Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 28 - Sacrificers, Charitable Persons and Learned Persons



1. O sacrificer,  You  should keep company with  the masters of noble qualities  and  the mightiest of the lords of men.

2. O sacrificer, the pleasure-giving person, with due protections and religious paths, rich in valuable advice befriends the mighty king. You should also cultivate friendly intercourse with him.

3. O sacrificer, just as a person, with well-trained modes of speech, wins the king, you  should also   cultivate friendly inter-course with him.

4. O giver of charity, just as a person desirous of happiness, with Vasus, Rudras and Adityas for companions, in the Assembly of the learned, wins the favour of the king, adorned with statesmanship, near whom are seated noble learned advisers, full of power, who appreciates the noble deeds of men, and sits in the court to administer justice, and acquires happiness, so shouldst thou be happy.

5. O sacrificer, just as spacious gates, like the fast flow of water, enhance power, lustre and dignity j so should the learned have access to the expedients of knowledge and humility in this sociable world, for the kind, heroic and mighty king. They should learn the art of administration. Hota should perform the yajna, so shouldst thou do.

6. O giver of happiness, just as two cows living in the open air, the fulfillers of ouf noble desires, behaving mother-like, nourish the highly developed calf, like material fire and sun's heat, the two aspects of lightning, and just as Hota performs the yajna with oblations, so shouldst thou do.

7. O physician, regular in thy meals and recreation, just as two physicians, givers of happiness, expert in the diagnosis of physical ills, excellent amongst the learned, dispellers of disease* friendly to each
other, wise, full of the knowledge of medical science, experienced in the art of medicine, adepts in medical treatment, treat the ills of the soul, amass wealth for worldly progress, and attain to longevity, so shouldst thou do.

8. O aspirant after happiness, just as a teacher, the imparter and recipient of learning, performs the duty of reading and teaching ; just as a teacher, a preacher and a physician, developing the three humours,
ie., bone, marrow and semen, engrossed in actions, imbibe Ida, Saraswati and Bharati, the three efficacious and highly venerable speeches, the illuminators of knowledge, full of instructions ana protectors of the soul, so shouldst thou cultivate them.

9. O inculcator of good virtues, just as an abstemious person,
befriends a physician, the remover of physical maladies, the possessor of
riches, full of many qualities, physically strong, highly social, brilliant, and
supreme, and in obedience to the soul, the urger of knowledge, controlling
his senses, gains power, so shouldst thou do.

10. O charitably disposed person, just as a performer of yajna,
associates with a sacrificer, the provider of shelter like the sun, the master
of manifold wisdom, the doer of deeds $ and with practical rules of conduct,
enjoys the wealth of the world, displayed by him, and performs yajna with
savoury butter, so shouldst thou do.

Learned person,

11. O imparter of knowledge, just as a person who acquires learning and prosperity, and grants us affluence, studies the truthful sayings of religious lore, understands the working of oily substances, listens to the
excellent lovely words of little children, attends the performance of Homa
by persons who speak the truth and act upon it, acquires the active,
mighty supremacy of wisdom that emanates from the beautiful teachings
of religious books , and just as learned persons, delighted with kind words
of truth, and drinking clarified butter attain to greatness, so shouldst
thou perform yajna.

12. O learned person, just as an oblation in Homa, performed in the,
day and at night, transgressing the air and water in the atmosphere, adds
to the wealth of the world, and protected in the altar by ghee and fuel,
contributes to health, and increases our happiness, so shouldst thou
associate with a heroic, dignified man of learning, who is accompanied by
well-mannered learned persons possessing riches vast like the space.

13. O learned person, just as excellent, brilliant doors, and a praise-
worthy, young, heroic boy, making the horse march on a path leaving
aside the blind well, add to our prestige, so shouldst thou acquiring wealth,
and removing all impediments, enjoy this rich world and perform sacrifice.

14. O learned person, just as pleasant, lovely and lustrous day and
night, goad the sacrificer to action in a yajna, and just as they for proper
use of wealth, approach the just and educated persons, nay the whole world,
so shouldst thou perform yajna.

