Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 15


 Ch 15


1. O King drive away our known enemies. O powerful king, put our unknown foes aright. Graciously- minded, showing no disrespect, give us good instructions ; wherewith we may live happily in a thrice -guarded house, well-provided by thee with all necessary things.


2. O learned King, drive away with might our known foes. Keep
off those who oppose us secretly. Benevolent in thought and spirit, teach
us the art of victory. May we be thy supporters. Drive away our foes.

Woman with learning

3. She, the master of sixteen arts, worthy of praise, grants strength
and wealth, laudable celibacy of forty-four years, learning and power. She
has acquired the completion of sacrificial fire. She is free from covetous-
ness for the wealth of others. All learned people should praise her.
Enriched with songs of praise and butter, stay thou in this domestic 'life,
and give us wealth with store of children.


4 Knowledge gives pleasure. The practice of truth gives ease,
Experience of comfort gives delight. Action brings light of truth,
Avoidance of sins gives life. The mental conceptions and aversions give

The cultivation of noble traits gives peace of mind.

The free movement like a river gives independence.

The depth of mind, like the ocean, solves all problems.

The sweetness of speech like water gives calmness.

Our fame wide like directions adds to our greatness.

The deed that is the bringer of three kinds of comforts gives us

The works of far-sighted poets give knowledge.

Meandering water brings usefulness.

Life after death gives solace.

This world is a place of happiness.

All directions are the source of delight.

Sun gives us knowledge.

Light of knowledge brings happiness.


5. The action that removes sins, gives light.

The action that with exertion removes evil propensity, lends

Concentration of mind gives strength.

Perseverance leads to various efforts.

Increase in prosperity leads to independence.

Emancipator from this world is worthy of adoration.

Air is useful.

Space in which reside different objects is full of light.

Food worth enjoying is acceptable.

Brilliant fire is acceptable.

Speech gives enjoyment.

The mental attitude, that after hearing, makes us understand the
religious books serves as our mentor.

Acquisition is the result of exertion.

Service of the learned is worthy of resort.

Life is synonymous with independence.

Means for prolonging life are exercisable.

Emulation is laudable.

Enterprise is praiseworthy.

Removal of obstacles is the bringer of happiness.

Conquest of affliction demands strength.

Independence is splendour.

Arithmetic is a useful science.

learned person

6. O learned person with lustre, perform virtuous deed for happiness
and control over material objects. Know religion, with the observance of
enlightened noble justice.

For investigation, get the light of truth, with the light of religion.
Know mid-air as uniting the Earth with Heaven.
Know Earth through geology.

Know rain through the science of rain that nourishes the body.
Know day with the beautiful science of light.
Know night by the science of night that follows light.
Know the eight Vasus through their desirable science.
Know the Adityas (twelve months) intelligently with their

Gain the strength of wealth,

7. O man gain the strength of wealth, through the extended application of wealth.

Learn to listen to religious lore, for acquiring it properly.

Acquire medicines through the sciences of medicine, and agri-culture.

Attain to physical strength, through pure bodies, well regulated according to religious instructions.

Acquire knowledge through study, that gives life.

Learn perseverance for conquering the opposing foes, with a firm hand.


8. O wife thou art an embodiment of wealth, for wealth do I accept thee. Thou art obedient, obtainable after the completion of studies. I accept thee.

Thou art riches, for riches do I accept thee. Thou art brilliance, for brilliance do I accept thee.


9. O husband, thou knowest the primordial matter with three qualities. For knowing that matter, do I accept thee.

Thou knowest this world the effect of matter. For knowing this world do I accept thee. Thou art the manifold benefactor of the world.

I accept thee for doing good to humanity. Thou knowest all objects similar in nature. For knowing them do I accept thee.

Thou possessest the knowledge of atmosphere, for knowing the atmosphere, do I accept thee. Thou accurately knowest all the objects. For knowing them do I accept thee.

Thou knowest the movements of clouds on high. For knowing
them do I accept thee. O wife, thou knowest the science wherewith we
cross the accessible and inaccessible regions. For knowing the art of
flying, do I accept thee. Living with thy husband, with thy energy
attain to strength.


