1. O learned person, may years, seasons, knowers of vedic interpretation and all the verities strengthen thee.
You should long for knowledge, and manifest justice.
2. O learned person, make this seeker after knowledge, rise up erect for great and happy fortune. Let not thy priests, the knowers of all the four vedas, turn against thee. Don't spoil thy glory and progress.
3. O learned person, these masters of the vedas elect thee as their leader. Be thou propitious unto them. O learned person being free from sloth and pride, watch in thy house, and keep us also conscious.
4. O learned person, amass wealth in this world. Let not the old, exalted, learned persons, ever devoted to action, tolerate thy moral degradation.
O ruler, famous for thy humility, let thy administration be run by just laws. May thy adorers, following non-violence make thee strong. May the State riches make thee happy.
5. O learned person commence thy youth with wealth in this world.
O king, flowing with the knowledge and humility, exert to maintain friendship with the religious, learned friends.
O justice-loving head of the state, act as an umpire in the midst of your coequal virtuous kings. Be renowned as worthy of praise.
6. O king, renouncing untruth, suppress fully the wicked persons, overcome spiritual ignorance, and banish miserliness. O learned person, drive away all sins; vouchsafe us opulence with an army of heroic
7. O king, invincible, full of knowledge, free from misery, reful-gent, and an able administrator, be dear to us in this task of government. Illumine all regions. Chase human ills and griefs with the help of
philanthropic persons. Guard us for prosperity.
8. O learned fellow, the guardian of big persons, excellent preacher of learning, sharpening the intellect of this king, give him knowledge ;
instruct him well, instruct thoroughly his subjects. Exalt him to great and high felicity. Let all the learned persons rejoice following his good will.
9. O learned fellow, the guardian of big persons, be free from the fruit of sins in the next birth, Chase death far from him who follows the instruments of the religious and law-abiding persons.
O skilled physician, just as the teacher and preacher achieve their aim by dint of deeds and wisdom, so shouldst thou skilfully prepare efficacious medicines, whereby thou preservest the health of the people.
10. Looking upon the sun's light free from darkness, we fully realise God, the Giver of happiness, the Saviour of humanity, Omni-present, Excellent, the Soul of animate and inanimate objects, and Self-
11. This fire, the accomplisher of many mighty deeds, the discharger of children from wombs, has splendid faggots as its fuel ; and uplifted, lofty and brilliant flames.
12. O men, know air as an object of usefulness amongst the useful objects, devoid of lustre, all-possessing, the protector of bodies, highly desirable, and the sprinkler of paths with sweet water through rain.
13. O learned person, thou art the admirer of persons, doer of noble deeds, worthy of praise, full of ambition, desirous of supremacy, wise in dealings ; and a comer to this sacrifice with sweet words.
14. This extolling learned person, the carrier of knowledge, in
non-violent sacrifices attainable through exertion, nicely procures ladles
and fire accompanied by corn, water and power.
15. That learned person, daintily fed, realises the greatness of this fire. He is the best wealth-giver, and wisest protector. He gets water and enjoyable oblations.
16. The learned persons, lording over all, with the splendour of that widely expansive fire, expound the vows of truthfulness, and the bright sources of the knowledge of fire.
17. May Dawn and Night, like two beautiful consorts, protect in our home this non-violent sacrificial worship of ours.
18. Ye two learned persons, givers of pleasure, greet with praises this lofty non-violent sacrifice of ours. Conduct well the flame of fire in connection with our beautiful sacrifice.
19. May Ida, Saraswati, Bharati, three mighty forms of eulogy fill this atmosphere.
20- May God grant us wealth and strength, eagerly obtainable, possessing wondrous merits, powers and qualities ; residing in various objects, beautifully mighty ; and relieve us of misery.
21. O investigator, the guardian of religious lore, just as sacrificial fire renders subtle the oblations and diffuses them in the air, so shouldst thou rejoicing thyself in the midst of the learned, explore objects worth acquisition.
22. O learned person, well-versed in knowledge, for the sake of supremacy, use truthful speech and perform yajna. May all the learned people be benefited with this yajna.
23. Persons equally learned, increasers of wealth, exceedingly wise, eaters of invigorating diet, exert to develop their progeny. May they stand firm to acquire the knowledge of air, which being active and
developing, full of grace, purifies the men steadfast in their religious path.