15. O learned person, just as lustrous day and night, wealth-givers,
engulfing all objects, heighten the radiant sun, and one of them the night
drives away hatreds and sins ; the other, the Dawn brings boons and
treasures ; and just as day and night in which men receive education,
under the sky on this earth a part of the world, comprehend the active
sacrificer, so shouldst thou perform yajna.

16. O learned person, just as educated persons, in this world, the
creation of God, in day and night, comprehend the soul intent upon the
acquisition of spiritual knowledge ; and just as day and night the retainers
of strength and breath, the givers of happiness, gladden us with water,
impel our noble ambitions and add to our prosperity, one of which brings
food and energy, the other feast and drinks, and just as the outgoing and
in-coming nights blend the old energy with the new and new with the old,
and day and night, the decreasers of life and dissipators of strength,
preserve our existence so shouldst thou perform yajna.

17. O learned person, just as pleasant air and fire, celebrated for
their excellent attributes, the sustainers of the world heighten the radiant
sun's might, exterminate the diseases that kill the sinful thieves, and acting
as monitors to the soul, procure us riches and drinkable water in God's
world, so shouldst thou perform yajna.
18. O learned person, Bharati, the speech, uttered through breath,
Saraswati, the speech full of wisdom, and Ida, the speech enriched with
wealth, and the performer of yajna, occupy the householders. These three
divine forms of speech, heighten the might of the lustrous and protecting
soul. For gain of wealth they are cherished by the householders, Aspire
after them and may thou master them.

19. O learned person, just as the soul hankering after eminence,
praised by men, masters of various houses comfortable in all times, the
past, present and future, develops brilliant electricity with hundred devices,
and seated on the back of fast-moving animals engages himself in thousand
forms of activities ; and just as the pran and udan, the companions of the
soul fit to earn living, electricity the guardian of great projects of the
world, laudable sun and moon, and the man willing to perform yajna, are
all made serviceable by the soul for helping the aspirant after riches ; so
shouldst thou perform yajna.

20. O learned person, just as Vanaspati,. imbued with fine qualities,
with leaves shining like gold, sweet boughs, fair fruit, bestower of
praiseworthy benefits, heightens the cloud, the remover of poverty, and
full of nice attributes ; and being highly important desires light, establishes
the Earth and space and grows for the soul, the diffuser of wealth in the
world, so shouldst thou perform yajna.

21. O learned person, just as the beautiful atmosphere, residing
in the laudable universe, enjoying the imminence of God, the Mainstay
of all, heightens the celestial lightning, is ubiquitous, and engages the
attention of a scientist in this precious world, so shouldst thou do.

22. O learned person, just as efficacious fire, with diverse uses,
heightens the noble soul, and just as fire accomplishing the desired
ambition, being highly serviceable, fulfils our cherished aim, so shouldst
thou ever contribute to our happiness, amass wealth, and give monetary
help to the scientist in this precious world.

23. O learned person, the knower of the significance of vedic hymns,
just as this sacrifices for the sake of supremacy, now cooks foods and
special preparations for Homa, keeps a goat, for the removal of diseases,
and honours a learned priest, expert in the performance of yajna ; and
just as the shining Sun, protector of its rays, for grandeur's sake, becomes
eminent at the time of sacrifice, by cutting into pieces and absorbing
the oily and wet oblations, which come into contact with it, the ripener
of all objects ; and just as the Sun accepts all substances put into the
fire and grows thereby, so do I exert to make thee prosperous.

24. O seeker after knowledge, just as a charitably disposed
learned person, performs Havan, and preserves the Gayatri verse, brilliant
like fire, splendidly graceful, venerable, highly glorious, bestower of
beautiful life, bringer of supremacy, expounder of true significance -, and
retains freedom, wealth, three-fold protecting vedic speech, and longevity,
and enjoys the essence of knowledge, so shouldst thou perform yajna.

25. O seeker after knowledge, just as the preserver of noble quali-
ties, preserves him, like a mother preserving the embryo, the protector
of the body, the comer-out after splitting the mother's womb, and sends
Homa's oblations to the pure Sun, the prolonger of life, and preserving
through the divine Ushnik verse, the powerful organs of the soul like
ear etc., preaching practical wisdom, and rearing handsome birds, enjoys
all these nature's gifts, so shouldst thou enjoy them.