10. O Woman, You are brilliant.  Eight Vasus are thy protectors. Thou possessest the fire that resides in arms and weapons,Get butter on the Earth for enjoyment. For thy prosperity, possess the
military force of aeroplanes. May the aged vedic seers, with great power, and brilliance of knowledge, fill thee with good qualities and wisdom. This husband of thine is thy protector in diverse ways. May
all the learned persons, unanimously settle thee and thy husband in a happy place on this comfortable Earth.

11. O woman you are  bright. Eleven Rudras (airs) are thy protectors. Thy husband, the wielder of arms and weapons, the knower of the meanings of vedic verses in fifteen ways, and the sun serve thee on earth. He, being fearless of man, preaches unto thee firmly the narrable and instructible words.

May all the learned persons, unanimously establish thee and thy husband in a happy place in the space, where there is plenty of water.

12. O woman, thou art brilliant like the West. The learned persons are thy overlords. Thy husband, possessing seventeen vital parts of the body, worthy of praise, the subduer of foes, master of fiery
spirits, may serve thee on earth.

May he, learn the Sama Veda for greatness.

All learned persons unani-mously establish thee and thy husband in a happy abode, in a part of the
earth, free from affliction.

13. O woman,your husbad is self luminous. 
May thy husband worthy of praise like the moon that preserves
rays in twenty one ways, live with thee on this earth.

Being free from the sway of passions, may he, for thee, learn that part of the veda which deals with the unity of God. For stability, may he study that portion of the Sama Veda, that deals with the universal 
aspect of God. In thy body there are many chief strong vital airs, in the organs, coupled with perception. He is the sustainer and lord of those airs.

May all the learned persons, with one mind make thee renowned, and establish thee and thy husband in a happy place on a comfortable part of the earth.

14. O woman, thou art the lady paramount like the lofty region.
All the shining bodies like the sun, are thy protectors. May thy husband, like the sun, the guardian of the world, and the sustainer of big planets, adore thee. 

For freedom from pain on this earth, through twenty-seven and thirty-three means of praise, let all the learned persons, knowing the sciences of fire and air, resort to two parts of the veda. 

For progress let them have knowledge of the two parts of the Sama Veda, with verses in Shakvari and Raivati metres.

This sun, the lord, and sustainer of all in diverse ways, and the learned persons with one mind establish thee and thy husband in a happy house on a comfortable part of the earth.

15. In the East there are golden-tressed sunbeams. There are
other beams also, which work like a wise driver and horses of a convey-
ance, and like the head of an army and a village chieftain.

Their chief direction and sub-direction, both are called Apsaras
that move in the Pranas. Let injurious animals like lions and others that
eat flesh and grass be destroyed. Let murderous crowds of men that destroy
others like a powerful weapon, be killed. Let virtuous rulers protect us
from those animals, and make us comfortable. In the jaws of these
animals we place the ferocious man whom we hate and who hates us.

16. O men, this vishvakarma breeze blows in the south. These
two kinds of air, that give sound like the sound of a chariot, and
are the doers of wonderous acts like a chariot, are like the head
of an army and the chieftain of a village, which help meditation, and
arc born together, are called Apsaras which live in the atmosphere.
Those who tease the people should be destroyed. Those who commit
unrighteous deeds should be subdued through arms. Use weapons against
those who torment mankind. Let just rulers protect us and make us
comfortable. In the lion-like jaws of these airs we place the depraved
man whom we hate and who hates us.

17. O men, there is all pervading lightning in the West. Like the head of the army and the village chieftain, are its Rathprota, and Asamaratha, Both these Apsaras, active beams in the atmosphere, dry all the medicinal plants, and shed lustre.

Those who like tigers and serpents torture mankind, should be subdued through arms. 

Let the rulers protect us from these animals and make us comfortable.