24. Whomsoever the Firmament and Earth give birth for the acquisition of wealth, and whom the wife accepts eagerly as a husband for wealth's sake ; they, in a solitary place, unite and disunite their souls
with and from God, and enjoy the vast air, the sustainer of the Earth and heavenly bodies.
25. When the subtle and primary elements containing the All-prevading matter, the primordial cause of the universe, came into being producing the fiery Sun, there was one God present in all the forces
of nature. Let us adore with our devotion the pleasure-giving God.
26. God with His Might sees fully the subtle and primary elements, full of potency, and generators <5f the universe. He amongst all souls and material objects is the one supreme Lord. Let us adore with knowledge and yoga, Him, Who is the Embodiment and Giver of pleasure.
27. O learned person, powerful like the air, we carefully seek thee, full of desirable, noble qualities. Send in our home wealth, worthy of enjoyment and giver of pleasure. Give us a heroic son, and gifts of kine and horses.
28. O learned person, powerful like the air, come to our non
violent sacrifice with thy hundreds and thousands of instructions.
Gladden us in this world. O sages, preserve us evermore with propitious
29. O God, the Ordainer of Law, just as this purifying, fast moving
air, visits the sacrificer's house, so come upto me. Thou art providence,
hence I realise Thy Nature,
30. O learned person, powerful like the air, purifier art thou. I
imbibe the excellent essence of thy speech in the assemblies of the learned.
O well merited scholar, the scion of a lovely father, come thou with grand
glory, to drink the Soma juice.
31. O learned person, just as air, with definite propitious motions,
comes to the sacrifice, so with noble intentions, as a leader, and nice
performer of the yajna, come thou to the yajnashala with a concentrated
32. O learned person, come thou to us to drink the Soma juice, with
full force, accompanied by thousands of thy admirers in chariots.
33. O learned person, resplendent with thy glory, just as air in this
world, under set rules comes to the sacrifice (yajna) with one, ten, two,
forty, three and thirty motions, so with knowledge and action, for the
applicability of learning expound thou those laws unto us.
34. O powerful learned person, Lord of Truth, beloved like a
son-in-law, wonderful in deeds, renowned for learning, we welcome thy
efforts for our protection.
35. O fearless king, like unmilked kine, we sing thy praise, as we do
unto God, the Lord of all animate and inanimate beings, and most
beautiful to look at,
36. O Bounteous Lord, none other pure like Thee, hath been or
ever will be born on earth. Desiring enterprise and using nice speech, as
men of might we call on Thee.
37. O King, the protector of the people, we, the scholars and
scientists invoke thee alone in war. Just as the Sun is seen after it dispels
the clouds, so we see thee in the army active and swift like a horse. We
invoke thee in all directions.
38. O wonderful learned person, whose hand holds thunderbolt, praised as mighty, possessing a lofty position like the mountain, grant unto us and the conqueror, kine and chariot steeds and even knowledge of truth.
39. O wonderful learned person, befriend the ever prospering person. Protect us with thy succour. Yoke us to noble deeds with thy powerful protection.
40. O learned person, the giver of happiness, lover of truth, highly dignified, he, who pleases thee with delightful foods ; collects medicines for the elimination of disease, and amasses wealth, deserves our adoration.
41. O learned person, thou art the protector of our friends and admirers. For affection's sake approach us with hundred aids. Thou art worthy of our reverence..
42. At every sacrifice, sing the glory of God, for the acquisition of strength. Let us praise the Wise and Everlasting God again and again as a well-beloved Friend.
43. O learned person, bestower of beautiful habitation, and reful-gent like fire, protect us with sound advice. Protect us with thy teaching.
Protect us with three instructions of action, contemplation, and knowledge.
O Lord of power and might, protect us with four counsels of religion, worldly prosperity, affection and final emancipation of soul.
44. O student, advance knowledge, the preserver of thy enterprise. Thou art our well-wisher, and helper in battles ; the saviour of our bodies for progress. We select thee as a fit recipient of precious objects.
45. O aspirant after knowledge, thou art the follower of law like the year, renouncer of immorality like the relinquished year, definite like the year, steadfast like the year, and active like the year. Prosper thy
Dawns ! Prosper thy Days and Nights ! Prosper thy Half-months (months, Seasons and Years).
Combine them for their goinj and coming, and send them forward on their ordered courses.
Thou art the collector of the sources of protection. With that divinity lie steady like the vital breath.
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