Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 13



1. I realise within me God first of all, for increase of my knowledge, good offspring and manly strength. So may noble virtues wait upon me.

2. O God, You are the Support of waters, the Cause of fire, the Enveloper of ocean as it swells and surges, the Loftiest of all, Worthy of adoration by humanity, and full of Majesty in space. 

3. God,  Who. in the beginning of the universe, created everything, is Worthy of worship. The sun, moon and other worlds in the atmosphere, stationed in their orbits, testify to His knowledge. He
pervades them all  and comprehends the visible and the invisible in space.

4. God, is the creator of the universe, its one Lord, the Sustainer of luminous objects like the sun. He was present before the creation of the world. He sustains the earth, the sun and this world.He is  the Embodiment of happiness.

5. Seven forces realise Him. He engulfs this earth, the sun and the sky. In His fullness, He favourably possesses happiness and energy. I perceive  pleasure due to him only.

6. May the denizens of all planets of the universe obtain food. May all the living creatures residing in the atmosphere, the sun and roaming on the earth obtain food.

7. Suppress through arms the movements of dacoits and plunderers who live in forests  and lie hidden in paths.

8. Subdue with arms, all these evil-minded persons, who generally remain hidden, and now and then appear in the day time, or walk freely in the light of the sun, or dwell in waters.

9. O Commander of the army, increase thy vigour, master the earth well-ordered like a net. Thou art the extirpator of foes, attack them like a king equipped with ministers and military paraphernalia.
Using the most deadly weapons, face and kill the fiends and, subdue them.

10. O Commander,  keep your  fast moving brave soldiers, well disciplined in the army. Like the swift movements of lightning, let them fall falcon-like on the enemies. With uninterrupted
force, let fire-arms, brilliant like the flames of fire fed with ghee, rain over the foes ; and train well thy horses.

11. O destroyer of foes like fire, put shackles on and speedily punish the troublesome evil-minded enemy of yours and ours, may he be far or near, so that he may not harm us. May thou be the harmless guardian of the people of thine,

12. O king, make progress in your duty of administration, extend happiness to the virtuous. O terrible chastiser, burn down the irreligious foes. O splendid person, humiliate and consume utterly like dried
up stubble, him, who encourages our foe.

13. O King, rise high, punish the wicked foes righteously, manifest the objects prepared by our steady scholars, enhance pleasures. Destroy the kitchens and other places of plundering of the vigorous
enemies. Kill the foes. I settle thee with fire's ardour.

14. O king, just as this sun, in the midst of luminous sky, as the Head of earth, foremost of all, the protector of all, satisfies men with the strength of waters, so shouldst thou be. I appoint thee for kingship, with the strength of the sun.

15. O learned person, know, that country flourishes, in which, there are men like you  active as air, leaders of supremacy, and heads of justice ; where there are men to carry on the administration of the land with good statesmanship; where the country is preserved by efficient
officials ; and where the wisdom-inspiring and pleasure-giving speech
is used.

16. O queen, living in the company of your religious-minded husband, and adorned with dress, ornaments and good qualities, acquiring knowledge and practising religion, remain steadfast. Being free from distress, advance the country under thy rule. Let no lascivious person torment thee, let not thy husband with beautiful body, harm thee.

17. O learned queen, the King establishes you, full of knowledge,
reverence, and wide fame, on the seat of justice, like a canoe at a suitable
place on the waters of the ocean. Thou art comforting like the Earth.
Be famous in doing justice unto females, as thy husband does unto men.

18. O Queen, you are patient like the earth, hence control the
earth. You are the organiser of household affairs, and the conductor of
full administration, art firm like the earth, hence steady the earth.
You are unagitated like the glorious sky, hence do the earth no injury.

19. O woman, may your  learned husband, protect you, with
pleasure-giving deeds and beautiful peaceful acts, for full longevity,
removal of misery, acquisition of various noble performances, vigour,
veneration, and religious duties. May thou attain to fame, living permanently with thy husband, inseparable. as cause and effect inseparable.

20. O woman, just as the grass increases widely from all sides, with hundreds and thousands of joints and knots, so lengthen out our line of descendants with sons and grandsons.

21. O beautiful, well-built woman, just as hundreds and thousands of bricks build and magnify a house, so do you increase our family with hundreds of sons and grandsons, and profusely enrich it with thousands of articles. We serve thee with nice presents.

22. O brilliant learned teachress, gladden us with all thy tastes, just as lights in the sun, with their beams, spread brilliance all around. With all those tastes make us always friendly towards the lovely famous person.

23. O learned persons, whatever love ye have got for the sun, the cows and horses, with all that inculcate love in us, just as the teacher and preacher incite our love for learning. O unbiassed learned examiner, examine us.

24. The woman, who, filled with the light of different sorts of knowledge, spreads learning, and the morally advanced person, who shines like lightning, may both these husband and wife attain to happiness.

Live permanently like soul, with thy husband, who is learned and godly in nature. O woman, thy husband, the guardian of his progeny, establishes thee, endowed with learning on this earth, in a place of responsibility, for the acquisition of happiness, removal of suffering, and the practice of yoga for preaching noble qualities, actions and attributes. Imbibe thou full knowledge.

