Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 19



1. O physician,  I fully instruct thee in the science of medicine. Just as I endow the sweet medicine with sweetness, bitter medicine with bitterness, the age-prolonging medicine
with healing properties, the delicious medicine with delicious Soma, so shouldst thou dress up this medicine for husband and wife, dress it up for the learned lady, and dress it up for the dignified person, the deliverer of all from misery.

2. Soma is the best sacrificial food. It is useful for human body. It is produced in waters. Use well that Soma born of clouds.

3. Purified by the purifying process of the fast moving air, Soma is decidedly soul's fit friend. Purified by the purifying process of the fast moving air, Soma mixed with the organs of the body, is the king's
proper friend.

4. O learned person, Sun's daughter (Dawn) doth with eternal excellent light, purify the Soma prepared by thee.

5. O learned person, the Soma (juice of medicines) prepared through purifying process and sacrifice (homa) for enjoyment, and taken for the removal of sickness advances, the spiritual and temporal forces, brilliancy and physical vigour. Give food with flavour to the sacrificer,
and please the learned.

Instruct us how to grow more food

6. O Comrade, the agriculturists who produce food, instruct us how to grow more food. Protect and eat their produce in this world in a nice way. Just as these farmers reap in order the ripe barley and cleanse
it by removing the chaff from it, so shouldst thou get strength by sharing their corn, which is the cause of thy growth. The agriculturists accept thee for thy knowledge of Heaven and Earth, for thy nice speech expa-tiating on the science of agriculture, for thy being a good guardian and extirpator of foes, for thy boldness, for thy bravery and for thy strength.

7. O king and subjects, each of ye has been allotted separate duty.
May ye avail of the friendship of the learned. The Soma creeper, full of
force, residing in its own place, rests in an open, elevated space. May
ye both attain to it. Shun intoxicating objects. O learned person do
not harm me and the Soma plants.

8. O God, Thou art achieved through yamas and Niyamas. Thou
hast got the splendour of the sun and moon, the vigour of vedic texts, and
the might of lightning. My heart is Thy home, We all take Thee for
enjoyment. We all take Thee for delight, and take Thee for greatness.

9. O God, Thou art lustre ; give me lustre. Thou art manly vigour ; give me manly vigour. Thou art strength, give me strength. Thou art vitality ; give me vitality. Thou art righteous indignation ; give me
righteous indignation- Thou art forbearance ; give me forbearance.

10. The queen, who is the indicator of diverse wordly affairs, guards the subjects by killing both the tiger, and the wolf, the fast hawk and the lion, should prevent the King from wrongful conduct.

My parents

11. O learned person, the delighted son teases the mother sucking her breast, With that son I become free from debt towards my parents. May my parents be unharmed and blissful by me.

O learned persons ye are my associates ; unite me with good fortune, Ye are free from sin, keep me away from sin. Give me happiness in this life and the life to come.

12. O men, just as a lady doctor well versed in the science of medicine, with healthy organs of the body ; physicians and surgeons, having mastery over the Ayurveda, and learned persons, stretch out the
healing sacrifice, for prosperity with their speech, so shouldst ye do.

13. Grass buds are the symbols of consecration. Sprouts of corn are symbols of strengthening vital breaths. Fried grains are the symbols of equanimity of mind. Honey is the symbol of Soma-shoots.

14. Monthly presents to guests are the sign of hospitality. Clothing the naked is the symbol of a great warrior. The offer of medicinal elixir is the sign of honouring the guests.

15. O women, just as the juice of Soma medicine accepted by the learned lady is pleasant, as physicians and surgeons prepare the extracts of medicines, as an aspirant after prosperity masters the science of lightning, so should ye.

16. O people, for the successful performance of a yajna make arrangement for these objects. Its nice execution, a seat for the king, a jar for corns in the altar, a pitcher for Soma, food that gives life placed in the northern altar, the priests and the physician.

17. O people, just as the learned persons decorate the altar with materials for the yajna, obtain mighty riches through ceaseless effort, reap through the process of union and separation, the result of their effort at unity, produce well ordered light out of electricity, so should ye procure all kinds of happiness by properly using all resources.

18. O householders, just as a learned man and woman collect materials for the yajna ; a learned lady takes shelter with the priest, and the learned construct a house for the majestic husband to dwell in and
impart happiness ; this all is a householder's duty ; which ye also should perform.

