Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 22


1. O learned person,  Thou art immortal by nature, virile and bright. Thou art the protector of life. Extend thy life and protect mine.

2. We realise in this created world, the relation between the primordial causes, God and matter. The sages in the beginn-ing of creation, know through the vedas this power of God's Omni-presence.

3. O learned person thou art cool like water, thou art a preacher, thou art controller, thou being eulogised, art the upholder of all transac-tions. you are guide of all things.

4. O learned person, I will place this fire in the yajna, for thee, independent in actions, for the wise and the householder. Through that sacrificial fire may I, accomlished with noble traits, succeed as a house-
holder. Use that fire in the yajna.

Make me fit to act as a good householder, endowed with noble traits.

5. O learned person, he, who wishes to kill a horse, should be punished by a noble person. Such a person is an enemy. He, low in character like a dog is an enemy and must be checked by thee. 

I sprinkle thee loved by all as prospector of the people. I anoint thee loved by all, for the protection of soul and fire. I anoint thee loved by all for the protection of air. I anoint thee loved by all, for the protection of all the educated persons. I anoint thee loved by all, for protecting beautiful
physical objects like the Earth. 

6. Make the best use of fire. Take medicines. Derive joy by drinking water. Enjoy well the warmth and light of the Sun. Have knowledge of air and vital breaths. Perform yajna in fire. Meditate on God, the Guardian of all great objects. Respect and love your friends.

Pay homage to noble souls.

Reverence to Various Persons

7. Reverence for him who recites the Sama Veda. Reverence for
him who has recited the Sama Veda. Reverence for the warrior who
challenges the foe. Reverence for the victor who welcomes the -learned.
Reverence for him accomplished in all actions. Reverence for the most
accomplished. Reverence for him fond of perfume. Reverence for the
perfumed. Reverence for him who builds a cantonment and resides
therein. Reverence for him who sits in a yogic posture. Reverence for
him who tears asunder the foes. Reverence for the learned guest who
keeps moving. Reverence for the elders while sitting and sleeping.
Reverence for the elders fast asleep, waking and warbling. Reverence
for a man of knowledge. Reverence for the elder yawning. Reverence
for the architect. Reverence for him who makes a collection of
curiosities. Reverence for the neighbours. Reverence for supreme
knowledge. Reverence for him who imparts knowledge.

8. Reverence to the soul that exerts, and is fleeting. Reverence to
the warrior that jumps and moves fast. Reverence to him who performs
duty promptly and is full of agility. Reverence to him who is sitting
peacefully, and him who is up and doing. Reverence to him who is speed-
minded, and is physically stout. Reverence to him who behaves promin-
ently. Reverence to him who is respected extraordinarily. Reverence
to him who controls his mental cravings, and him who is free from sin.
Reverence to him who longs to hear the sermons of the learned, and him
who listens to the word of knowledge. Reverence to the seer. Rever-
ence to him whom others want to look at, and who is closely looked at.
Reverence to him who closes his eyes in contemplation, reverence to him
who takes food in time, reverence to him who drinks when needed, and
takes due care of his urine. Reverence to him in action, and reverence
for his accomplishments.

9. O Creator of the Universe ! O All holy and worthy of adora-tion ! May we contemplate Thy adorable Self. May thou guide our understanding.

10. I invoke for aid, God, the Controller of luminous planets like the Sun, etc. worthy of attainment, and the Bestower of perfect glory.

He, the Embodiment of knowledge, tells us how to distinguish between truth and untruth. He is worthy of adoration.

11. Having meditated on the Adorable God, the Creator of the universe, the Sentient, we acquire excellent, supreme intellect wherewith we arrive at truth.

12. Having eulogised God the Creator of the universe, and the Developer of intellect, we seek His gift for the seeker after wisdom, and aspirant after knowledge.

13. For the attainment of high noble qualities, in a contemplative mood, I eulogise the Giver, the Protector of souls devoted to truth, the Creator of the universe, and Effulgent in nature.

14. In proximity to the Giver of happiness and the Creator of the universe, we acquire intellect and supremacy, with that intellect we pray for excellent glory, the benefactor of the learned.

15. Well-kindled fire carries our offerings to divine objects like air etc. Burn with fuel such a fire indestructible in nature.

16. Oblation bearer, immortal, resplendent, eager messenger, giver of food-grains, fire is utilised in mechanical arts and crafts.

17. I place in front the fire, that acts like an envoy in making our mechanical works successful, that gives us food to eat, and brings us enjoyments in this world, I instruct the learned to make its full use.

18. O purifying, pervading fire, thou hast verily manifested the sun, moving with the force that gives life to earth and cows, and sustains all ; and retains waters with its strength.

19. O learned persons, the fulfillers of our desires, ye are mighty
like the mother Earth, eminent like the father air, ye are the accomp-
lishers of journey, fast movers like the horse, constant travellers, acquirers
of happiness, friendly towards all, utilisers of material objects, speedy in
action, bringers of rain, sharp realisers of all things with an intelligent
mind, marchers on the foes for victory, possessors of speech that simplifies
subtle subjects, follow the path of the wise. Protect nicely this pervad-
ing fire, moistened with water, for the enjoyment of pleasures, for 
developing intellect and chastising the wicked, Here is delight. Here
enjoy pleasure. Here is contentment. 1- T ere is self-satisfaction.

