Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 14



1. O woman,  Enter in a religious spirit the  stable domestic life (Grihastha Ashrama). Use the vast knowledge of the art of cooking. May the learned teachers and preachers, admirers of pure domestic life, settle you in it. May you have a permanent house. Maintain the house  resolutely.

2. O woman, collect plenty of water. You are capable of giving pleasures, and give them to your family members as per the vedic instructions for the auspiciousness. May the learned teachers
and preachers, admirers of pure domestic life, settle you in your duties. 

3. O woman, you  should advance in this world like master of any activity or task. Just as a father looks to the comforts of his son, so shouldst thou. With pleasure adorning thy body with clothes and ornaments enter bodily the domestic life with thy husband. May the teachers and preachers, themselves admirers of  pure domestic life, settle thee in it.

4. O woman, thou art aspirant after vedic eulogies. Thou art the protectrixof the earth, handsome and well-named ; full of butter and other good edibles. May all the learned persons revere thee. Stay in
this domestic life. Give us wealth that produces good children. May the learned teachers and preachers, themselves admirers of pure domestic life, settle thee in it.

5. O wife, I, thy learned husband, engaged in the performance of
noble deeds, establish thee on the surface of the earth, as mistress of the
house, thee, the recipient of deathless mental knowledge, the mainstay of
all directions, the guardian of the house, the place of hearing children.
I establish thee on the earth like the rays of sun, as mistress of the house.
Thou art pleasant like the wave of waters. May the learned teachers and
preachers, the performers of sacrifice for self-protection, establish thee
in this domestic life.

6. May-June (Jayeshth), and June-July (Asarh) constitute the
summer. This season due to intense heat, removes cough. May
Heaven and Earth, may waters, medicinal plants, and fires, obeying
the exact laws of nature, separately contribute to my prosperity in
this season.

May fires, similar in nature, that exist between the heaven and
earth, make the summer strong, just as spiritual forces strengthen the
soul. O husband and wife, receiving life from God, remain steady like
Heaven and Earth.

7. O man or woman, the learned teachers and preachers, thy
'guardians, establish thee in this world, for the acquisition of all objects,
and mastering the science of fire, and we too establish thee.

Associate thyself with seasons, love waters, cultivate virtuous
traits, try to prolong life and recite the Gayatri Mantra, hold dear thy
breaths the source of happiness.

O active man or woman, the learned teachers and preachers, thy
guardians, establish thee in this domestic life, for the attainment of God,
the Leader of the universe, and we too establish thee. Associate
thyself with seasons, love waters, be friendly towards Vasus, live in the
company of highly learned persons, the imparters of knowledge.

O celibate man or woman, seeker after knowledge, the learned
teachers and preachers, thy guardians, establish thee in this Brahmcharya
Ashram (student life) for the study of religious books, the source of
happiness for all $ and we too establish thee.

Associate thyself with seasons, hold dear thy Pranas (vital breaths)
which retain all objects ; love the Rudras } befriend the learned, who
arrange for the study of the vedas.

O learned man or woman, the learned teachers and preachers, thy
guardians, establish thee in this world, for spreading knowledge and
happiness unto all, and we too establish thee. Lead thy life according
to seasons, love all noble deeds, regulate thy diet and sport according to
twelve months of the year. Be friendly towards the highly learned
persons, who arrange for the preaching of full knowledge.

O manor woman, the preacher of true ideas, the learned teachers
and preachers, the guardians of vedic lore, establish thee in this world,
for the diffusion of knowledge useful to humanity; and we too establish

Regulate thy life according to seasons 5 perform pleasure-giving acts,
love all the preachers of truth, and cultivate friendly relations, with the
discriminators between truth and falsehood for the good of others, and for
the dispensers of pleasant life.

8. O husband, guard thou my pran, guard my apan. Guard my
vyan through different nice devices. Illumine my eye. Fill my ear with
religious sermons. Strengthen my vital breaths. Get medicinal plants.
Protect bipeds. Protect quadrupeds. Manage well the household affairs,
as sun, with its brilliance pours the rain.

9. The Brahman is foremost in the society, like head in the body.
His force lies in the protection of humanity through knowledge, religion
and austerity. The Kshatriya is a class amongst men. His power lies
in affording happiness to humanity through justice, humility and strength.
The Vaishya is another class, who amasses foodstuffs. His strength lies
in becoming the lord of riches. The artisan, Shudra is another class of
men, whose strength lies in doing hard work.

The king, the doer of all good acts is, lovable, lord of all subjects
and independent. It is the duty of man at the helm of affairs, to muster
different forces for the protection of his body. It is the duty cf the strong
man, who is competent to give happiness to others, to attain to supremacy,
and grant power to others,

It is the duty of an affluent person to nourish his family. It is the
duty of a man heroic like a tiger, to be invincible by an enemy. He who
is powerful to subdue foes, powerful like the lion, should afford protection
to his people, like the roof of the house.

