Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 29 - Learned Persons


1. O learned person,  famous for sagacity, just as as a skilled rider makes the horse move fast, you  should attain to the desired abode of pleasure.

2. O learned person, active like the horse, just as fast electricity, being produced from water, illuminates the paths wherein tread the learned, wielding mastery over it, enjoy thou the company of the wise,
whereby thou mayest control all quarters and directions. Bestow thou food on this sacrifices

3. O active, enterprising educated artisan, as thou, full of enjoyments and kindness, utilisest adorable fire, by mixing it with serviceable material objects, which takes thee to distant places, hence thou art worthy of praise, veneration, swiftness, and companionship.

4. O learned person, just as we nicely expand electricity, widely diffused on the earth, famous, pervading all parts of conveyances, water and space, enjoyed by the people, present in heavenly bodies, giver of comfort, indestructible, affording seat to all in electric planes, so shouldst thou do.

5. May these your doors, beautiful, wearing different colours, lofty, sonorous, lovely, rich in adornment, offer easy passage into houses both right and left, like two rows of birds.

6. Just as in the body Pran and Udan regulate all its functions, so, both morning and evening tell us of the time of commencement of the yajna. They are beautiful and full of art. I establish them in this house
for the sake of truth.

7. O teacher and preacher, ye both, excellent amongst all, borne on one car, bright coloured, beholding all creatures, be charitable, seers, and spreaders of light-

I always keep ye happy and contented. Ye both, knowing the vedic rules and ordinances, charitable in disposition, preach the light of knowledge, with your supreme intellect.

8. May Bharati, the speech of the Adityas, illuminate your yajna.

May Saraswati, the speech of the Rudras, be our helper. 

May Ida, the speech invoked in accord by the Vasus give us happiness. 

May these three Goddesses place us amongst the immortals.

9. Just as a learned person, produces a brave son devoted to scholars ; just as a horse learns through instruction how to run fast and remain active ; just as Self-Effulgent God brings to life this universe ; so
shouldst thou Priest worship God, the Creator of the world.

10. O learned person, knowing well the path of the sages, the benefactors of humanity ; just as fast-moving fire, coupled with water, itself, in different seasons, performing useful deeds, gives us food, and
just as the Sun, the protector of rays, carries away our sweet oblations, so shouldst thou deal properly with thy soul.

11. O learned person, brilliant like fire, progressing and soon
attaining to fame, through God's grace, thou guardest the sacrifice with
consecrated offering. Go unto those leading sages, who achieving success
through their accomplishments, eat our oblations.

12. O learned person, active like a horse, when thou roarest with
full splendour, like air created in the beginning by God from the atmos-
phere, and the arms of thy hero become strong like eagle-pinions, thou
deservest applause for this glaring great deed.

13. O learned persons, air creates electricity from the Earth, water
and space, and yokes it to useful ends. In conjunction with air, diffused,
renowned electricity, assumes sway everywhere, It receives the rays of
the Sun, the protector of the earth ; and makes subtle with the Sun, the
fast moving air.

14. O man, full of force like fire, by mysterious nature; thou art
coupled with action, contemplation and knowledge; thou art disciplined
like a just ruler; thou art resplendent with knowledge like the Sun ; thou
art like a learned person; thou art specially united with grandeur. They
say there are three bonds in the spread of knowledge that hold thee.

15. O learned person, the sages say, there are three bonds in the
spread of knowledge that hold thee; three bonds in the control of breath,
three bonds in the atmosphere that cause rain$ they speak of thy sublimest
birth, and thou payest homage to those noble learned souls; may they all be
connected with me through deliberation,

16. O enterprising commander of the army, just as 1 look after the
bathing procedures of these horses of yours, and the places for the protec-
tion of their hooves; just as in this army, I see the auspicious reins of
thy horses, which save us from misfortune, and direct their right usage, so
shouldst thou see.

17. O learned person 1 recognise thy soul going high up from below,
like the Sun in heaven. Just as I see the the aeroplanes from far, and
round like the head, soaring, striving upward by paths unsoiled by dust, and
pleasant to travel, so shouldst thou see.

18. O brave person, I behold thy form matchless in beauty, eager
to win foes and the food produced here from the Earth. Whenever
a man brings thee thy eatables, thou, then, being the most voracious eater,
swallowest medicines.

19. O learned person, when the learned amongst the graceful
persons, long for thy friendship, and educated persons favourably measure
thy vigour, the aeroplanes, ordinary run of mankind, kine and supremacy
follow thee.

20. O people, know that the head of the state should be sharp and
brilliant like horns, and lustrous like lightning. Like a horse marching on
his path, the king should be the first lord of fire and gold. His feet
should possess the velocity of mind. The members of his Cabinet should
receive their maintenance allowance from him.