19. He gets happiness, who has got servants to obey orders, maid-servants of pleasing manners, who perform their duty gracefully, necessary materials for the performance of yajna, and oblations to be put into the fire by sacrificial practices.

20. A householder gains cows from cows, sacrificial materials from ground rice-cakes, fire-kindling fuel from the knowledge of metres like Gayatri etc., and virtuous people from sacrificial practices.

21. Roasted grains, gruel barley-meal, grains of roasted rice, milk, and curd, mingled milk, nice corns, and honey are the materials for Soma yajna.

22. Jujube fruit is the type of parched corn. Wheat is the best product of agriculture. Jujube is the type of barley-meal. Barley is the type of gruel-groats.

23. Barley-grains are the symbol of milk. Ripe jujube fruits are the symbol of curd. The essence of corn is the symbol of Soma. The 
juices of So ma plants are like the mixture of milk and curd.

24. The students who are seekers after knowledge, should request
the preceptor to instruct them in all branches of knowledge. The know-
ledge imparted to the pupils should be in consonance with their capacity,
'Pray grant 7 is the sign of receiving and assimilating knowledge. We, the
performers of sacrifice are fit to sing praises.

25* A learned person gets songs of praise by verse-halves, short
detached formulae by case-terminations. By Om exclamations he gets
the mode of praise, prayer and contemplation. By water is got the soma

26. They are the benefactors of humanity who perform the morn-
ing yajna with the sun and moon, the glorious mid-day prosperity
bringer yajna through lightning, the evening yajna, the giver of health,
through true vedic speech, for reverence of the learned.

27. He is wealthy, who with the attributes of air gains the objects
residing in air, by the process of separation gains the Drona and Kalash,
vessels for Soma, by two jars of corn and water gains two cleansing vessels,
and by the cooking pot gains the pots for cooking.

28. The recitation of the Yajur Veda gives us the knowledge of
ceremonies (Sanskaras). The knowledge of ceremonies (Karma-Kanda)
teaches us the attributes of objects and different praise-songs. Through
Gayatri metres, and learned singers of the praise of fine traits are obtain-
ed the vedic verses worthy of recitation and weapons. The recitation of
Sama veda gives us purification.

29. A learned person obtains eatable foodstuffs from parts of the
earth, and fulfils desires by the utterance of true noble words. From a
peaceful deed is derived good relation between husband and wife.
Consummation is obtained by performing the ceremonies (Karma-kanda)
of the Yajur Veda.

30. By the vow of celibacy one gains consecration, by consecration
one gains wealth and position. By wealth and position one gains faith,
by*faith comes the knowledge of truth.
31. He commences his second birth, who wearing the yajnopavit,
joins a well arranged yajna, the nature of which has been explained by the
learned, the vedas and God.

32. The exalted adorable sacrifices, equipped with food-stuffs,
make prosperous with oblations the yajna, great like the sun in the sky,
full of Soma juice, giver of heroes, the masters of physical and spiritual
forces. May we be happy, doing noble deeds, befriending the dignified
and learned persons, and gaining power.

33. O learned person, the strong essence of Soma, duly collected
by a charitable lady is drawn from plants. With that glanddening
essence impel with joy, the sacrificer, the learned lady, the scholarly
teachers and preachers, the supreme king and Commander, and the hero
that burns the foe like fire.

34. In this world, for wealth and physical strength, I drink and
feed on Soma plant, producer of activity, brilliant, giver of glory, full of
sweetness, highly invigorating, acquired by a learned lady and the King
and Commander from clouds that do not release water.

35. Whatever portion of this savoury fluid is clinging here, what
the sun drank with his powers of attraction, I drink and feed on that
brilliant Soma juice, with a pure mind.

36. We offer food and homage to our fathers who desire food and
water. We offer food and homage to our grandfathers, who desire food
and water. We offer food and homage to our great-grandfathers, who
desire food and water. O parents eat the food we have prepared. O
parents and teachers rejoice and make us full of joy. O preachers be
satisfied and satisfy us. O learned persons be purified and purify us.

37. May fathers, full of glory and mental peace, purify me with a
pure life of a hundred years. May grandfathers, purify me with a pure
life of a hundred years. May great grandfathers purify me with a pure
life of a hundred years. May learned and calm grandfathers purify me
with a happy, pure life of a hundred years. May sedate great-grandfathers
purify me with a pure life of a hundred years. May I obtain full length
of life.

38. O learned parents, ye purify the age-prolonging foodgrains,
send down upon us food and vigorous strength. Drive ye far away from
us the company of evil persons.