26. O sacrifices just as a man possessing noble qualities,
comes in contact with the Sun, the slayer of clouds, so should
he come with instructive words, in contact with adorable, adored
power, laudable medicinal herbs, and the soul, the sustainer of
beautiful breaths. He enjoys all nature's gifts, the organs like ear,
sustainable freedom, the Earth, the protector of five breaths and
desirable objects in this knowable world, so shouldst thou enjoy them all.

27. O charitably disposed person, just as a virtuous person, becomes
united with the soul immortal, vast like space, immersed in the contemp-
lation of the Beautiful God, deathless in its purity, full of strength,
enjoyer of space and pure water, extending over all ; and attains to
happiness preserving celibacy for 36 years like the 36 syllables of Brihati
metre, full of knowledge, physical organs, vedic lore, having action,
worship and knowledge as its sons, and enjoys nice pleasure, so shouldst
thou do,
28. O sacrificcr, just as in this world, a virtuous person, possesses
wide-opening portals, easy to pass through, Yajna strengthening, electropla-
ted and beautiful; and just as he associates with a learned person, full of
knowledge and wisdom, with mastery over the four vedas; and observes
Brahmcharya for forty years like the forty syllables of the Pankti metre,
has got wealth, strong bulls able to carry, four times the luggage, and vital
vigour; and just as he performs Homa with these oblations mixed with
ghee, and just as other persons resort to yajna, so shouldst thou perform
sacrifice with these oblations.

29. O sacrificer just as in this world, like two lofty Day and Night,
lovely to look at, in which beautiful works of art and industry are perform-
ed; the beautiful teacher and preacher; acquire excellent supremacy, the
support of ambition, and celibacy of forty four years like 44 syllables of the
Trishtup metre, vitality, longevity, strength of physical organs, and possess
bullocks fit to carry luggage on the back, and just as a virtuous person,
uses oblations mixed with ghee, so shouldst thou perform Havan.

30. O charitably disposed person, just as intelligent teacher and
pupil, highly educated amongst the learned, sociable, doers of good
deeds, givers of knowledge, masters of great fame, and desired happiness,
acquire grandeur, celibacy of 48 years like the 48 syllables of the Jagati
metre, learning, wealth, and bullocks to carry the cart, and just as a virtu-
ous person, offers oblations mixed with ghee, so shouldst thou perform

31. O sacrificer, just as in this world, a virtuous person acquires three
kinds of speech "precious like gold, and beautiful, namely Bharati, Brihati,
Mahi; an aged protecting ruler, a Brahmchari observing vow of celibacy
for 33 years, like 33 syllables of the Virat metre, the expositor of various
subjects, desired object, and happiness enjoyed by souls and comes in con-
tact with us like a milch cow, so shouldst thou, attaining to all these
objects acquire the desirable fruit of knowledge.

32. O charitably disposed person just as a virtuous person,
protects a man full of glory and vigour, advanced in age, maintaining varied
beautiful qualities, strengthener of growth, brilliant, and heroic, and
sustains two-footed human beings, liberty, vigour of physical organs, and
maintains strength like a full-grown ox, and performs Homa with vedic
texts, understanding their significance, so shouldst thou perform Homa.

33. O charitably disposed person, just as in this world, a performer
of yajna with ghee, like the Sun, the giver of tranquillity, the protector
with its light and beams; masters the soul, full of wisdom, uttering
commendable words with finger, worthy of control, full of grace, giver of
the strength of life; and acquires wealth, the prop of worldly prosperity
and giver of felicity, and performs yajna with gladness possessing desired
object, and qualities of a barren and calf-slipping cow; so shouldst thou
perform yajna.

34. O sacrificer, just as a virtuous person, preserves a householder,
brilliant like fire, in which oblations are put with vedic recitations ; and
associates severally with a noble person, an experienced physician, a
sagacious, aged king, and his government ; and observes prolonged
Brahmcharya like the syllables of Atichhandas and Gayatri metres, and
possesses the strength of a strong bull, enjoys long life ; and performs
Homa with ghee oblations, liked by all ; so shouldst thou perform yajna.

35. O learned person, just as well-merited space develops the
beautiful, life-infusing Sun, and just as a yogi through Gayatri metre
establishes in the soul, the power to perceive like an eye, and enjoy long
life, and befriends a man, who makes the best use of the riches of this
world, the source of all wealth, so shouldst thou perform yajna.