21. O men, possess horses fiery in spirit, with attractive places to
sit on, thin bellied, quick conquerors of battles, well trained, fast in motion,
putting forth their strength like swans in lengthened order, and treading on
pure paths.
22. O brave person, thy body is mortal, but thy spirit is swift like
the wind in motion. Thy soldiers are spread abroad in all directions, and
being stout and strong move about in many wildernesses; follow the path of

23. The beautiful, lustrous, active, fast, dexterous horse, in the
company of the learned, merrily goes to the battle-field. The valiant
ride on its back, and the wise singing the praise of knowledge follow it.

24. The learned person, who being highly respected, longs for the
eminent position of friends, educated father and mother and the sages^
and exceedingly acquires eatables for the donor, deserves to be loved
by all.

25. O wise person, respecter of friends, thou, this day, kindled
like the illuminated fire, walkest in their company, as a reflective, literary
person. Rich in intellect, tormentor of the wicked, highly conscious
possessing unobstructed knowledge of all subjects, cultivate fully noble
virtues in the house.

26. O fair-tongued, preserver of various objects, make pleasant
for all, the commendable paths of rectitude, with thy sweet sermon and
excellent exposition. Develop the society and philosophical subjects
with thy holy thoughts, and strengthen our innocuous worship through
learned persons.

27. To these the pure, the most wise, the thought-inspirers, learn-
ed persons, who enjoy food conducive both to body and soul, who are
worthy of veneration, respected by the people, and full of greatness, we
offer admiration with deeds of devotion.

28. O learned person, full of noble qualities, amongst scholars, thou
art charitable and companionable. Walk in the company of these prompt
scholars. Being lovely towards the learned, deserving praise and adora-
tion, go near them.

29. O men, in this world, the Immortal God, All-pervading like
space, beyond the light of day, early in the morning before dawn, grants
to the learned and immortal soul happiness that removes miseries and is
most excellent. Know and realise Him following the instructions of
the vedas.

30 O men, learn all sciences, just as wives, highly cultured and
virtuous, well experienced in all domestic dealings, dwellers in nice houses,

decorated with ornaments, tall like doors, deck their beauty for their
noble husbands, and serve them.

31. O learned person, acquire prosperity by properly using day
and night, that move continuously in the wheel of time, each close to
each, seated at their stations, assuming light and darkness, lofty, fair and
radiant beauty like two women.

32. O men, learn fine arts from two skilled persons, who are compe-
tent amongst the learned, charitably disposed, well-known, sweet-voiced,
executors of projects, inducers of men in scientific knowledge, and acts of
sacrifice, preachers of the doctrines of the vedas, and expounders of
mechanical knowledge

33. May Bharati, Ida, Saraswati, in this mechanical work, come unto
us from all sides, speedily expounding the secrets of mechanical science,
like thoughtful person. May these three intellectual forces, guide us,
the performers of nice enterprises, in this mighty project, the source
of comfort.

34. O seeker after knowledge, extremely fond of companionship,
urged, receiving education from everywhere, thou deservest homage, as
thou always rememberest that God, Who, in this world, creates different
spheres, these Earth and Sun, the progenitors of various actions and brings
about the creation and dissolution of the universe.

35. O learned person, put into fire, at different seasons, with devo-
tion, in the form of oblations, eatables mixed with honey and butter,
fit to be taken by the learned. May the Sun, cloud and fire receive thy

36. The enlightened person, who speedily attains to fame, and mana-
ges different transactions, with truth-imbued words of a learned fellow,
and precedes scholars, and the remnants of whose properly performed
Homa are eaten by the learned, deserves all round veneration.

37. O men, making the illiterate, literate, the poor, rich, shine with the beams of knowledge.

38. The warrior's look is like the thunderous rain-cloud, when,
armed with mail, he seeks the lap of battle. Be thou victorious with
unwounded body, and let the strength of thy armour save thee.

39. With military weapons let us win the Earth, with them the
battle, with cannon let us win the ease-loving army of our foes. War-like
weapons destroy the ambitions of the foeman. Armed with the bow may
we subdue all regions.

40. This bow-string strained on the bow whispers like a woman, and
preserves us in the combat, as a wife, fain to speak, offering advic6,
embraces her affectionate, praiseworthy husband.

41. Just as a learned wife behaves towards her husband, and a
mother towards her child} so these two bow-strings, well procured,
together beat the foes, and in unison scatter asunder, the foes who hate

42. With many a son, father of many daughters, he clangs and
clashes as he goes to battle, with the quiver slung on the back, the born
hero, vanquishes all the scattered armies.

43. The skilful driver, sitting in the conveyance, guides his horses
in the front, in whichever direction he likes. Just as mind keeps the
organs under control, so reins from behind, control the horse. See and
admire the strength of these controlling reins,

44. Warriors with arms in hand, conveying soldiers swiftly along
conveyances, trample upon the foes devoid of friendship, with their

Fast running horses neigh loudly. Soldiers not burdening their
master economically, destroy their foes.

45. Let us honour that aeroplane, each day that passes, with
hearts full of joy, in which are laid necessary ingredients for propelling it,
and gun, cannon, shield, bow, arrow, armour and military equipment of this

46. Let our rulers, be partakers of savoury food, long-lived, patient
in adversity, powerful, deep-minded, armed wiih wondrous army, strong
in arrows, robust, possessors of long legs and broad chests, invincible, and
conquerors of numerous hosts.

