Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 30


1. O Divine God, create for wealth and supremacy, the king, who is glorious, the protector of the Earth, the purifier of knowledge, the cleanser of our wisdom, the master of speech, who renders our speech
sweet, smooth, mild and lovely. Make his rule successful.

2. Let us adore the supremacy of that divine God, the Creator of the universe, Self-illumined, and Sublime. We invoke Him to direct our understanding aright.

3. O God, full of noble attributes, actions and nature, send far away all vices and calamities, and grant us virtues.

4. We praise God, the Procurer of comforts, the Distributor of wondrous wealth, the Creator, and the Seer of men.

5. O God create 
a Brahmana, who knows the veda and God, for propagating the knowledge of God and the veda ; 

a Kshatriya prince for the safety of kingdom ; 

a vaisha for rearing the cattle; 

a Shudra for hard labour and service. 

6. O God, create for dance a bard; for song a public dancer ; for duty one who administers justice ; for sweetness a panegyrist ; for pleasure a wife-lover husband ; for dexterity a car-builder ; for firmness
a carpenter.

7. O God, create for penance a potter's son ; for sharpening intellect an artificer ; for beauty a jeweller ; for welfare a sower ; for arrows a maker of shafts ; for destructive weapons a bowyer ; for victory a bow-string maker ; for control a ropemaker. 

8. O God, cast aside the vile man who pollutes rivers ; Nishada's son, hankering after libidinous women ; a degraded arrogant man, friend of a person harmful like a tiger : an uneducated person attached to low dancing and singing women ; the demented, given to the application of; magical rites ; an untrustworthy person who befriends the serpents and the fools ; a gambler who acquires wealth by unlawful means ; a non-gambler who creates unnecessary excitement ; a woman who creates
split amongst the Pishachas, the thorny woman who favours the freebooters.

9. O God, cast aside a lover, who cohabits with another's wife ; a paramour having illicit connection with a domestic woman ; an unmarried elder brother suffering from the pangs of passion ; younger brother who has married before his elder to inherit his father's property ; the husband of a younger sister whose elder sister has not been married, for ulterior motives of greed ; a licentious adorned woman who pretends for penance a lustful go-between woman bent on arousing passions; a by-sitter for
garrulity, an obstinate man who insists upon acceptance ; and him who offers presents in the shape of bribe, to gain strength.

10. O God keep aside a hunch-back bent on destruction ; a dwarf given to carnal pleasures ; a blear-eyed man as a gate-keeper ; a blind man for sleep > and a deaf man devoid of righteousness. O God create & physician for purifying our body with the eradication of disease ; an astronomer for the advancement of knowledge ; an inquisitive man full of craving for knowledge ; an extra inquisitive man for desire of extra knowledge ; and a question-solver for establishing moral law.

11. O God, create an elephant-keeper for deep walking; a horse-keeper for speed ; a cowherd for nourishment ; a shepherd for manliness j a goatherd for enhancing keenness , a ploughman for growing more food ; a preparer of Soma for obtaining essence ef medicines and food ; a house-guard for weal ; a possessor of wealth for well-being ; and an obedient attendant for supervision.

12. O God create a wood-bringer for Light ; a fire-kindler for
brightness ; a besprinkler for horse's path ; a high steward for highest
happiness, a master of all sorts of knowledge, for the sight of the learned ;
a distributor of knowledge, for the benefit of humanity ; a magnanimous
person who contributes to the happiness of all . a washer-woman for
cleanliness ; an affectionate wife for domestic happiness. O God, cast
aside a wicked person bent on teasing, murdering, and offering opposition.

13. O God cast aside, a thievish hearted man bent on violence, a
slanderer bent on homicide. O God create, a religious-minded man for
discrimination ; an ascetic as a wise counsellor ; a servant for strength ,
an observer of celibacy for plenty of progeny ; a sweet speaker for
affection ; a cavalier for safety ; a collector of taxes for enjoying full
happiness ; a talented man spreading knowledge for highest happiness,

14. O God drive away, a mentally angry man, blazing like red hot
iron ; an invader full of ire ; an assailant destined for grief ; an embarrassed
barren woman bent on violence.