18. In the North, the autumn is associated with the yajna. Its
Aswin and Kartik are like the head of the army and the village chieftain.
The fire that pervades the universe and the fire that receives ghee
(butter) are its Apsaras, i.e., the motion of the Pranas. In this season
water is in abundance, and air highly pleasant, Those who enjoy this air
properly deserve honour. May they protect us and make us comfortable,
In the jaws of destructive power of water and air, we place the man whom
we hate and who hates us.

19. This one direction above, is the source of wealth after rains.
Its army conqueror and well-armed lords are both Margshirsh and Paush
months of winter, like the head of an army and the village chieftain. The
internal fire that is the cause of eating much, and intellect the recipient of
eternal knowledge are two forces that reside in the Pranas. Thundering
is its weapon and lightning its missile-weapon. We offer food to persons
who are our guardians like them. May they protect us and make us com-
fortable. We place in the jaws of thunder and lightning the man whom
we hate and who hates us.
20. This Agni, resides between the Earth and Heaven, like head in
the shape of the Sun. Being the protector of all directions, it satisfies the
forces of our breaths.

21. This fire in winter, present in thousands of nice objects, and possessing hundreds of characteristics, is the lord of foodgrains and riches, and beautiful like the head.

22. O learned person, I instruct thee that a harmless, wise scholar,
dispels ignorance with instructive speech, creates fire from the atmosphere,
or by churning, and is mighty like the head.

23. O learned person, this visible fire, with its properties of
alliance and division, full of blissful flames, helps in the performance of
yajna, and worldly deeds. It imbibes in its lustrous nature the lofty

It stimulates the pleasant speech worthy of acceptance and giver
of enjoyments.

Like fire, the learned person, full of noble qualities should
preach all sciences.

24. With fuel the fire is kindled. Just as calf is pleased seeing
the cow coming, so are people delighted by seeing the Dawn. Just as
highly religious people fairly well resort to permanent devices of happi-
ness, so do the rays wholly attain to heaven.

25. Let us use respectful language for a person, who is pure, in-
telligent, wise, strong, and virtuous. Let him who expounds the vedic
lore, humbly divulge the praises of the Effulgent God, as the sun seated
in its rays, sheds in heaven the lustre that spreads to various places.

26. In this world, this visible fire, serviceable in works of protection,
worthy of investigation, the paramount accomplisher of sacrifice (yajna),
the recipient of ghee, and ubiquitous, is acknowledged by the learned. The
beautiful persons, adequately advanced in knowledge expound for all people
this fire pervading the beams wondrously.

27. Fire, the guardian of the created world, ever active, full of
strength, developing with ghee, and pure, is born for fresh prosperity.
Illumined by the suns, it glitters with the intense touch of light.

28. O learned person, dear like life, thou shinest with knowledge,
like fire with attrition, Fire, highly serviceable, residing in the inmost recesses of out
heart, present in all rays and objects, is called the son of highly strong and
powerful air. The learned master it. I preach unto thee its significance.

29. O men, just as the learned, your associates, offer seemly
oblations and praises to fire, supreme, and highly powerful, behaving as
your grandson, so should you proceed with it.

30. O mighty, enlightened vaishya, having adequate trade relations
with others, and worthy of adoration, thou lookest graceful, seated in a
desirable position of vantage ; bring us all riches.

31. O noble learned person, loved of many, people invoke thee,
powerful like the scorching rays of the sun for acquiring necessary nice
foodstuffs for the subjects.

32. Omen, just as I acknowledge for ye, through desirable food-
grains, Agni, steadfast in nature, lovely, giver of life, devoid of conscious-
ness, united with harmless usages, eternal in nature, world's messenger,
and your enterprises, so should ye do for me.

33. I acknowledge the immortal sun, the warmer of the universe.
I acknowledge the immortal fire present in water, the scorcher of all
objects of the world,

The protector of the universe, this beautiful fire is present in all
things, It acts as a uniting force. Well-comprehended, it courses through
the body. The learned should realise it.

34. Agni moves like an invited friend. It goes like an invited
scholar. Use properly the fire, that is the desired treasure of persons and
material objects, like the master of the four vedas, companionable and
calm in nature.

