Various Types of Beasts
1. Horse, violent goat, forest cow possess the qualities of the sun. A black-necked beast, excellent amongest the beasts, has the qualities of fire.
An ewe possesses the qualitities of speech and lives amongst the beasts, like tongue between the jaws. Two goats white-coloured in the lower parts of the body, resembling two arms possess the qualities of day and night.
A dark-coloured beast possesses the qualities of the sun and moon, and is considered as a navel amongst the beasts.
White and dark-coloured beasts, possess the qualities of the sun and air. They act as sides amongst the beasts.
Beasts with abundance of hair possess the qualities of Twashta. They are like thighs amongst the beasts. A white beast possesses the qualities of air, and is like tail amongst the beasts.
A cow that slips her calf is imbued with the qualities of Indra, the doer of noble deeds.
A beast dwarfish in size belongs to Vishnu.
2. The red goat, the smoky red, the jujube-red, these belong to Soma.
The brown, the ruddy brown, the parrot-brown, these beasts belong to Varuna. One with white ear holes, one with partly white, one with wholly white, belong to Savita. Beasts with white, partly white, wholly white arms belong to Brihaspati Beasts speckled with spots, with small spots, with big spots, belong to Pran and Udan.
3. The bright haired, the wholly bright haired, the jewel-haired beasts possess the qualities of the sun and moon. The white, the white-eyed, the reddish beasts, possess the qualities of fire, the protector of cattle.
Beasts of burden possess the qualities of air. Beasts with heavy limbs possess the qualities of vital breaths. Sky-coloured beasts belong to the cloud.
4. Speckled, transversely speckled, upward speckled beasts belong to the Marutas. The beasts fond of fruits, red-haired, sharp-eyed belong to Saraswati.
The beasts having ears like spleen, dry ears, golden ears belong to Twashta. The black-necked, the white-flanked, the bulky-thighed beasts belong to Indra and Agni. Beasts with faltering, feeble, fast gaits belong to the Dawn.
5. The beautiful beasts useful in arts, belong to the all-gods.
Beasts used for riding and protected by three agencies belong to vak.
The unknown baasts belong to Aditi. Beasts of the same colour belong to their protector. Tender-aged goats and sheep possess the qualities of consorts of the gods.
6. Black necked animals possess the qualities of fire. White
browed animals possess the qualities of Vasus. Red coloured animals
possess the qualities of Rudras. Bright animals who prevent others from
going astray possess the qualities of Adityas. Water coloured animals
possess the qualities of clouds.
7. The tall, the sturdy, the animals with distorted organs possess the qualities of electricity and air. Animals possessing the strength of arms that cut and shear things, and delicate back, possess the qualities of air and sun. The parrot-coloured, fast, variegated animals possess the qualities of fire and air. Dark-coloured possess the qualities of a cloud.
8. These two-coloured animals possess the qualities of air and lightning. Animals with distorted organs and the oxen possess the qualities of Soma and fire, and fire and air. Barren cows possess the quali-
ties of Pran and Udan. Partly variegated animals possess the qualities of a friend.
9. Black-necked animals possess the qualities of fire. Animals with
brown colour like that of an ichneumon possess the qualities of Soma.
White Animals belong to air. The undistinguished animals posssess the
qualities of Earth. Animals of the same colour, possess the qualities of
air. Tender-aged calves belong to the protective forces of the Sun.
10. Black animals used for ploughing the land belong to the Earth.
Smoke coloured animals belong to the Firmament. Animals with good
nature, actions, and habits, tall in size, and whitish belong to the Lightn-
ing. Animals conducive to bliss alleviate our sufferings.
11. Man should wear smoke-coloured clothes in Spring, white in
Summer; black in the Rains; red in Autumn; bulky in Winter; reddish-
yellow in the Dewy Season.
12. Animals protected in the three stages of life belong to the
Gayatri metre. Animals well protected with five vital breaths belong
to the Trishtup. Beasts of burden belong to Jagati. Grown up animals
belong to the Anushtup. The aged beasts belong to Ushnih.
13. Animals who carry burden on the back belong to the virat.
Full grown bulls belong to the Brihati. Strong bulls belong to the Kakup.
Bulls who carry the cart belong to the Pankti. Milch cows belong to the
14. Black-necked animals belong to Agni. Brown animals are calm
by nature. Mixed-coloured belong to Savita. Weaned she-kids belong
to Saraswati. Dark-coloured belong to cloud which brings rain. Cows
full of milk belong to the agriculturists. Many coloured animals belong
to the learned. All glittering substances belong to the Heaven and
15 These animals who move nicely, have been described. They
belong to Indra and Agni. The animals who plough the land and pull
carts belong to Varuna. The speckled animals resemble man in nature.
The violent animals belong to Prajapati.
16. A learned person should secure first class high souled, highly educated persons for the commander of the army. For persons who observe celibacy and are affectionate, he should secure men born in virtuous surrounding. For wise householders, he should secure aged persons. For laudable, sportive pleasure-loving persons, he should secure well-merited associates. For the self-strong independent persons, he should secure
willing followers.
17. These paths have been mentioned in which roam the animals
belonging to air and lightning; those with beautiful horns belonging to
Mahendra, the many-coloured belonging to Vishvakarma.
18. The animals of peace-loving parents are smoke-coloured and of
brownish hue. The animals of parents who sit in the assembly for per-
forming yajnas are brown and smoky-looking. The animals of parents
who know the science of fire are black and brownish-looking.
