Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 25



Part of Body

1. Learn from teeth the act of biting; from gums the method of protection;from tooth-sockets the way of pounding; sharpness from fangs.

Use the tongue-tip for a learned utterance ; learn the act of uprooting from the tongue , the use of palate by crying slowly ; chew food with both the jaws ; drink waters with the mouth. Acquire the knowledge of oozing semen from testicles. 

Recognise the Aditya Brahmcharis from their beard ; know the path from eyebrows ; 

know the Sun and Earth from their motion ; lightning from the pupils of eyes.

 Observe celibacy for the protection of semen, 

acquire knowledge through high character. 

worth acceptance are worthy of preservation. 

Objects after one's desire should not be resisted. 

Don't show disrespect to your own men. 

Friends and relatives should be fostered.

2. Fill air with thy Pran; empty the nostrils with Apan ; 

with upper
and lower lips observe restraint, silence and control ; 

with the light of
knowledge purify thy soul ; 

with the practice of cleanliness purify thy ex-
terior body ; 

reflect upon God with thy head ; 

by constant thinking create your doubt to know the truth : 

understand with thy brain the internal
fire ; 

receive full light with the pupils of thy eyes : 

advance hearing with thy ears ; 

strengthen thy external ears with the internal organs of hearing ;

eat food with thy lower throat ; 

drink water with thirsty throat ; 

streng-then thy mind with practices of knowledge ; 

develop indestructible wisdom with thy head ; 

attain to mother Earth through death, with your ragged head ; 

improve your vital breaths through loud roaring ; 

remove the disease of ignorance with full might.

3. Keep mosquitoes away with the whisk of hair. 

Realise soul and

God through noble deeds. 

Approach the learned preceptor in a convey-

Utilise the services of the learned with the allurement of money.

Make an attack with full force. 

Finish journey with stout thighs.
Get learned preachers by arranging for their livelihood. 

Develop speed
with arms. 

Grow fruitful thorny jambir trees in the forest. 

Kindle fire with care and desire. 

Get strength through the exercise of arms,

Serve the king and subjects with arms and shoulders. 

Honour a preacher by patient hearing of his sermons.

4. The first rib of the right side of the chest is like fire ; the
second like air ; the third like sun ; the fourth like moon ; the fifth like
sky ; the sixth like the flash of lightning ; the seventh like mind ; the
eighth like Mahat-Tatva ; the ninth like a servant who honours his
master ; the tenth like the creator of the world ; the eleventh like a
glorious person ; the twelfth like a noble person ; the thirteenth like a
just ruler.

5. On the left side of the chest, the first rib is like air and fire;
the second like speech,  the third like a friend ; the fourth like water ,
the fifth like earth ; the sixth like fire and water ; the seventh like
serpents ; the eighth like the All-pervading God ; the ninth like the
supporter ; the tenth like a luminary ; the eleventh like the soul ; the
twelfth like a noble person ; the thirteenth like the wife of a judge. The
right flank is like the Sun and Earth, the left like all the learned

6. The shoulders of men are like the cantonments in a State. 

The foremost function of all learned persons is to preach. 

To punish the wicked is the second act of awe-inspiring learned persons. 

To do justice is the third act of justice loving celibate learned persons. 

The tail of an animal is an instrument of airing. 

Fire and water give light. Two learned persons of discrimination like two swans are like the buttocks of
the state.

 Air and sun are like thighs. Pran and Udan are like persons walking at full pace. 

Attack should be made with full certainty. Gain strength from powerful objects,

7. Beg for alms from the wealthy. 

Catch blind serpents from large
intestines ; serpents from the entrails and subdue them. Overpower the
crooked serpents from the guts.

 Discharge water through the bladder.
Strengthen scrotum with the testicles. 

Examine the strength of a horse
from his penis. Produce progeny with semen. 

Digest meals with the force

of bile, Strengthen your belly by free discharge of digested food through
anus. Obtain the strength of administration through forces.

8. People should know the working of the lightning; the best food-
grain for the earth; the union of the quarters* the continual filling of space
with light by the sun. 

Clouds are like the soul that sleeps in the heart.
Pericardium is vast like the atmosphere. 

Entrails of the belly are like
water. Both parts of the neck are like a lovely pair of male and female
goose. Sky is like kidneys. Mountains are like the belly's ducts which
receive the meals. 