35. O son of a strong man, possessing knowledge of the objects
created, dignified and well-read, thou like fire, with land and laudable
cow, art the master of foodgrains. Vouchsafe great wealth unto us.

36. O ruler equipped with a good army, worthy of praise with words,
provider of dwelling to his subjects, affluent, brilliant, and resembling
fire, grant us laudable riches.

37. O resplendent learned person, with powerful limbs, just as the
sharp fire creates the night, day, morning and evening, so shouldst thou
spread good instruction. Like fire burn the wicked with the force of
thy soul.

38. O man of power and supremacy, just as lovely Agni through
oblations brings us bliss, just as gift brings bliss, just as harmless dealing
brings bliss, just as our praises bring us bliss, so shouldst thou be blissful
unto us.

39. O man of power and supremacy behave in manner, where-
with we may get in battles, optimistic mind, praiseworthy followers, and
calm, determined soldiers.

40. O man of power and supremacy, with thy strength, grant us
daring courage in battles, add to the resources of our resolute army,
exerting to its utmost for victory. Acting in obedience to thy desires,
let us utilise the resources of the army.

41. O learned person, I value the omnipresent fire, led by which
the kine go to their home. The fleet-foot, steady and active steeds seek
the indestructible fire, as their home. I bring food to the learned who
sing thy glory. So shouldst thou realise that fire.

42. O learned person, I laud fire, that provides shelter ; whom the
speeches attain to. Just as the praiseworthy scholars walk slowly, and the
learned, famous for their knowledge, thoroughly imbibe learning for the
pupils who sing their praise, and just as the teacher explains the merits
of God and other objects, so shouldst thou acquire the knowledge of all
these things.

43. O beautiful, pleasurable teacher, just as two ladels of ghee
cook food, so fill in thy mouth both the practices of reading and teaching.
O lord of strepgth, teach us the vedic lore, and give food to us and the

44. O teacher, we derive today from thee like a disciplined horse,
the pleasant knowledge of the vedas. May we always make progress, hav-
ing received the knowledge which touches our soul, and is blissful like

45. O learned person, just as thou art in the possession of convey-
ances for journey, having the intellectual wisdom of a truthful person,
following the noble path of virtue, filled with pleasurable physical and
spiritual strength, so shouldst we blissfully and certainly be.

46. O learned person, be thou well-disposed towards us, like a
king with his armies. With these worshipful learned persons be thou
for us the expositor of knowledge ; and the uplifter of the down-trodden,
granting us pleasure.

47. He, who with his superior knowledge, deserves harmlessness,
is fit to be honoured by the learned, is powerful in deeds, is imbued with
noble qualities, and displays diverse kinds of lustre, with extreme loveli-
ness, by performing Havan, using ghee and water, him do I honour. He
is the giver of happiness, the knower of all created objects, charitably
disposed like the son of a great man, giver of gifts, foremost amongst the
wise, and a trustworthy, highly learned person, brilliant like fire.

48. O learned person, be thou our nearest friend, our protector,
most prosperous, and blissful unto us, like fire that gives us riches, food-
grains, and wealth. O learned person, actuated by noble aspirations, just
as we pray unto thee with our friends for happiness, so may all pray. Just
as I goodly meet thee full of desirable intentions, so shouldst thou meet us.

49. With whatever penance, the sages, well-read in vedic lore,
securing illuminating pleasure, and full of true knowledge, explore fire ;
with similar devotion, for the acquisition of happiness, do I grasp the fire,
described by the thoughtful learned persons as pervader of the

50. O learned persons, just as ye, mastering that fire, engaged in the
performance of virtuous vedic deeds, residing in a beautiful knowable,
pleasant place, built scientifically, attain to happiness with your wives,
sons, brothers, other relatives, and with gold, so may we also be happy in
all these respects.

51. O learned person, full of knowledge, protector of the virtuous,
having understood the essence of vedic speech, cast under foot those who
would fight against him, who is well read, firmly established on the earth,
benefits all with his advice, and sticks to religion.