20. Reverence for him who brings happiness, reverence for God
the Embodiment of joy, reverence for the king who is foremost amongst
the many. Show respect to him who makes a collection of objects, and
him who studies different sciences. Have respect for the deep-thinker,
and the protector of the subjects. Show respect to him whose mind is
contemplative, who is the master of knowledge. Have respect for the
mother Earth, for the mighty, immortal word of God, for the mother, the
supplier of happiness. Make full use of the streams. Revere the speech
full of knowledge which purifies us. Respect the noble saying of the
learned. Respect a strong man. Respect him who takes hygienic meals
for the maintenance of his vitality. Respect the preacher who sermon ; ses
and makes us spiritually strong. Have respect for the diffuser of li^ht,
for the builder of boats, for him who spreads education. Worship God.
Who creates objects of variegated forms. Pray unto the All-pervading
Providence. Meditate on Universal God, Who Self-protected, protects
others. Contemplate upon Him Who is present in every sentient being.

21. May every mortal man contract the friendship of the guiding God. Each one solicits Him for wealth, and for strength, aspires after fame and riches through noble deeds.

22. O God let there be born in our country the Brahmana, illus-trious for the knowledge of the vedas ; let there be born the prince, heroic, skilled archer, piercing the foe with shafts, mighty warrior; 
the cow giving abundant milk,
the ox good at carrying burden; the swift courser ;
the woman skilled in domestic affairs. 

May this sacrificer be blessed, with sons, conquering, equipped with conveyances, civilised, young, and

May cloud send rain according to our desire ; may our fruit-bearing trees ripen ; may acquisition and preservation of property be secured to us.

23. Control the out-going, in-going and diffusive breaths through yogic practices. Take care of your eyesight. Enhance your power of hearing. Use your speech nicely, Concentrate your mind.

24. Have scientific knowledge and make use of the Eastern Region, and its hither ward Region ; the Southern Region, and its hither-ward Region ; the Western Region and its hitherward Region ; the
Northern Region and its hitherward Region ; the Upward Region and its
hitherward Region > the Downward Region and its hitherward Region,


25. Purify, utilise, and use ordinary waters, excellent healing waters, waters rising above in vapours through sun's heat ; standing waters, fast flowing waters, slowly moving waters ; well-waters, rain-
waters ; tank-waters, sea-waters, waters in the ocean ; and charming and beautiful waters.

26. Perform yajna for the purification of air; for the purification of misty air, for purifying fine cloud $ for purifying the cloud j for purify-ing the dense shining cloud } for purifying the thundering lightning ; for purifying the bursting cloud, for purifying the raining cloud, for purifying the pouring cloud ; for purifying the violently raining cloud ; for purifying the high cloud that has held water ; for purifying the sprinkling cloud, for purifying the drizzling cloud ; for purifying the clouds that rain cats and dogs ; for purifying the thundering clouds; and for purifying the hoar-frost.

27. Improve your digestive faculty. Make full use of efficacious juices. Elevate your soul. Till the soil. Enjoy the firmament, and light in the sky. Utilise the quarters and subquarters. Understand the
significance of the upward region, and the downward region.

28. Perform yajna for indestructible objects and for their assem-
blage ; for day and night, for the half months ; for the months ; for the
seasons and for the objects produced in them and for the year to derive
happiness, Perform yajna for the purification of Heaven and Earth ;
for the Moon, for the Sun, and his rays. Perform yajna for the better-
ment of the Vasus, the Rudras and the Adityas. Perform yajna for
purifying the airs ; for the acquisition of noble qualities, for improving
the roots and branches of forest trees, flowers, fruits and herbs.

29. Perform yajna for the improvement of the Earth, the Firma-ment, the sky, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

Perform yajna for the improvement of waters, herbs and forest trees. Perform yajna for meteors, animate and inanimate things, and things that creep and crawl for our comfort.

30. Perform yajna for the purification of vital breaths ; the soul that resides in the body, the pervading air, the Sun, the lightning, the air that protects multitudes of objects, for the hero who chastises the
wicked, for the king, for acquiring strength, for the reptiles, for gold, for light of the Sun, Moon and stars ; for keeping the thieves under control, and for the Sun that nourishes the day.

31. Perform yajna to make comfortable and pleasant the month Chetra (March-April), the Baisakh (April-May), the Jeshtha, (May-June), the Asharh (June-July), the Shravan (July-August), the Bhadra (August-September), the Aswin (September-Octobar), the Kartika (October-November), the Margshish (November-December), the Paush (December-January), the Magh (January-February), the Phalgun (February-March), the thirteenth or intercalary month.

32. Produce good foodstuffs. Manufacture articles. Protect the foodstuffs produced. Develop intellect and perform noble deeds. Arrange for comforts. Purify your head. Don't waste your semen. Exert for
final beatitude. Worship God, the final living entity in the universe. Adore God, the Protector of the world. Serve God, the Preacher of the Vedas to humanity. Pray to God, the Protector of all created beings.

33. May life be devoted to the service of God, the learned and the spread of knowledge in a noble manner. May breath improve through yoga and physical practices. May downward breath, diffusive breath, upward breath, digestive breath, improve through necessary precautions. May vision, hearing, speech, mind, soul, the master of the four Vedas, light of knowledge and happiness, and questionings advance through sacrifice performed in a right way.

May God be pleased with us through sacrifice performed in a spirit of devotion.

34. Worship one God. Have knowledge of Cause and Effect, Please hundreds of souls. Practise hundred and one trades. Acquire the power to burn down sins. Attain to final beatitude full of happiness.

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