He who like the camel can take upon his shoulders this responsibility
of managing the affairs of the State, should like the earth take upon him-
self the burden of all enterprises. _

It is the duty of a man, strong like an ox, to protect his subjects and
treat all straightly and justly.

It is the duty of a person well-known for his intellect and honour, to
undertake projects that lie before him.
10. Like the bull that conveys the cart, the physically developed
person should ripen his semen and undertake duties of a house-holder.
The souls that like the milch-cow nourish others, are fit to rear the world.

The master of the three vedas should praise God through action,
contemplation and knowledge.

The person brilliant like the sun, should through eminence and know-
ledge illumine himself and others. He who controls his five organs, can
control his five breaths. He, who is engrossed in action, contemplation
and knowledge, is fit to eradicate his sins.

He who knows all the four vedas, constantly prays to God.

11. O husband and wife, behaving like lightning and earth, with
mature intellect, make your domestic life cemented like a brick. Just as
the sun and earth with their might restrict the atmosphere, so should ye
bind your foes and remove miseries. O man just as thou removest the
affliction of thy wife, so shouldst she remove thine.

12. O woman, may thy husband well-versed in doing various noble
deeds, fix in his heart thee, full of reverence, praiseworthy knowledge,
and vast store of learning. Thou shouldst offer water to all, for the safety
of their Pran, Vyan, Udan, and Saman, for their prosperity and preser-
vation of character. Increase the store of laudable, pure water. Don't
destroy the sweet and disease-uprooting water. May thy husband, loving
thee like life, keep thee safe with great well-being, his splendour and
pleasant knowledge. Live constantly with thy godly husband like the

13. O woman, thou art brilliant like the East, modest like the
South, calm and lustrous like the West, self-effulgent like the North.
Like the vast upper and lower directions, thou hast been made the mistress
of the house. Please thou thy husband and other relatives.

14. O woman, may thy husband, the doer of various noble deeds,
establish like sun-light on water, in his heart, thee, full of knowledge.
Grant full light to all the members of the family for strengthening their
Pran, Apan, Vyan. Thy husband dear like vital breath, is thy Lord.
Live constantly with thy godly husband like the sun.

15. Shravan (July-August) and Bhadrapada (August-September)
constitute the rainy season, and they contribute to my prosperity. In them
there is the touch of heat and cold.

Just as the Sky and Earth thrive in these months, so shouldst ye,
husband and wife, prosper with your enjoyment.

Just as waters, plants and fires separately thrive in the rainy season,
so should noble persons, with unanimity of purpose, and sameness of
knowledge, prosper.

Just as the Sky and Earth thrive in the rainy season, so should learned
persons utilizing the rainy season for their comfort, come in contact with
it like lightning. O husband and wife, live together in this season firmly
and affectionately like breath.

16. O men, Aswin (September-October) and Kartik (October-Novem-
ber) constitute the Autumn season. Both these months contribute to my
enjoyable comforts. In them there is the touch of heat and cold. Let
them make the Sky and Earth thrive. Let waters and plants grow by
their means. Let the fires of our body that regulate all actions function
separately. Let the learned people enter these two months gloriously,
desiring for happiness. O husband and wife live together firmly like
space, in this good season.

17. Preserve my life, Preserve my Pran. Guard my Apan. Guard
my Vyan. Preserve my eyes. Preserve my ears. Strengthen my speech
with good instructions. Satisfy my mind. Preserve my soul. Vouchsafe
me light of knowledge.

18. Wisdom gives pleasure. Intellect grants strength. Discern-
ment gives freedom. Food gives physical force. Yoga with five
components gives light. Affection gives fame. Matter affords shelter.
Intense attachment to pleasure creates sexual enjoyment. The mani-
festation of different sciences gives knowledge. The worshipper of God
knows Him. Dependence on physical, mental, and spiritual enjoyments
gives happiness. The force that rules the universe is the source of
strength and pleasure. People should take advantage of these and add
to their store of happiness.

19. Earth is full of freedom. Heaven is extremely pleasant.
Light is knowlege. Years enhance our wisdom. The stars are free in

their movements. Let speech be truthful and mind free from fraud.
Husbandry leads to produce. Gold gives comforts. Cow is the source
of happiness. Goat gives us pleasure. Horses are free in motion.

20. Fire, wind, sun, moon, vasus, Rudras, Adityas, learned men
of contemplative mood, all good objects, God the protector of the
universe and the vedas, well earned riches, and water are devatas, i.e.,
highly useful things. Men and women should take advantage of these

21. O woman, thou art excellent like the sun, thou art pure and
firm like the lustrous sun that moves in its orbit. Thou art the rearer
of progeny like the nourishing earth. I accept thee for longevity, for
food, for agriculture, for peace and happiness.

22. O wife thou art stable like a machine, full of brilliance,
forbearing like the earth, firm like the sky, full of determination, and
embodiment of virtue. I accept thee for the fulfilment of desires, for
the attainment of valour, riches and prosperity.

23. The year contains heat, cold and moderate heat, cold.

The moon waxes and wanes for fifteen days. The year, like the
vast atmosphere is seventeenfold. The year, the support of all sub-
stances is twentyonefold.