Clouds are like the spleen. Paths are refreshing like
water. The arteries on the right side of the belly are like pain, pleasure
and sorrow. Streams are known for inundation. Both flanks are like lakes.
The Sea is like the belly. The gastric fluid is like the ashes,

9. Know steady abstraction of the mind from the navel; ghee from
curd> waters from decocted juice; sunbeams from fat that strengthens the
organs; hoar-frost from bodily heat; coagulated ghee from life that prevails
in the body? water-fountain from tears; thunderbolt from the rheum of
eyes; objects worth protection from blood; marvellous things from limbs ;
stars from their beauty ; earth from skin that covers the blood and flesh.
Use truthful language for an energetic person.

10. God, the possessor of resplendent planets, existed before the creation of the world. He is the One Lord of all created beings. He sustains the Earth, the Sun and the created world. May we worship
with devotion, Him, the Illuminator and Giver of pleasure.

11. God by his grandeur is the sole Ruler of the moving world that breathes and slumbers. He is the Lord of men and cattle. May we worship with devotion, Him the Illuminator and Giver of happiness.

12. By Whose might, are these snow-clad mountains standing, and men call the atmosphere filled water. His possession. Whose arms are these heavenly regions. May we worship with devotion, Him the
Illuminator and Giver of happiness.

13. God is the giver of spiritual force, and physical strength. His commandments all the learned persons acknowledge. He is the maker of all laws. His support is life immortal and transgression of His Law
is death. May we worship with devotion, Him the Illuminator and Giver of happiness.

14. May auspicious force of wisdom come to us from every side, continual, unhindered, and as remover of afflictions. 

May thereby the learned persons, our guardians, advanced in age, attend our assembly day by day for our gain.

15. May the auspicious favour of the learned be ours. May the bounty of the righteous fill us with virtues. May we devoutly seek the friendship of the learned. May they extend our life that we may live.

16. We, through vedic speech, accepted by our ancestors; long through mutual emulation for a teacher and a preacher, honest, guardian of the people, inviolable, giver of prosperity, friendly, completely wise,
noble, and affluent. May auspicious vedic speech grant us all felicity.

17. O teachers and preachers, firm like the Earth, ye both hear from us what we have read. May the wind waft to us that pleasant medicine.

May respectable Earth and fostering Sun secure it for us. May clouds the
producers of herb and givers of joy secure us that medicine.

18. Him we invoke for aid who reigns supreme, the Lord of all that
stands or moves, and inspirer of wisdom. May He the Nourisher of all,
our Keeper and our Guard Non-violent, promote, the increase of our
wealth for our good.

19. May the Master of vast knowledge, may Mighty God prosper
us. May the Nourisher of all, the Author of all the vedas prosper us.

May He the Giver of all comforts like the horse prosper us. May
God the Lord of all the elements of Nature vouchsafe us prosperity.

20. Let all the learned persons, stout in body, followers of the
mother veda, moving in glory, visitors of battle-fields, fire-tongued, con-
templative, brilliant in knowledge like the Sun, come hither for our
21. O sociable learned persons, may we with our ears listen to what
is good, and with our eyes see what is good.

With limbs and bodies firm may we extolling God lead a life conducive
to the good of the sages.

22. O learned persons, may we live in your company for a hundred
years. Let not our bodies decay before that period, in which old age our
sons become fathers in turn. Break ye not in the midst our course of
fleeting life.

23. Immortal is the heaven, Immortal is the atmosphere, Matter the
mother of all is immortal. Immortal is Father God.

Immortal is the soul that nourishes the body. All divine objects like
the Earth are immortal. Five vital breaths are immortal. All that is born
and shall be born is immortal becuase of its immortal cause.

24. May not the friendly, glorious, and just king ; nor the noble
souls shorten our life ; so that we may display our valour in war, like a
fleeting, efficient horse.

25. Those who gladly accept the substances offered in charity by
a virtuous wealthy person ; and the eternal soul, worthy of attainment, a
nice questioner, beauty of the world, who eats the charming food prepared
through fire and air ; derive full enjoyment.

26. This perishable body made of earth, the home of all organs is created for the enjoyment of the soul. God, for the excellent enjoyment of this active soul, grants this enjoyable object.

27. Thoughtful persons strengthen this excellent embodied soul, at times in three different stages,

Soul enters this body, the foremost part of the Earth, for doing noble deeds for the sake of spiritual enjoyment.