36. O learned person, just as the lustrous doors of our houses,
allow full and free entry of life-infusing, pure air, and develop the breath
in the soul, conducive to its welfare, residence in which increases the
treasure of one aspiring after riches, and thus they become graceful, so
shouldst thou with vedic verses in Ushnik metre secure these lovely
objects and perform Havan.

37. O learned person, just as like Day and Night two ladies, the
teachress and the taught, develop the strength-giving and virtuous soul,
and just as a wife advances the noble husband, and bears children from one
aspiring after treasure and riches ; so shouldst thou with vedic verses in
Anushtap metre, acquire the strength of soul enjoyed by it throughout

38. O learned person, just as dignified, affectionate ladies, fond of
knowledge, advance their virtuous children, the givers of sustenance and
preservers of life, and just as a noble wife glorifies her noble husband,
and cultivates with vedic verses in Brihati metre, in the soul, the power
of hearing created by God, so shouldst thou enjoying happiness, resulting
from the due use of wealth, parform Havan.

39. O learned person, just as oblations of purified cereals, fillers of
objects with juice, accomplishes of aims, full of fragrance, advance
through rain water the soul, preserving life, as a devoted, educated wife
advances her husband of high moral character ; and with the aid of Pankti
verses fill the soul with heroism and affluence, so shouldst thou enjoying
happiness, resulting from the proper use of wealth, perform Havan.

40. O charitably disposed teacher and preacher, just as lovely learned
persons, fulfillers of our ambitions, develop the wishful and life-preserving
soul, as parents develop their son ; so should ye associate with a person
aspiring after wealth. O learned person, so shouldst thou, with the aid of
Trishtup verses, developing the soul's power of hearing and enjoying
happiness, perform noble deeds like the yajna.

41. O learned person, just as Goddesses three, three Goddesses,
heighten the king, the protector and possessor of vital force, and pervade
everywhere, so shouldst thou with Jagati verses, developing in thy soul the
strength of overpowering the enemy's force, and enhancing the vitality
of thy physical organs, perform yajna like the sacrificer, who gives away
his treasure and wealth in charity.

42. O learned person, just as a person, praised by all, strengthens
the king, advanced in age, and endowed with noble qualities, actions and
nature, as an educated person strengthens a pupil hankering after
knowledge, and develops in the" soul beauty and power, with verses in
virat metre, so shouldst thou, enjoying the desired happiness, perform
yajna for one who uses properly his treasure and wealth.

43. O learned person, just as the nice fig-tree, the Forest Sovereign
enhances long-lived, excellent prosperity, like a cultured person conducing
to the welfare of another well mannered educated man; so with Dwipada
verses, thou shouldst establish fortune and strength in the soul, and enjoy-
ing the desired happiness perform yajna for him who gives his treasure in

44. O learned person, just as nice water in the atmospheric ocean,
contributes the welfare of an aged, good ruler, and a developed soul
develops another soul, so shouldst thou with Kakup verses, for full pros-
perity, acquire fame and vital strength, and enjoying the wished for
happiness, perform yajna for him who makes proper use of his riches.

45. O learned person, just as the Omniscient God, the Fulfiller of
our desires and aims, strengthens the long-lived, virtuous soul, as a teacher
strengthens the pupil, so shouldst thou with the pleasant Ati Jagati verses
perform yajna, so that thou possessing sway, vital strength, fascinating
nature, mayest improve the king full of learning and humility, and giver of
charity from his treasure.

46. O learned person, the knower of the significance of vedic hymns,
just as this sacrif icer, cooking different kinds of meals and making special
preparations for Homa, honours today a learned priest expert in the per-
formance of yajna, so for the sake of longevity and supremacy, shouldst
thou keep a goat the remover of diseases.

Just as a learned person, the protector of forests, becomes ready
with the help of a scholar, the remover of doubts, for serving the king, the
advancer of our life and the extirpator of foes, so should all people live
together peacefully. Just as the sacrificer, feeds thee with the yajna
preparations and greasy substances, and develops thee physically, so should
you, the sacrificer and the priest eat yajna remnants.

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