47. May virtuous people, promoters of truth, protectors, knowers
of God and the vedas, and the Heaven and Earth indestructible in nature,

conduce to our welfare. May God, the Nourisher, save us from sinful con-
duct, guard us, and let not the evil-wisher master us.

48. O brave soldiers give us protection in the army, where there
are commanders, adequate transport arrangements, where arrows and
weapons are used swiftly like a deer, controlled with cow-leather strings,
which pounces upon the enemy forcibly, duly persuaded, and its warriors
run together or go hither and thither in different directions.

49. O learned person, drive straight away diseases from our body,
so that it may be strong like stone. Give us instructions about efficacious
medicine and Earth, and grant us happiness.

50. O queen, who trainest horses, just as heroes, whip sharply the
back of these horses, and lead young soldiers, so shouldst thou drive
sagacious chargers in the battles

51. May the energetic learned person, discharging arrow from the
bow-string, and extirpating the opposing foe from all sides, protect the
virile person, in every way, and thundering like a cloud with his armies,
acquire all sorts of worldly knowledge.

52. O king powerful like the Sun, be our friend, conqueror of foes,
yoked with brave, victorious heroes, firm and strong in body.

Thou art the possessor of various parts of Earth, make us strong.
May thy commander-in-chief win foes deserving defeat.

53. O learned person, give us the vitality possessed by the Sun and
Earth, the strength of trees, the vitalising juice of waters. Fill thy car
with warlike weapons shining like the sun's rays.

54. O beautiful, highly educated person, accepting gifts we offer,
know the significance of the fall of lightning, realise the force of the army
of men, the inner feelings of friends, the promptings of the soul of the
virtuous, and enjoy our company, and all acceptable objects.

55. O commander, thundering aloud like the drum, being full of
supremacy, with the help of the learned, drive thou afar, yea, very far,
our foemen. Grant life to the denizens of the Earth, and persons exalted
like Heaven. Regard the world as pervaded with space and lightning.
May thy rule give thee pleasure.

56. O commander, whose army thunders like the war drum, drive
away all dangers, fill us full of vigour, gain supremacy, expand the army,
make those weep, who behave like depraved dogs, let thy administration
be well knit like the fist, make efficient arrangements for electricity in
the army, and enjoy all comforts.

57. O commander, drive thither away the troops of the enemy,
and bring back ours safe after victory. Let our cavalry march forth, in
accompaniment with the beating of war-drums. Let our car-warriors be

58. The black necked animal is ferocious like fire ; the ewe is mild
like speech ; the brown animal is calm and pleasant like the Moon ; the
dusky animal is strong in body ; the black-backed animal is fiery like the
Sun ; the dappled animal possesses various qualities ; the red animal is
full of heat like the Sun ; the black and white coloured animal is fast like
the air ; the strong bodied animal possesses the qualities of the Sun and
fire ; the bird that flies low is furious like the Sun ; the black coloured
bird with one white foot is calm and peaceful like water.

59. A red-marked ox is strong and strenuous like the learned
commander of the army ; animals with white spots below are active like
the Sun ; animals with silvery navel are full of force ; yellow hornless
animals are imbued with many qualities ; black and white animal is swift
like air ; the black-faced he-goat is ferocious like fire ; the ewe is sweet
like speech ; the fast running animal is fast like water.

60. To the fiery soul possessing the qualities of Satva, Rajas and
Tamas, the crosser of ocean by means of ships, expounded in Gayatri
metre, should be offered the food cooked in eight pot-herds. To the
highly strong soul, well-versed in fifteen kinds of Trishtup metre, be
offered the food cooked in eleven pot-herds. To the divine persons,
endowed with diverse qualities, as described in all the seventeenfold Jagati
metre, should be offered the food cooked in twelve pot-herds. To Pran
and Udan delineated in Anushtup and twentyone fold virat metres, should
be offered a mess of curdled milk. To the protectors of the great, sublime
in assemblies, renowned in action, contemplation and knowledge, celebra-
ted for strength should be offered special food. To the man acquiring
supremacy, coupled with thirty three kinds of wealth, mentioned in
Ushnik metre, should be offered the food cooked in twelve pot-herds. To
father and mother should be offered the food prepared in the cooking pot ;
the same be offered to the entire space protected by the All-pervading
God. To the brilliant amongst all men, shining like lightning, be offered
the food cooked in twelve pot-herds. For the follower, refined food
should be prepared in eight pot-herds.

60. The significance of pot-herds and the food prepared therein is not clear to me.
According to Pt. Jai Dev, Vidya Alankar. the word ^qic5 (pot-herd) merely denotes division.
T means a mature thought well considered by eight learned persons. Similarly
mean an idea which is the result of the deliberations of eleven and twelve scholars.
Food has been compared to the well thought out idea, resulting from the joint mental cooking
of learned persons.

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