.(The story is that when Brahma was created, he did not know what to do and started suffering. God had given him veda (knowledge) and he understood what to do)

For chapter 8

1 comment:

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...