25. Let the Chaitra and Baisakh months, parts of spring, born of heat, mutually inter-related, contribute to my prosperity. Let these months be the source of happiness to all. In those months let sun and earth, and water be pleasure-giving. Let medicinal herbs grow in them, and heat be useful to us. O learned persons, wedded to truth, keeping before ye in spring time, the fervent seekers after knowledge attain to prosperity. Just as the sun and earth, through the dispensation of God,
steadfastly work together like breath, so should you wife and husband live constantly together.

26. O wife, thou art unconquerable by foes. Being patient, tolerate me thy husband. Possessing a thousand manly powers, anxious to oppose an army, overpower the foes. Just as I keep thee satisfied so shouldst thou keep me pleased.

27. In spring the zephyrs blow coolly like water, the rivers and oceans flow calmly, and medicinal herbs are filled with sweet juice.

28. In spring the nights are sweet, the days are sweet, the terres-trial atmosphere is sweet, and light, our protector, is sweet unto us.

29. In spring, let trees give us sweet fruits, sun physical strength and cows sweet milk.

30. O man, in spring, seat thyself in the deepness of waters, lest sun, lest heat burning in all men, should afflict thee. Let well-built subjects be under thy control. Let highly useful rain pour. Think deeply
and favourably over these points.

31. O learned person, as sun, the protector of our vital organs, the cause of rain, the sustainer of pleasant water, attains to all pleasure-giving regions, the mainstay of achieving our desires on earth, space and sky, in past, present and future, so shoulcht thou. Tread thou the path of virtue^
as did thy ancestors.

32. O mother and father just as the Mighty Sun and Earth nourish the world, so shouldst ye desire for the completion of our noble task of getting education and rear us full with nourishments.

33. God is the adorable, inseparable companion of the soul ; which realises through His grace the actions and laws of the Omnipresent God. O man, ye should also observe them.

34. O woman, thou art firm, and the master of noble qualities. A
learned person is first born of thee, and afterwards is born of virtuous,
talented gurus. Thy husband, equipped with the knowledge conveyed by
the Gayatri, Trishtup, and Anushtup vedic verses ; improving his talent
thereby, derives learning worthy of exchange.

35. O man thou art self-effulgent through knowledge. O woman
thou art graceful through learning and virtuous conduct. Strive together
for knowledge, riches, strength, fame, food, heroism and offspring. I en-
join ye, to protect your bodies and foodstuffs, being sweet like the water
of a well, and observing the teachings of the vedas.

36. O learned, powerful person, verily harness thou thy steeds,
whicK are well disciplined and trained, and carry the conveyance with
full force in thy attacks on the foe with righteous indignation.

37. O learned person, trained by ancient scholars, and charitable in
nature ; yoke like a charioteer thy steeds, well disciplined by the experts.
Seat thyself on the seat of justice.

38. Just as rivers flow, so do speeches, purified in the inmost recesses
of the heart and mind, come out of the mouth of a learned person. I, full
of brilliance, acquire those speeches, coming like the fast-moving showers
of rain from the midst of lightning.

39. O learned person, thou hast acquired the knowledge of all
objects of the universe, and the wisdom of lightning-like brilliant persons
being lovely of all human beings. We resort to thee for praise, for love
for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge, and for the light of justice.

40. O learned person, thou art luminous like fire, with the light of
thy knowledge. Thou art the giver of knowledge with thy splendour.
Like gold thou art the giver of innumerable comforts. We pay homage
to thee for acquiring vast knowledge.

41. O learned person, just as lightning supports with water, the
sun, that measures innumerable objects, and exhibits the whole universe,
and is worthy of praise, so shouldst thou purify the inmost recesses of thy
heart. With thy glowing strength keep afar all diseases. Making the
progress, make your son live for a hundred years. Always shun pride.

42. O learned person, in the vast space, harm not the wind's
impetuous rush, the bond of ocean-wide water, and the cloud the tawny
child of rivers.

43. O learned person just as I constantly search for electricity,
newly produced, full of accomplishments, creator of foodstuffs, pure like
water, powerful like the horse, knowable by the highly learned, and
using it skilfully in each season, do not harm the indivisible beautiful
earth, so thou shouldst not harm electricity and this earth.

44. O learned person, residing in the supreme Lord, vast like the
space, harm not the vast Earth, attracted by the sun, the repository of
water, created by the Pre-eminent God, the Giver of countless fruits, and
the Cause of our protection, nor harm the lightning, the precursor of the

45. O learned person, may thy displeasure spare the fire that has
its being from the heat of the Earth, or from the lightning of the sun,
whereby the Omnific Lord engenders creatures.

46. God is Wonderful and Powerful amongst all material objects.
He is the Manifestor of Pran, Udan, and fire. He pervades the air,
earth and heaven. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all that moveth
and moveth not.