The fast fleeting year is eighteenfold.
The year giving warmth to all like the sun, is nineteenfold.
The year that confronts men is twentyfold.
The powerful year is twentytwofold.
The year, the nourisher of all is twenty three-fold.
The year, the resort of all beings is twenty four-fold.
The year that keeps human beings under its control is twenty five-
The vigorous year is twentyseven-fold.

The year, the field for work is thirtyqne-fold.

The year, the cause of the residence of all, is thirty-three-fold.

The year, pervaded by the Almighty Father, is thirty-four-fold.

The year, the giver of happinsss is thirty six-fold.

The year, in which we move in various ways, is forty eight-fold.

The year, is the retainer of all objects, and the support of praises
in the four directions.

O men know this to be the year.

24. O learned person, thou art like the year. Practising celibacy,
attain to the sovereignty of a Brahmin family. Being pure in body,
word and mind, and worthy of praise, thou art the embodiment of supre-
macy ; attain to the sovereignty of a royal Kshatriya family, loved by the
All-pervading God. Being fifteen-fold praiser, thou art like the part of
objects^described by the people ; attain to the desired birth and right of
a sustainer. Laudable in seventeen ways, thou art the part of Pran ;
attain to the sovereignty of waters. Served by air, thou art like the
twenty-one-fold praiser, draw rain from the sun through Homa (sacrificial

25. O learned parson, thou art served by the Vasu Brahmcharis,
Control thou the ten Pranas and the soul. Twentyfour-fold praiser, thou
art honoured by the Aditya-Brahmcharis ; rear the cattle like cows ; and
be the mxster of men. Deserving praise in twenty-five ways, thou art
like a part of light.

Acquiring the serviceable power of the earth, attain to sovereignty.
Deserving praise in twenty seven ways, thou art the creation of pleasant

God, acquire the strength granted thee by God, the protector of the vedas.
Thou, the worshipper with vedic verses, filled with knowledge and noble
qualities, shouldst know all the directions, fit for affection, deserving to be
fully mastered, and knowable by good people

26. O man thou usest the mixed substances, as is done in autumn.
Having sovereignty over objects with different natures, with affection,
thou shouldst nourish the people worthy of sustenance. Thou art worthy
of praise in forty-four ways, and fit to be revered by the wise. Having
acquired the power exercised by all the learned persons in the past, and
being worthy of praise in thirty-three ways ; thou deservest respect
from us.

27. For my aged elders, the mid November to mid January months
constitute the winter season. These two months are the life and soul of
winter. In this season there is a slight touch of heat. In that season let
Sky and Earth be competent to do their duty; let waters, medicinal
plants, and bright fires be separately vigorous.

Men of contemplative mood, regulated in life, unanimous in purpose
should make the strong Earth and Sky perform their duty. Let the
learned keeping in view these two glorious months, enter them. Let the
good people full of affection for God attain to happiness by regulating their
diet and recreation.

28. O men, God is the creator and protector of all. Praise Him
with your speech. He has educated humanity through the vedas. God is
the guardian of the vedas and the Lord of all. He has revealed the vedas
full of knowledge. Praise Him with the movement of three Pran, Udan
and Vyan breaths. He has created all the worlds. He is their Protector,
and Protector of the protectors. Praise Him with the help of Saman
breath, perception, intellect, self consciousness and mind. He has created
the seven Rishis He is the Sustamer and Lord of all. Praise Him
with the help ot Nag, Kurma, Knkal, Deva Dutta, Dhananjaya (breaths),
desire and effort.

29. O men, God has created wise persons. The mother-like
nourishing Earth is our lord. Praise God with nine breaths. He has
created the seasons. The attributes of those seasons respectively reign
supreme in them. Praise God with ten pranas and soul. He has created
the twelve months. The year is the master of time. Praise God with
thirteen objects. He has created the Kshatriyas. The sun lords over
us through his intense glory. Praise God with fifteen objects. He has
created the village cattle, and the vaishas, who are our supporters.
Praise God through seventeen objects.

30. O men God has created the day and night for work, and the
Shudia and Arya. Praise Him through nineteen objects. He has
created water, which is dear like life. He has created one-hoofed
animals. Praise Him through twenty-one objects. He has created this
strong Earth, the cause of our protection, and that of small animals.
Praise Him through twenty-three objects. He has created the forest
animals, and the air that rears us. Praise Him through twenty five

He has created the Heaven and Earth, the Vasus, the Rudras, and
the Adityas'. Those forces of nature and learned persons are our protectors.
Praise Him through twenty-seven objects.

31. O men, God has created the trees, Soma is their head. Praise Him with twenty-nine objects. He has created the important plants, the forests, the dust-rays, the different parts of the matter with their
attributes of Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Atoms are their over-lord. Praise Him with thirty one objects. Through His grace all big forces of Nature attain to calmness, God, the Sustainer of men, the Pervader of the universe, is over-lord. Praise Him through thirty-three objects. 

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