39. O learned amongst the born, just as the wise purify me with
knowledge and love, and purify our intellect, just as all material things
purify me, so shouldst thou purify me.

40. O refulgent learned person, imparter of knowledge, first purify
thyself with noble spiritual force, and then purify me. Purifying
thyself with intellect and acts purify my intellect and acts again and

41. O God purify me with Thy pure vedic knowledge diffused by
Thy pure lustrous nature.

42. God, Who in our midst, by His immaculate nature, is Pure and
Giver of different sciences, is ever our Purifier and Preacher. My He,
the Cleanser, make me clean.

43. O God, the Giver of happiness, Impeller for virtuous deedi,
with true behaviour, full glory, knowledge and exertion, purify me on
every side.

44. Vedic speech, the benefactor of humanity and the repository of knowledge comes unto us and purifies us.

Through her may we in sacrificial banquets taking our pleasure be the lords of riches.

45. The officials, who in the realm of a just king, are equal in status and knowledge, have their dwelling place, food, reverence and sense of fairness approved by the learned.

46. My folk yet living among those who live, are of one mind and
similar attributes. On me be set their wealth through a hundred years
in this world.

47. I have heard mention of two pathways of birth and death, the
ways of parents, the learned and the mortals. On these two roads each
moving creature travels. Each soul leaves the present parents and assumes
new ones.

48. May my fiery husband make my progeny abundant. May this
my married life bring me ten brave children, all good objects, physical
strength, good progeny, cattle, spiritual force and fearlessness, for my
welfare. O parents do ye confer on us food, milk, and manly vigour.

49. May our parents, who do not steal, know the truth, gain strength
of battles, through control of breath, protect us well. May the lowest,
highest, midmost elders calm and peaceful in nature, urge us on to battle.

50. Our elders are masters of different principles of knowledge,
preachers of new expositions on problems of learning, devotees of non-
violence, highly learned, and deserving of supremacy.

May we follow the sound advice of these adorable elders, and enjoy their gracious loving-kindness.

51. Our aged learned parents, tranquil in mind, highly rich, come again and again to our Soma banquet.

Let just and self-controlled son, desiring for nice food, giver of pleasure, fulfil all his desires, with the aid of our parents desirous of our protection.

52. O sedate learned fellow, thou art pre-eminent for wisdom. With
thy wisdom, thou followest the straightest path of happiness. Make me
also follow the same path. O learned fellow happy like the moon, the wise
parents, with thy excellent guidance, make us enjoy riches amongst the

53. O virtuous, glorious progeny, the religious deeds which our
aged, wise and learned persons perform with thee, so shouldst we.

O non-violent, religious child remove our enemy from all sides with
brave horsemen and bestow riches on us.

54. O moon-like gladdening noble son, taking vow with thy learned
fatherly teachers, spread pleasure, leading a religious life between the
Earth and Heaven.

O beautiful son, may we offer thee gifts for thy pleasure, and may we
become the lords of riches.

55. O justice loving fathers, who sit in an exalted assembly, come,
help us. Accept these eatables we have prepared for ye.

Come to us with most auspicious favour, grant us happiness and
purity of character, and keep miseries away from us.

56. I know the elders, who impart sound knowledge. I know the
eternal strength of God and His creation of the universe. May those visit
our homes, who solely devoted to God, with their soul-force, and self-
realisation, worship the Blissful Creator.

57. May they, the Fathers, worthy of homage, invited to their
excellent, favourite wealth of oblations, come nigh unto us, listen to ui,
preach unto us, and afford us protection.

58. May they our fathers, having knowledge of the science of fire
possessing mental peace, calmness and self-restraint come on Godward
pathways, enjoying at this sacrifice their meals, may they teach and
instruct us, and afford us protection.

59. May the learned persons, who know the science of fire and
material objects, are well-versed in politics, come now for the spread of
knowledge, visiting house to house, and staying there, eat the meals
prepared carefully. Hence, being engaged in the noble work of spreading
education, may they grant us riches with brave sons.

60. For those who know the science of fire, and are well-versed in
sciences other than fire, and enjoy in the midst of knowledge with their
own strength, may the Self Effulgent God. make long-lived this body
endowed with vital breaths.

61. We invite for the good of humanity, the sages who know the
science of fire, drink the medicinal juice of Soma, and are true to seasons.
May they be charitable to us, and make us lords of wealth.