47. O King, born as man, and wide-awake, possessing thousand-
fold vision, progressing for the attainment of happiness, don't destroy
the bipeds and quadrupeds, and useful denizens of the ' forest ; but
protect them. Increase thy wealth with those cattle, and possess a
strong body. The injurious beast of the forest should be put to grief by
thee. Let thy enemy, whom we dislike, be put to grief.

48. O King, don't destroy -this one-hoofed beautiful horse, soon
agitated and writhing with pain in battlefields. I point out to thee the
forest rhinoceros. With his protection add to thy prosperity and physical
strength. Let the wild and uncontrolled rhinoceros be put to grief
by thee. Let thy enemy, whom we detest, bs put to grief.

49. O sagacious King, in this world, don't harm this bull, the
giver of thousands of comforts, the source of immense milk, and worthy
of protection. Harm not in God's creation, the cow, the giver of milk
for mankind, and innocent in nature. I point out to thee the forest cow.
With her destruction add to thy prosperity and physical strength in the
midst of vast space and under God's guidance. Let the wild forest cow
be put to grief by thee. Let thy foe, whom we dislike, be put to

50. O learned King, don't kill the two-footed men and birds, and
four-footed cattle, the source of comforts. Don't kill the sheep that
covers our bodies with blankets, and is foremost worthy of protection
amongst God's creatures. I point out to thee the forest camel. With
his protection add to thy prosperity and physical strength. Let the wild,
uncontrollable camel be put to grief by thee. Let thy foe, whom we
dislike be put to grief.

51. The unborn soul is educated through the power of God. He
then sees God, existing before the creation of the universe, and the
Generator of all. The learned, through that soul, attain to pre-eminent
godly life ; and the virtuous to an exalted position. I point out to thee,
O king, the forest porcupine. Utilising her add to thy prosperity and
physical strength. Let the untamed porcupine be put to grief by thee.
Let thy foe, whom we dislike be put to grief by thee.

52. O most youthful leader, protect the pleasure-giving persons,
hear their songs. With thy soul, protect their offspring.

53. O man, I give thee the knowledge of the moving air for the
medicinal herbs filled with the wetness of water, clouds, brilliant elec-
tricity, open space, control of breath, fleeting mind, acquirable speech,
a well-furnished house, ear that hears various sounds, the sky and mid
region full of water, ocean full of water, sandy tracts of water, foodstuffs
that grow through water. I preach unto thee the significance of vedic
texts couched in Gayatri, Trishtup, Jagati, Anushtup, and Pankti metres.

54. O wife, this fire is primordial. It is the cause of Pran (breath),
the source of life. Spring is the result of Pran. Spring is the cause of
Gayatri, whereby we sing the praise of God. From the Gayatri comes
the Gayatri metre. From the Gayatri comes the prayer. From the prayer
come action, contemplation, and knowledge (Karma, Upasana and Jnana).

As the fruit of these three comes the pleasure of liberation
(Moksha). A learned person is the cause of producing intense pleasure
like Pran. Thou accept me as thy husband, the protector of progeny.
I gain strength to create offspring from thee.

55. O wife, in the south resides this air, the source of all acts. From that air the doer of all deeds, comes the mind. From the heat of the mind comes the summer. The eulogiser of summer is the Trishtup
metre. From the warmth of Trishtup comes the intense glow. From the intense glow comes the mid-day. From mid-day comes the day of the full moon. From that comes the ear the organ of receiving and strength-ening knowledge. Just as a king, with his knowledge, administers justice to his subjects, so do I, with thee, cultivate a contemplative mind for the

56. O wife, this sun rising in the East goes to the west, illuminat-ing the universe. The lustrous rays of the sun are its eyes. The eye enjoys the rainy season. The Jagati verse is the expositor of the rainy
season. From Jagati is derived the knowledge of vedic verses. From that knowledge comes prosperity. From prosperity we get the knowledge of seventeenfold powerful soul. From that knowledge comes the knowledge of different phases and objects of the world. The eye makes us receive light.

Just as a husband, the guardian of offspring attains to discerning knowledge with his educated wife, so do I with thee gain power from the world.

57. O wife, this North direction is the giver of comforts. Ear is the source of its pleasantness. The ear is related to autumn. The significant Anushtap verse is the expositor of autumn. From Anushtap
is derived the verse that explains speech. From that verse is derived the means of churniLg the objects. From that means is derived the principle of perfecting twenty one sciences. From that principle, we
derive the ear, the cause of friendship with all, the receiver of the significance of words, the manifestor of various objects, and listener to the singing of Sama Veda. I, thy husband, the guardian of the offspring, along with thee, use the ear for the good of the people.

58. O learned wife, the highest of all things is intellect. From intellect is born speech. From Pankti verse  springs Nidhanvat a part of Sama Veda, that comments on the mystery of Death. From that springs knowledge, the source of acquisition. From that knowledge are "derived the twelve and thirty three songs of the Sama Veda. With those songs, knowing strength and the objects that contribute to wealth, the door of noble deeds and the master of vedic lore, behaves rightly. I, your husband,
the guardian of offspring, with you, acquire speech full of knowledge and sound instructions.

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