Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 34


1. That which, divine, mounts far when man is waking, that which returns to him when he is sleeping.

The lights' one light that goeth to a distance, may that, my mind, be moved by auspicious resolve.

2. Whereby the virtuous, thoughtful and wise persons, in religious performances, learned assemblies and battles, perform their duties. The peerless spirit stored in living creatures, may that, my mind be moved by auspicious resolve.

Wisdom, intellect, and firmness, immortal light

3. That which is wisdom, intellect, and firmness, immortal light which creatures have within them. That without which men can do no single action, may that, my mind, hanker after God and be moved by
noble resolve.

4. Whereby, coupled with immortal God, the past, present and future all are comprehended, whereby spreads sacrifice by Seven Hotas, may that, my mind, aim at salvation.

5. Wherein the Richas, Samans, Yajur-verses and the Atharva veda, like spokes within a cart's nave, are included, and all the knowledge of human beings is inwoven, may that, my mind, be actuated with the
noble resolve of propagating the Vedas.

6. The mind controls men. It dwells within the heart, is free from old age, drives men into sensuality, and is most rapid. May that, my mind, be moved by right intention.

7. I glorify eagerly the king who possesses food, justice and a strong army. He conquers the foes, just as the sun rends limb by limb the cloud filled with water.

8. O learned king of favourable disposition, grant us happiness, which thou dost consider conducive. Urge us to wisdom, and strength; and prolong the days of our life.

9. May the man of favourable knowledge approve friendly this day our sacrifce among the learned. May he and master of the science of oblation-bearing fire, bring bliss to the charitably disposed person.

10. O lovely, strong, broad-tressed, famous, beautiful, educated virgin, sister of the learned, accept the desired husband, and grant us progeny.

11. Five organs of cognition, emanating from their common source, the mind, like five rivers speed onward to speech. The flowing speech, in its dwelling place, the mouth, becomes fivefold.

12. O God, may Thou the Most-renowned, the Assuager of souls, the Master of knowledge, the Scholar of scholars, be our Well-wisher
and Friend.

After Thy holy Law, sages and ordinary mortals, wise and prudent in actions with their splendid weapons, are born.

13. OGod, noble in qualities, actions and nature, preserve our wealthy patrons and our bodies with Thy succours. O Venerable God, Guard art thou of our sons, grandsons and cows, incessantly protecting in
Thy holy law.

14. O learned person, just as a well-versed aspiring scholar per-forms sacrifice fyajna) for the sake of rain in this vast Earth and atmos-phere, and the son of a praiseworthy woman, acting as the promoter of
non-violent persons, becomes famous for his knowledge and establishes his beautiful strength, so shouldst thou nourish thyself.

15. O sagacious king, we establish thee on the Earth in its centre in the post of a ruler, for granting us valuable substances.

16. O men, just as we, with sinless acts, for the sake of knowledge, the reciters in well-trained utterances of vedic verses, replete with ins-tructions, expatiate on religious lore, and long for the hero, the force of knowledge, and scriptures, dear like vital breath, and honour this vener-
able person, so should ye.

17. O men, just as the knowers of the true nature of soul, showing respect unto us, knowing all the branches of the science of creation, and learned ancestors, for the great man imbued with physical and spiritual force, and for you, grant us disciplined speech and the knowledge of the Sama Veda, highly useful for the attainment of strength, unto them should ye show respect and offer food.

18 O king, honour those, who are affluent, friendly, gleaners of might, masters of knowledge, silent endurers of the abuses of the people. None is wiser than thee, hence all long for thee.

19. O king, just as in the kindled fire these morning yajnas are performed, whereby the clouds come together, so come thou hither in conveyances moved by water and fire for acquiring permanent happiness. In this way even the distant places are not far for thee.

20. Invincible in fight, saviour of armies, giver of happiness, giver of life, protector of might, winner of battles, sovereign lord of the Earth, exceeding famous, victor, in thee may we rejoice, O King.

