Sunday, May 12, 2024

Simplified Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 39 - Journey of a Soul After Death of a Body or Person



Death and Soul after Death

1. This mantra is related to the dead body. The dead body is presented to the various divine entities. Swaha of the vital breathings with their controlling lord, the soul to  earth, To Agni, To Firmament,   To Vayu, To Sky, To Surya. 

2. To the Quarters, To the Moon,  To the Stars, To the Waters,  To the Ocean, To the Navel,  To the Purifying light. 

3. To Speech,  To Breath, To Dhananjaya Vayu,  To the right eye,  To the left eye, ! To the right ear, To the left ear. (You may even interpret it as swaha of.)

4. Prayer: may I obtain, the wishes and purposes of my mind and things happen according my speech (words) . Please bestow on me the  cattle's beauty, sweet taste of food, fame and grace,  truthful speech and virtuous conduct.

5. Worship Him alone. Paramatma, the supreme soul. He, who retains the soul called Prajapati, (the nourisher of men); the well protected soul called Samrat, (filled with lustre); the well received soul called Vaishvadeva (Connected with all meterial objects); the soul  called Dharma, (full of brilliance); the soul progressing called Teja (light); she soul well received in water called Ashwin (connected with Pran and Apan); timely received soul called Paushan (the light connected with the Earth); the violent soul called Maruta (the light connected with man's body); the soul reared in water called Maitra (connected with friendly Pran),  the attacking soul called vayavya (full of velocity like air); the soul invoked called Agneya (burning lustrous like fire), the soul recognised as bead called vak (one that commands and gives orders).

6. After death, the soul goes to the Sun on the first day ; to Agni on the second ; to Vayu on the third; to Aditya on the fourth; to Chandrama (the moon) on the fifth ; to Ritu on the sixth ; to Maruts
on the seventh ; to Brihaspati on the eighth ; to Mitra on the ninth ; to Varuna on the tenth ; to Indra on the eleventh ; to all divine, noble traits on the twelfth. ;

7. The soul after death, according to its actions becomes fierce and calm ; terrible and fearless ; ignorant and enlightened ; trembling and steadfast ; forbearing and unforbearing ; passionate and ascetic ; and a
prey to bewilderment.

8. The souls after death attain to fire with the heart ; to -lightning with the upper part of the heart ; to Pashupati with the whole heart ; to Bhava with the liver.

To Sharva with the two cardinal bones ; to Ishana with righteous indignation; to Mahadeva with the intercostal flesh ; to the Fierce God with the rectum ; to handsome chinned person, to knowable and procurable powers with two lumps of flesh near the heart.

9. Souls inside or outside the womb become virile through pure blood ; lovely through virtuous deeds ; chastisable through ignoble deeds ; supreme through pastime ; noble through spiritual force ; achievers of aims through enjoyment. Suitable place for fire is between the ribs ; for bile the liver ; for waters the rectum ; for soul the protector of bodily organs the pericardium.

10. Swaha ! (statement accompanying burning of various organs) To the hair,  To the nails,  the external skin, the internal skin ! the blood !  the heart's blood ! the fats ! all the wet parts of the body,  the external fleshy parts, the internal fleshy parts, the gross sinews, the subtle sinews,  the tough bones, the soft bones !  marrows !  internal part of the marrows ! the semen ! the anus. 

11. Take nourishing diet for physical exertion, for lofty adventure, for concerted effort, for endeavours by different organs, for enterprise, for physical and mental purity, for contemplative soul, for expounding nice ideas, and for spiritual power.

12. Exert for the performance of religious duty and  penance. Be a  Brahmchari devoted to study as a  recluse and learn from the people lustrous like the Sun. Try hard to avoid sins, expiate for them, and ward off physical ailments through medicine.

13. Honour the just ruler. Keep away Death the great Finisher. Worship God the destroyer of the wicked. Contemplate on God the Great. Try for the preservation of Vedic knowledge (truths regarding the world and Brahma). Revere all learned persons,  utilise all the forces of nature. Acquire the knowledge of Heaven (Brahma) and Earth (entire creation).

Based on Writings of Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Devichand.

You can suggest modifications needed.

Ud. 13.5.2024, 4.7.2023

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