Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sukla Yajurveda(Simplified Version) - Vajasaneya Samhita - Chapter 3

Ch. 3 - 63 hymns


1. O learned persons, kindle the fire with the wood sticks, with butter and put oblations in this fire of the yajna.

2. Put the oblations of ghee that removes physical infirmities into this well ablaze fire.

3. Fan the fire and put additional sticks of wood and ghee into the fire that burns vigorously.

4. O beautiful fire, accept my fuel put into you.

5. I sit on the earth on which the learned perform yajna.

6. The earth revolves in the space.

7. The lustre of the yajna fire goes up and down in the space like exhalation and inhaltion in the body. This great fire is similar to sun.

8. Vedas are recited for acquiring the knowledge of God. We should recite vedas and understand the illuminating sayings.

9. God, through the vedas displays knowledge of the world and knowledge of the spirit.

10. The Sun receives oblations put into the fire and carries them far and wide.

11. God hears our recitation of vedic texts from far and near.

12. Men should worship supreme Lord.

13. Indra and Agni, I invoke you for food and riches. Indra is the lightning. Hence Devichand equates it to electricity.

14. Knowing the power and utility of sacrificial fire and performing agnihotra will increase our wealth.

15. In this world the instructors and the learned kindle the ubiquitous fire of extra-ordinary qualities.

16. The persons who perform the yajnas get rains for their society.

17. God protect my body, give me longevity, give me splendour, and remove all defects from my body.

18. God give us happiness.

19. May I attain excellent offspring.

20. May I enjoy the abundance of good articles with manifold qualities.

21. O Vedic speech, veda mata, remain in this altar.

22. O god, may we be in communion with you everyday, morning and evening.

23. May we worship God.

24. O God, give us knowledge like a father to son.

25. O God, our benefactor, give us wealth.

26. O radiant God, we pray to you for the happiness of our friends.

27. O God may I be endowed with statesmanship. May noble desires come to me.

28. O God, make me fit for the acquisition of knowledge.

29. May god prompt me to do noble deeds.

30. O God, may not our knowledge of vedas perish.

31. O God, the three forces of nature (water, sun and air) should protect us and help us.

32. Those who worship God will get protection at home, on pathways and on battlefield.

33. The indestructible matter and soul, bestow eternal light upon man during life as well as after death.

34. O God, unless you give the knowledge, man will not be able to acquire it.

35. O God, Master of the universe, we meditate upon you. guide our understanding.

36. O God, protect the learned from all directions from close proximity.

37. O god, protect my offsping, my cattle, my food.

38.O God, Give us splendour and strength.

39. O God, Lord of our houses, take care of my householders, you are the giver of riches to our children.

40. The fire assists us in the accomplishment of our deeds (for cooking food, for giving us heat for our bodies and giving us hot things and also in yajnas).

41. God says, householders do not fear and tremble for the burdens of household. I am there to support you with my strength and intelligence.

42. Guest who come and stay with householders remember them and wish them good things. Householders should welcome religious guests.

43. May we in this world get cows, goats, sheep and abundant food in our houses. May I acquire mundane and celestial happiness and joy.

44. Householders should invite and take care of guests who are delightful and knowledgeable. Sins are washed away by giving well cooked food to them.

45. Let us resolve that we will not repeat the sinful acts that we or others have committed in various places, alone or in group. (It is appropriate that whenever we wish our sins are washed away, we should resolve not to commit them again. There is no question of washing the sins of a person who commits them again and again.)

46. O God, protect us in battles, in this world, with the help of heroes.

47. The persons who sing vedic hymns in cooperation and do specified deeds acquire noble virtues and enjoy comforts in their houses.

48. O God, preserve from tortuous sins. Stop me from doing such sins.

49. The oblation full of cooked articles put into the fire goes up to the sky, and returns therefrom full of rain. In life barter is required.

50. You give something to the other, he gives something to you. Life in this world goes on due to truthful bartering.

51. Learn from the knowledgeable people who are healthy and wealthy and cooperate with them for your health, wealth and power.

52. O God, help me to increase my health, wealth and power, help us to increase health, wealth and power.

53. By reflecting on the high principles and meritorious deeds of elders, we strengthen our mind and take correct decisions.

54. In the current birth as well as future births, do virtuous acts for acquiring strength and longevity and contemplate on God.

55. O venerable elders, give us in this and the next life intellect whereby we may enjoy a long life and perform noble deeds.

56. O God, we will act according to your law to have healthy bodies to enjoy happiness and to be blessed with progeny.

57. O learned men, follow the Veda and the law of Dharma. Accept the food worth eating which uproots all diseases.

58. Worship God. He only makes us better housed and prosperous.

59. O God you are the healer of the physical, mental and spiritual maladies. Please heal the diseases of cow, goats, sheep,horse and all mankind.

60. God augments our physical, spiritual and social forces. Through his grace, we should live our full life and then our death should be easy and free from protracted illness and our separation from life should be similar to a ripe cucumber falling from its stem. We seek immortal life through salvation and God should grant us moksha.

61. O God, come to my protection and make sure that no harm is caused to me.

62. Learned persons who follow proper rules of life are endowed with triple life (boyhood, youth and old age). Through grace of God we should also know the proper rules of life, follow proper rules of life and live long.

63. O God, I approach you for long energetic life, for nice food, for progeny, for riches in abundance and for noble children.

for chapter IV

Updated on 12.5.2024,  7 April 2019, 22 September 2007

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