21. To him who reveres the king, teacher or preacher, he gives speech full of learning, wealth conducive to truthful conduct, a fleet steed, a brave son, active in duties, well-mannered, skilled in the performance of sacrifice (yajna), recipient of knowledge from his father, and competent in

22. These herbs, these milch-kine, and these running waters, all these, O Soma, Thou hast generated. The spacious firmament hast Thou expanded, and with light hast Thou dispelled darkness,

23. O King, possessing a strong army, might, and fine attributes, with thy godly spirit, win for us a share of riches.

Thou art the lord of valour, let none subdue thee. With a desire for extreme happiness, in this world and the next, remove our impediments just as a disease is removed.

24. The radiant, urging sun, comes giving choice treasures to the charitably disposed person. His brightness illumines the earth's eight directions, the three regions, and the seven rivers upto twelve miles.

25. The sun, the recipient of water with his hands, the radiant rays, the exhibitor of all substances, the creator of all edibles, rises and moves between the Heaven and Earth, and removes the disease of

At the time of setting it fills the atmosphere on all sides with dark night.

26. The Sun. with its hands of gleaming rays, kind benefactor, the bringer of rain, the giver of happiness, self refulgent, driving off demons and thieves, rises, removing human physical weaknesses. May he bring us happiness, illuminating all substances.

27. O highly learned fellow, brilliant like the Sun, thy dustless path-ways, followed by the ancient scholars, are well established in the air's mid region, like those of the Sun. Come by those paths so fair to travel : make us ever tread upon them, preserve us and instruct us.

28. O teacher and preacher, lustrous like the Sun and Moon, grant us well protected, faultless, comfortable houses where ye may drink nice juices.

29. O learned teacher and preacher, the dispellers of afflictions, and givers of joys, make ye our speech and wisdom effectual. Protect us against gambling, strive for your prosperity in battle. I praise ye both;
work for my advancement,

30. O King and Commander of the army, just as the Earth, Ocean, atmosphere and heaven portect us, so ye both, friendly and chastisers of the wicked, through day and night, protect us on every side, with harm-less riches.

31. O learned persons, with full observation, use full well the lustrous electricity, which resides in the solar system, standing through attraction, fixes in its respective sphere the immortal cause and the
mortal effect, and with its blazing, beautiful nature, grants prosperity, and pervades material objects.

32. O men, use properly^ the great Night, which covers the places of light, which hath filled the planet Earth and Sun's mid regions, whose terrific darkness comes and goes.

33. O Dawn enriched with ample wealth, bestow on us that wond-rous light wherewith we may support the babies and young sons, as does an accomplished wife.

34. We invoke God at dawn, we pray for progress at dawn, we practice breath control at dawn, we respect father and mother* at dawn. At dawn we invoke God, the Lord of the vedas, the Sustainer of all, and Adorable by all. We use medicinal herbs in the morning, and at dawn we try to realise the true nature of soul.

35. God is the Master of infinite power, the Sustainer of manifold worlds, the Conqueror of all, the Object of adoration by all, the awe-inspiring Chastises of the wicked, may we worship Him in morning.
Thinking of Whom the indigent, impatient, mighty person, even the King says, 'let me share His bounty.'

36. O Glorious God, Goader of men to action, Giver of wealth, Master of riches, fit for adoration, grant us wisdom and afford us protection,

O God, the Giver of knowledge, increase our store of kine and horses. O God, may we be rich in men and heroes.

37. O noble, pure God, may prosperity be ours at present, in future, and during the day-time.

May we, O Bounteous Lord, at the rising of the Sun, be happy,
in the wake of the excellent wisdom of the learned.

38. O learned persons, God verily is Supreme. May we become
supreme through Him. O God, all invoke Thee. O Supreme God, be
Thou our leader in this world.

39. O men, Dawns like a disciplined horse, incline us to acquire a
pure, desirable, non-violent conduct.

As strong steeds draw a chariot, may they remind us of the pre-
sence of the Mighty God, the Lord of riches.