52. May this commander of the army, most manly, supporter of
the lives of all, powerful like thousand soldiers, shining with knowledge
and justice like sun in the midst of heaven, free from carelessness, shine,
and attain to nice birth, deeds and position.

53. O people, learn well all sciences, follow the path of the
virtuous, be religious-minded. O learned grandfather, in thy lifetime,
let thy sons, leading a life of Brahmcharya, in the bloom of their youth,
marry according to their own selection, and produce afterwards children,
according to the rules of eugenics.

54. O highly learned man or woman acquire knowledge thoroughly,
avoid ignorance, and be full of learning. Thou wife and this husband
both, in this present place and in future, should acquire desired happiness,
honour the learned, pray to God, keep good company, give true knowledge
as a free gift, possess full strength, cultivate Brahmcharya, acquire the
glory of knowledge, attain to puberty, and try for the attainment of final
beatitude through helpful means.

Let all the learned and the sacrificers be seated in this place.

55. O learned man or woman, just as thou, for the happiness of the
wise, with a resolute vow, solvest the thousand problems of domestic
life, and with knowledge observe st the injunction of the vedas, so help us
in discharging our domestic duties.

56. O learned man or woman, this is thy house comfortable in all
seasons. Stick fast to religion keeping in mind the education received,
whereby thou hast attained to name and fame. Cause then our riches to

57. O God, for my prosperity, the Magh (January-February) and
Phagan (February-March) these two months constituting the dewy-winter,

add to my pleasure. Thou pervadest them and fire. In those months let
sky and earth, and water be pleasure-giving. Let medicinal plants grow
in them. Let lightning-fires, following the same laws, be separately useful
to us. These lightning-fires residing in between the Sky and Earth,
unanimously the cause of Dewy-winter, create the Magh and Phagan
months. The learned should use these mighty fires. Just as the Sky and
Earth, through the dispensation of God work together like breath, so
should you wife and husband live constantly together.

58. O woman, may God seat thee, full of admirable knowledge, on
the back of learning, for strengthening the Pran, Apan and Vyan breaths
of all thy family members. Diffuse the full light of knowledge to all

Remain tenaciously firm like the sun, with thy husband, endowed
with noble traits, and lustrous like the sun.

59. O woman, make this life and the next comfortable, Remove thy weaknesses ; and stay at home with firmness of purpose. May the glorious, learned teachers establish thee in this domestic life.

60. The subjects endowed with knowledge and good training, enquir-ing about the birth of the learned, equipped with cooks and servants expert in the performance of their duties, devoted to vedic action, worship and knowledge, living in the presence of the Effulgent God, provide everywhere, for their ruler edible foods mixed with the juices of medicinal

61. May all sacred songs coupled with knowledge and learning, magnify the king, full of wealth, protector of the doings of the learned, and master of the people, most valiant among the valorous, extensive in fame like the sky.
62. O King, just as thou makest the horse strong with fodder, so shouldst thou make thy subjects strong, so that they may be well established, shielded and protected by thee. When thou marchest forth
with thy attractive splendour; thy followers march in thy wake.

63. O woman, Thou art full of grace, and the light of pure know-ledge, I set thee in the house of thy husband, who will live long, I place thee under his care, thy protector. I set thee in his heart, deep like the ocean.
64. O woman, God places thee worthy of praise and well-read in charge of the house, for the full enjoyment of life, for the eradication of misery, for the acquisition of knowledge, for amassing strength, for elicit-ing universal respect, and for the improvement of character.

Spread thou the light of justice, strengthen the lustre of learning. Violate not the truths of religion.

God guards thee on all sides, bestowing due respect and extreme delight; and distinguishing truth from untruth.

May thou and thy husband live constantly together, holding God dear as life.

65. O learned man or woman, thou knowest the world full of count-less objects; thou measurest the intrinsic worth of countless precious objects, thou servest as balance for judging the nature of countless material objects. Thou art the master of innumerable sciences. God sets thee in life for numberless achievements.

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