Sunday, May 12, 2024

Simplified Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 37


 Learned Person

1. O learned person, You are  a leader, I accept you as the teacher and preacher.

2. The God has no equal in the creation and is the  Embodiment of knowledge. He creates all beings.  The noble and wise yogis concentrate their mind on and dedicate their action to, the Omnipresent God,, the Highest knower. All should worship Him.

3. O priest I accept you  for the yajna and the successful termination of the yajna. O highly qualified mistress and preachress,   may I nicely accomplish, this day,  the  final stage of the sacrifice (yajna) conducted by you both. 

4. O  young, brilliant, learned women, I accept you, this day in the place where the learned assemble, as head of the contemplated sacrifice, connected with the Earth. O lady, the performer of the yajna, I acknowledge you as head of the yajna.

5. O learned person, at first I accept you with  due reverence, for the excellence of association. Your effort to learn is well-merited. This day, on the Earth, I make you  duly prosper by honouring you for scholarship.

6. O men, just as I acquire the vitality of a glorious person, so may I, this day,  make you prosperous.

May I perfect you  in the use of intellectual words of honour for the sages, and usage of loving conduct. May I perfect you, the preacher of good qualities, in the art of artizanship, and usage of loving conduct,
May I perfect you  in the dissemination of excellent science, and acquisition of knowledge. 

7. May the learned bring us in contact with a person, the dispeller of miseries, the leader of men, the controller of vast numbers in war, and the bestower of happiness. 
May we associate with a lord of wealth. 
May we acquire a truthful, good mannered, and well-read wife.

We seek your  shelter for the advancement of knowledge, and as an excellent means of happiness. We seek your  shelter for performing religious duties, and as a nice instrument for ptotecting religion. 
We seek your support  as a harbinger of happiness, as an advancer and giver of happiness.

8. O learned person, as you are an excellent practitioner of  the learning,  we serve you  for acquiring knowledge, and for its right use.  You are  the master of deep thinking, we serve you  for knowing the duties of domestic life, and nice execution of sacrifice. Direct us in the domestic actions, and excellent execution of sacrifice. We follow you  for success in noble enterprises, and leading righteous dealings.

We serve thee for learning yoga, and mastering all the intricacies of the science of yoga. We serve thee as giver of glory, and for performing all deeds of supremacy.

9. O sacrifices on this Earth in a place where the learned perform yajna, with the powerful fire's strength of warding off bad smell, I fumigate thee for purifying the air, and for alleviating the brain disease of a purifier. On the Earth, in a place where the learned perform the yajna, with the strength of a powerful man, I fumigate thee for acquiring knowledge of the Earth, and knowing the principal part of the essential nature of learning. On this earth, in a place where the learned are worshipped, with the lustre of powerful, fast fire I urge thee for its application, and for doing noble deeds. I prepare thee for the completion of the yajna, for the completion of the best part of the yajna. I goad thee for fame,
and the most important part of the yajna, I stimulate thee for performing the yajna, and the most important part of the yajna.

10. O learned person we establish you  for sincerity, for honouring the learned, and for performing the yajna. We establish you  for philanthropy, for performing the yajna, and for finishing it to the end. We
establish you  for land, for the yajna, and the best part of the yajna,

11. O learned person, a glorious, charitable man, receives you  for the administration of justice, for the observance of religious obligations, and for the performance of religious practices as ordained by God. May he unite you  with the sweetness of worldly objects, but protect thyself from their evil attachment.

As thou art noble, pure like the flame of fire, and embedded in religious austerity, hence we pay thee homage.

12. O woman, unconquerable in the East, in Agni's overlordship, give me life. Rich in sons, in the South, in Sun's overlordship give me offspring.

Fair-seated, in the West, in God Creator's overlordship, give me spiritual sight. Excellent in hearing, in the North, in air's overlordship, Give me increase of wealth.

Strong in convictions in the upper direction, in the overlordship of a learned master of the vedas, give me energy.

Being filled with a reflective mind, protect me from women given to adultery.

13. O learned person, in the company of other men, act  nobly, protect us from the lightning-fall.

Practice action, contemplation and knowledge.

14. God pervades all the objects of Nature. He is Father of the wise, and Guardian of all living creatures.

He is Self Effulgent, and being Creator, shines like the shining man of knowledge. Let all attain to Him.

15. Fire duly receives light from the Self-Effulgent God, and from the impelling sun created by God.

Know Him truly through righteous conduct.

Through religious practices, attain to God, the Self-Illuminator, the Stimulator, and the Glorifier of all material objects.

16. God is the Sustainer of the Sun, who imparts heat to all objects in the atmosphere. He is Immortal and realisable through austerity. Effulgent God is the Sustainer of all the forces of Nature. He shines
lustrously. May He grant us Vedic speech, full of excellent teachings and companion of the learned.

17. May I see God, the "Protector, the Immovable, knowable through paths of virtue, here and hereafter. He encompassing the Quarters and sub-quarters, permeates all the worlds.

18. O Lord of all earths, protect in this world the righteous learned persons. Give us the pleasant knowledge of useful instructions and excellent teachings. Protect favourably the learned for acquiring divine virtues. With the help of the teachers and preacher who know the science of honey, antidote to poison, bless us to live longer.

19. O God, we meditate on you for making our  heart pure, for the steadfastness of mind, for the manifestation of knowledge, and for learning the science of heavens. Please preach us the sacrifice free from violence, noble dealings with  and amongst learned persons.

20. O God, you are our  Father, the creator. Please instruct us like father. 

May we, the masters of material objects win you with our sacrifices. Please give me sons and cattle. Grant us offspring. Bless me  that I remain together with my husband.

21. O learned person or woman, enjoy nicely day with knowledge, in a wide awake manner, in the light of the Sun. Similarly enjoy the night also.

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