O God create a yogi for the practice of yoga ; an alleviator of suffer-
ings for welfare ; a mechanic skilled in running ships; car and aeroplanes
for going to high and low places ; a thoughtful person for welfare of the
body j a well-behaved wife of noble deeds for a Brahmchari ; a wealthy
lady for acquiring land.

15. O God, for administration create a woman who gives birth to
rulers ; for the harmless physicians a woman who has miscarried ; for the

Samvatsar, first year, a woman who gives birth to a male and female child
alternately ; for the Parivatsar, second year, a celibate virgin ; for the
Idvatsar, 3rd year, one who is fond of roaming $ for the Idvatsar, fifth
year, one who is highly learned ; for one year, an ailing woman > for four
years, one with grey hair, for the wise, a friend of the invincible, and for
executive projects, men of skill and proficiency.

16. O God. create the son of a fisherman for crossing ponds ; a paid
servant for menial service ; the son of a Nishada for managing small tanks ;
a dry fish clearer for reed'beds a celibate who controls passions for uneven
impassable places ; aboatsman for crossing watery places; an engineer
for constructing bridges over rivers.

O God, drive away a hunter's son bent upon killing deer ; a contemp-
tible Bhil for sounds ; a Kirata for caverns ; a destructive savage for
living on mountain-heights j a wild man for living in mountains.

17. O God drive away a sweeper's son bent on ferocity ; a dissatis-
fied person given to back-biting ; a slothful person destined for poverty ;
a shameless person bent on losing wealth ; a destroyer and splitter bent on

O God create a goldsmith for beautifying ornaments ; a merchant for
exact weighing ; a bringer of happiness for all human beings with his
assistants ; a watchful man for prosperity ; an eloquent debater for
alleviation of suffering.

18. O God drive away a gambler, friend of the dice-king ; a person
with evil designs for murdering cows ; a cow-killer for gallows > one who

for hunger goes begging to a man who is cutting up a cow ; a leader of
meat eaters bent on misdeed ; the son of a depraved person, befriending
a sinner,

O God create a wise person who soon realizes the shortcomings in
the acts performed ; a person who is fit in childhood, youth and old age ;
one endowed with capability for this world and the next ; a leader of the
Assembly for drying up the resources of the enemy.

19. O God, create a man of iron determination for the implemen-
tation of vow ; a loud-voiced man for proclamation ; a comprehensive
speaker for establishing propriety of conduct ; a mute for unending
lawless discussion ; a Iute-pla3 r er for great festivals ; a conch-blower, for
calling neighbouring and distant people ; a forest-guard, for the protec-
tion of forest ; and drive away a creator of uproar bent on uttering
frightening sounds ; a flute-blower intending singing songs of lamenta-
tion ; a forest burner contemplating the destruction of jungles.

20. O God, drive away a harlot fond of pastime ; a strange mad
man inclined to laughter ; the daughter of a man with spotty skin bent
on killing aquatic creatures ; create for reverence, the following, a
headman, a mathematician, a watchman. Create a lute-player, a player on
musical instruments with hands, a flutist, for dance ; and a hand clapper
for pleasure.

21. O God, create bulky substances for fire ; serpents to crawl on
earth 5 a pole-dancer for mid-air ; a monkey-like green-eyed man for the
Sun ; a whitish person for giving pleasure like the Moon ; a white yellow-
eyed man for day, and drive away an impure person who emits foul air
from his body ; a bald prone to jest and joke ; a spotty man who is bent
upon opposing the rulers ; a black man with yellow eyes who prefers

22. O kings, just as a learned man comes in contact with the eight following variform men ; one tt>o tall, one too short, one too stout, one too thin, one too white, one too black, one too bald, one too hairy, so should ye do. Those connected with the kings, who are neither Shudras nor Brahmanas should also come in their contact.

A murderer, a harlot and eunuch, neither of Shudra nor Brahmana caste should be made to dwell at a distance. Loyal subjects and devotees of God should dwell near. 

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