40. O learned ladies, just as Dawns, full of nice cold water, and
manifold beams, awakeners of heroic persons; auspicious, bestowers of
pure water, advancing magnificently from all sides, dawn on our assembly,
so should ye adorn our assembly and preserve us evermore with your
health giving joys,

41. O nourhishing God, may we following Thy Law, never suffer
pain. We, in this world, are singers of Thy praise.

42. O men, Mighty God, with His vedic speech, noble intention,

saintly Nature, gives us from time immemorial sources of happiness
which keep afflictions away. He excellently establishes our wisdom
and actions. He ever possesses good qualities, acts and nature. May we
praise the Adorable God, who guards all pathways,

43. The Merciful, Protecting, All-Pervading God, establishing
His sacred laws, is thenceforth the creator of the three steps of the causal,
subtle and gross forms.

44. The ever vigilant, the singers of the praise of God, and the learned yogis, realise His most sublime Nature.

45. By God's decree, the Sun and the Earth, full of light and water, ornamentors of the world created, vast, full of diverse objects, filled with sweet water, beautiful in their form, imperishable, rich in seed,
stand apart firmly established.

46. Let those who are our foemen stand apart from us. With airy and fiery weapons we will drive them off. The Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas have exalted me, made me pre-eminent, mighty, thinker, and
sovereign lord.

47. O devotees of truth, ye learned persons amongst the officials and the subjects, knowing the thirty three gods, come for enjoying medicinal juices. Wipe out sins, ward off enemies, perform noble deeds
with zeal and energy; and prolong the days of life.

48. O mortals, may this praise and speech of the magnanimous,
laudable and energetic artisan be conducive to your benefit. Protect well
with food the body of the aged. For long life may we acquire strength,
knowledge and food.

49. Those who study together the religious lore, who read together
the vedas and enjoy happiness, who return home from the Gurukula
after observing Brahmcharya and completing their studies, who are to-
gether advanced in knowledge, who are masters of seven divine forces, are
veritable Rishis, the knowers of the vedas. Such calm, wise persons view-
ing the path of ancient sages take up the reins of noble deeds like a

50. Bestowing length of life, splendour, increase of wealth, and con-
quering power, may this brightly shining gold and food be attached to me
for victory.

51. The strength acquired by the learned in the Brahmcharya
Ashrama, can be destroyed neither by demons nor by fiends. Whoever
possesses the strength of celibacy, lives a long life among the sages, and
also lives a long life among thoughtful persons.

52. Noble persons with benevolent thoughts, full of sagacity and learning, lords of hundreds of soldiers, bind me in knowledge which dis-tinguishes between truth and untruth. I possess that in me for life
through hundred autumns, that I may live till ripe old age overtakes me.

53. May the unborn God, the Support of all like the atmosphere, Indestructible, the Expander of the world, the Creator of all regions, the Master of permanent knowledge, hear our words. May all the learn-ed persons, the protagonists of truth, vying with each other for advance-
ment, and texts recited by the sages protect us.

54. I listen with rapt attention to these eternal true sayings of the vedas preached by majestic kings.

May associates, intelligentsia, distributors, and noble persons hear our words purifying the conduct like water.

55. Seven Rishis are established in the body ; these seven guard it with unceasing care.

These seven enter the soul in the body of him who lies asleep. At that time two sleepless gods, the protectors of soul, keep waking.

56. Arise, O learned person, the guardian of vedic wealth, we longing for learned teachers pray to thee. May those persons who give good gifts, approach thee, and enjoy thou in a righteous manner the
gifts offered.

57. God, in Whom the Sun, Moon, breaths, air and all good attri-butes, seek their dwelling-place, is verily the Guardian of the vedic lore. He preaches the solemn hymn of praise.

58. O God, Protector of the universe, the learned sing Thy praise in the yajna, and we brave people accept Thee as Mighty, be Thou the regulator of this our hymn, instruct the lover of knowledge, and satisfy all virtuous souls.

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