62. O ye all learned people, injure us not for any sin which w
through human frailty have committed.

Bowing with the bent knees and seated on the right we pay ye
homage. Pray accept our respectful conduct.

63. Ye fathers grant riches to the charitably disposed persons and
your sons sitting near their fascinating mothers.

Always give them a portion of your treasure, so that they may there-
by gain energy.

64. O learned person, brilliant like fire and bestower of nice
objects on the wise, grant us the supremacy which thou through praise-
worthy eloquence considerest fit to be granted to the learned.

65. He, who persuades the learned to noble deeds, is resplendent
like fire with the light of knowledge, and reveres the sages advanced in
vedic lore, is fully fit to preach to the wise and the elders, the agreeable
branches of knowledge.
66. O son, possessing the eloquence of the learned, pure like fire,
praiseworthy, thou preparest fragrant meals. Offer them to the elders.
Let them take them as food. O learned donor, eat thou the food prepared
with effort.

67. O sharp witted scholar, thou knowest well the number of
fathers who are here and who are absent, whom we know and whom we
know not. Thou knowest a large number of them and they know thee.
Serve them with food and meritorious reverence.

68. Now let us offer food to the fathers who are more advanced than
us in age and knowledge, who have taken to Banprastha and Sanyas
Ashramas, who are engrossed in worldly affairs, and who work amongst the
people of high character.

69. O learned person, just as our noble, ancient elders, givers of
sound instructions, pure, devotees of truth, spreading knowledge, acquire
well-behaved wives and ground to dwell upon, remove ignorance, and
cast away the coverings of darkness, so shouldst thou serve them.

70. Right gladly do we make thee the store-house of knowledge.
Right gladly do we educate thee. Gladly bring yearning fathers nigh to
eat food.

71. O Commander of the army, just as the sun wrenches off the
head of the cloud full of water but unwilling to release it, so do thou
advance thy armies, and subdue all contending hosts.

72. A renowned sage, through yoga, and religious practices, over-
comes death and attains to salvation. Just as with food one gets strength,
so he reaches the final beatitude on the strength of truth, realises his
soul-force, manifests the supreme nature of his supreme soul, pure like
milk, immortal like the Supreme Spirit, and sweet like honey.

73. Just as swan -separates milk from water and drinks it, so a
learned person, the embodiment of action, through yogic practices,
strengthening his soul with pure food, acquires divine hearing, sweetness,
healing medicine, pure love, and immaculate divine speech mingled with
the eternal connection between word and its significance in all worldly

74. He 1vho enjoys the company of pure learned persons, is a dis-
criminator, willingly drinks Soma juice out of waters, purifies food with
vedic knowledge, is a cleanser of soul, equipped with the power of protec-
tion, knows God, is procurer of supremacy through the knowledge of yoga,
acquires happiness of soul sweet like honey, salvation, and the apparent
essence of knowledge.

75. A king, who along with one knowing all the four vedas, enjoys
his birth in a royal family and the milkwise invigorating essence of a
well-cooked food, and with justice coupled with learning and decorum,
administers his rule, the giver of glory, a gift from God, pre-eminent in all
dealings, the remover of the darkness of injustice, the bestower of valour,
and the source of diverse kinds of protection, always derives happiness
from this his administration fit for er joyment, inbued with justice, sweet-
ness, and delightfulness.

76. The generative organ releases urine, but when it enters the
womb, it releases semen. The caul-invested embryo leaves by its birth
the covering folds. The child, by the removal of covering folds, in their
contact with external air, acquires the wealth of soul, pure, excellent
and enjoyable ; and is endowed with these eyes, sweet like juice, and
source of everlasting knowledge.

77. God through His pure knowledge, viewing both forms hai
explained truth and falsehood. He has assigned the lack of faith to false-
hood, and faith to truth. He alone is worthy of worship by all, who is
the Abolisher of irreligiousness, Purifier, Sustainer, Truth personified.
Path-indicator of mind, Revealer of manly vedic truth, Giver of salvation,
Adorable, and source of knowledge.

78. The soul, full of real knowledge, with the help of all the four
vedas, realises the essence of Truth and Untruth. It acquires for itself
foodstuffs as meals, riches, the givers of valour and righteous character,
water, milk, imperishable, knowledge, sweet delicious articles, and the
knowledge bestowed by God.