The animals of the learned who know the three forces are black
and bulky.
19. O men, bring into use the pre-mentioned agricultural animals,
and white animals possessing the qualities of air, and white animals
shining like the sun.
20. An expert in the knowledge of animals finds Kapinjalasin
spring ; sparrows in summer ; partridges in the Rains ; quails in Autumn ;
Kakras in Winter ; Vikakras in the Dewy season.
21. An expert in the knowledge of watery beings, finds porpoises in
the sea, frogs after rains, fishes in water, ducks outside water for sunshine,
crocodiles in deep water.
22. An expert in the knowledge of birds finds geese revelling in
moonshine ; female cranes near fire ; water-crows in the sun ; ruddy geese
loving each other.
23. An expert in the knowledge of birds finds cocks enjoying the
warmth of fire ; owls sitting on fruitless trees ; blue jays enjoying the sun
and Soma ; peacocks sun and moon ; pigeons fond of affection and mutual
24. An expert in the science of birds finds quails for affluence ;
Kaulikas for fame $ Goshadis for the Consorts of the learned ; Kulikas
for the sisters of learned ; Parushnas for Lord of the Homestead, behaving
like fire.
25. An expert in the science of time should study pigeons in the
beginning of the day ; sichapus in the night ; bats in the morning and
evening, gallinules for the knowledge of months, birds with beautiful
feathers for realizing the beauty of the year,
26. An expert in the science of Earth should study rats for under-
standing the nature of ground ; birds who fly in groups, for firmament ;
voles for light ; mungooses for the quarters ; brownish ichneumons for the
intermediate spaces.
27. An expert in the knowledge of animals should secure black-
bucks for Vasu Brahmcharis ; stags for Rudra Brahmcharis : Nayanku
deer for Aditya Brahmcharis ; spotted deer for all the learned ; Kulinga
antelopes for yogis engrossed in meditation.
28. Praswan deer should be secured for the wealthy ; Gaur deer for
the friend ; buffaloes for the most prosperous ; forest cows for the guar-
dian of the virtuous 5 camels for the artisans.
29. For the service of the king valiant soldiers and elephants
should be secured; white ants for eloquence; mosquitoes for sight, black
bees for hearing
30. For swiftness like a king and air Gomriga should be known; a
wild ram for an excellent person; a black deer for the Lord of Justice; a
monkey for the king; a red doe for the tiger; a female Goyal for a
civilized person, a quail for the swift falcon ; a worm for the Nilangu, a
porpoise for the sea; an elephant for the snowy mountain.
31. A despicable person belongs to the king; the tiny worm, the
lion, the cat belong to one given to mental abstraction: the heron
belongs to the quarters; the female bird named Dhunksha possesses the
qualities of fire; sparrow, red snake, and the bird residing in the tank
belong to Twashta (sun), the curlew belongs to speech.
32. An antelope should be had for prosperity; wild goat, mungoose,
saka (a strong animal) are meant for the powerful; an ordinary jackal is
subservient to a superior jackal; white deer is meant for a wealthy person,
Pidva> Nayanku, Kakkat are for Anumati; the chakravaka (ruddy goose)
is for the Echo.
33. The female crane belongs to the sun; Sarga, Srijaya, Sayandaka,
these three belong to breath, the human-voiced female parrot belongs
to the stream; the porcupine belongs to the ground; tiger, wolf, viper
belong to anger; the human voiced parrot belongs to the sea.
34. The eagle belongs to the cloud; the Aati, the serpent, the
wood-pecker, these are for air ; the Paingraja is for Brihaspati; the Alaja
belongs to the Firmament; pelican, cormorant, fish, these belong to the
ocean ; the tortoise belongs to the Heaven and Earth.
35. The buck that purifies men belongs to the moon; iguana,
kaalakaa, wood pecker, these belong to the trees; the cock belongs to the
sun; the swan belongs to air; crocodile, dolphin, and watery birds, these
belong to the sea; the porcupine to modesty.
36. The black-doe belongs to the day; frog, female-rat, partridge,
these belong to the serpents; the jackal belongs to the Aswinsj the black
buck to the night; bear, bat, sushilikaa, these helong to the other folk; the
pole-cat belongs to vishnu.
37. The cuckoo belongs to the Half Months ; antelope, peacock,
swan are meant for the musicians ; the other is an aquatic being ; the
tortoise belongs to the Months ; doe-antelope kundrirachi, Golattikaa
belong to the beam of the sun ; the black snake belongs to death.
38. The frog belongs to the seasons ; the rat, the kasha, the
Manthal, these are the guardians ; the python is for strength ; Kapinjala
is for the Vasus ; pigeon, owl, hare are the harbingers of adversity ; the
wild ram serves as as example for the person trying to remove the foe,
39. The diverse coloured animal belongs to the Adityas (months)
the camel, the Ghriniwan, the big goat are for thought ; Nil-Gaya
is for the forest ; the Ruru named deer is Rudra's ; Kvayi, cock, gallinule
possess the qualities of horses ; the cuckoo belongs to Passion.
40. Rhinoceros serves all warriors in preparing their shield; the
black dog, the long-eared ass, the hyena are used for protection, against
the demons ; the boar is for the king who wants to tear asunder the foes,
the lion is swift like air ; the chameleon, the Pippaka the vultures are
used for making arrows ; the spotted antelope is used for preparing
mrigshalas (seats of the deer's skin) for all the learned people.
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