28. Invoker, atoner, fire-kindler, bringer of rain, sage, scholar-encircled, thou ministering priest, with this well ordered, well-desired sacrifice, fill full the channels of the rivers.

29. The hewers of the yajna's post and those who carry it, and
those who carve the knob to deck the horse's stake ; and those who
prepare the cooking utensils for the steed and those who strive hard,
may their perseverance be attained to by us.

30. He, who, competent to afford shelter to all, himself comes to
me for my welfare, and who fulfils the desires of the learned, is the source
of delight on sight to the learned and sages. May we produce amongst
the learned such a strong man, having beautiful brothers.

31. Just as the fleet courser is controlled by halter and his feet-
ropes, the head stall, the bridle and the cords about him, and the grass is
put within his mouth to bait him, so should the learned people control
their organs and eat nourishing diet.

32. O men, the fly eateth the flesh and blood of a fast-running
horse. The vedic utterances in a yajna are like thunderbolts, part of the
oblation adhereth to the sacrificer's hands and nails. May all this be
with ye and the learned,

33. Food undigested that comes out of the belly, and the bad
odour rising from the raw half-cooked food should be removed by skilled
cooks. Let the digestive powers of ours digest the nice well-cooked food.

34. Whatever word of quick wisdom, comes with certainty and
exertion out of thy mouth, seasoned with thy mental fire, waste not that
on earth or grass, but give it as instruction to the noble, learned persons.

35. They who crave for the meat of a horse, and declare the horse
fit to be killed should be exterminated.

They who keep the fast horse well trained and disciplined, deserve
to be praised by us for the strength of their character and perseverance.

36. Realisation of soul-force, that ripens our knowledge, the organs
of perception which accomplish our knowledge, the Pranas (vital
breaths) which serve as a cloak for our life; the signs of exalted
character and the rays of knowledge jointly adorn a strong soul.

37. O men, just as the intelligent persons accept with favour
the beloved, offered, persevering, and consecrated horse, so should ye
know them in all respects.

Let not the smoke-scented fire make the animal crackle with pain ;
nor the glowing caldron-smell break him to pieces.

38. The starting, sitting, rolling and fastening of the horse, his
drinking and eating, should all be controlled by intelligent keepers.

39. The robe they spread upon the horse to clothe him, the upper-
covering and the golden trappings ; the halters which restrain the steed,
and the heel-ropes, all these are pleasing to the learned.

40. If one, when seated, with excessive urging with his heel or with
his whip distresses a horse ; all these woes, as with oblation's ladle at
sacrifices, with my might I banish.

41. O people, just as a horse-breaker, whom the wise befriend,
understands the thirty four gaits of a horse, and a veterinary assistant with
his knowledge renders his organs free from flaw, and fully examines each
and every part of his body , so should ye keep away all maladies powerful
like a thunderbolt.

42. O people, just as spring alone gives beauty to a graceful horse,
or two seasons control him ; so do I control your organs and livelihood, and
give you various objects in different seasons, and place all these under the
custody of a learned person.

43. Let not thy God-loving soul torment thee, as it departs from
thy body. Let not the hatchet linger in thy body. Let not a greedy,
clumsy immolator, cut unduly with sword thy vulnerable limbs.

44. Soul diest not, nor is it injured. Performing noble acts it
attains to godhead. May thy powerful Pran and Apan be yoked through
Yoga. May a learned person take up the duty of preaching.

45. May this learned person bring us all-sustaining riches, wealth
in good kine, good horses, and manly offspring. Freedom from sin may
Earth vouchsafe us. May this noble soul, the giver of commendable
pleasures rule over us.

46. Just as the glorious king and all learned persons hold under
control these worlds, so should we speedily gain happiness.

Just as the Sun with his satellites, and twelve months manifests all
worlds, so should a physician helped by other persons give us medicines.
May the king with learned persons regulate our sacrifice, our bodies and
our progeny.

47. O teacher and preacher, with mastery over the vedas, become near us our protectors, welfarers, givers of knowledge and wealth in our homes. Give us wealth most splendidly renowned. Come nigh unto us, so that we may express reverence unto ye.

48. O virtuous learned person, grant us knowledge. We pray unto thee for our happiness and the good of our friends. Listen to our call ; and protect us from evil-minded and sinful pesons.

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