79. The king, who is easily accessible to all, and in a just manner,
having carefully examined the juice of efficacious medicines, with pure
intention, drinks the delight-giving, drinkable juice of medicines and
enjoys the pleasure of knowledge, acquires God-given wealth, the procurer
of pure food, and the giver of good drinks, the strength of a hero, and the
sweet, disease-healing nectar of a glorious person.

80. Just as wise sages understand problems with mental force,
prepare bullets with lead, and cloths with woollen thread, so do the learned,
an educated wife, teachers and preachers perform sacrifice (yajnaX and a
skilled physician arranges for the elegance of affluence.

81. Teacher, pupil and examiner, these three divine forces, impart
and receive education.

With wisdom and deed, they with long hair, perform the sacrifice in
diverse ways. We should understand the eternal nature of this sacrifice.
Illiterate youths are not entitled to perform sacrifice (yajna). Hide, meat,
parched grain should not be used in the yajna for oblation,

82. Whomsoever child, a good, intelligent mother gives birth to, that handsome baby with its internal organs, bones and marrow, should be protected on this earth with medicinal juices, like a well, by a physician and his wife, the infusers of life like vital airs.

83. The learned wife, with her knowledge, like birth, adorns her beautiful, well built body, and prepares meals, the removers of physical discomforts, available from all sides, ready at hand, the givers of delight like nectar. Her thoughtful husband receives pure ideas from his father and mother free from untruth.

84. Those learned persons get progeny, who chase afar folly and ill intention, generate near at hand, by milk and medicinal juices, through generative organ, pure, disease-destroying, children-producing semen, that it present in all substances, and causes harm through excessive discharge.

A learned doctor

85. A learned doctor, guarding the body against disease, giving us medical directions, removing sickness, realises through his soul the exact nature of disease, and with prescribed food, does not allow our lungs, liver, throat-artery, kidney and bile to be affected.

86. Entrails in the body are the cauldron for cooking food in which honey is mixed, bowels are the pans. This earth the bestower of glory is like a well-milking cow. A hawk's wing is the spleen. Navel, the centre of all strength is like the king's cushion. Belly is like a mother.

Husband and Wife

67. A husband full of semen like a pitcher, enjoyer, progenitor of children, taker of good meals, full of nourishments, doer of noble deeds, master of hundreds of speeches, deep like a large pitcher, is like one who is engaged in the execution of his duty. A wife is a small jar of water. It
is incumbent upon both to give food to their parents and protect the
embryo in the womb.

88. Just as a wife, the recipient of semen, at the time of cohabita-tion keeps her head opposite to the head of the husband, and her face opposite to that of his, so should both husband and wife perform together their domestic duties. A husband is a protector like a physician. He lives happily like a child, and with tranquillity produces progeny with penis keen with ardour.

89. The immortal eyes are like the planets of the sun and moon. The goat's milk and cooked food give them keenness. Eyelashes are like wheat, and eyebrows are jujube. The white and black parts of the eye
spread its beauty.

90. Just as a learned lady with her husband, through mutual cloie relations, gives birth to a child, charming like jujubes, so for vigour in the nostril is made the immortal path of breath. The vyan breath goes through the body, guarding it and vying with other breaths, adds to the forces of the nostril

91. A learned person acquires yoga, through acts of comprehension, hears with both ears, uses pure water, exercises organs of action,  performs acts of advancement, controls breath in Sushurana and concentrates thought in the midst of eyebrows, utters from his mouth God's knowledge.  All this is the manifestation of His divine power.


92- When a yogi visualises God in his soul at the time of Samadhi (concentration) his hair grow long like those of the wolf. His beard and moustache grow like the hair of a tiger. The hair of his head and tonsure grow like those of a lion. His organs are endowed with lustre, glory and royal power.

93. Just as a woman devoted to yoga, engrossed in deep meditation, practising the limbs of yoga puts her soul in contemplation, so should husband and wife free from disease like a good physician, practise the parts of yoga and attain to the beauty of supremacy. As men practising yoga live for a hundred years, so should we, full of happiness, realise the immor-
tal nature of the soul.

94. O yogi, you should reach your siddhis like other successful persons in the duties. 

95. The ghee of animals is eatable and giver of physical strength. The juice of medicines and delicious sugar mixed with milk also add to physical strength. The water yielded by two efficacious agencies, the sun and moon and lightning is also invigorating. The pressed and unpressed medicinal Soma juice acts like nectar.

94. A yogi has to attain to yoga siddhis. There are eight limbs of yoga : Yam, Nijam, Atan Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

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