Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 33


1. In this God's creation, may the fires, ever active, protectors against foes, coupled with fragrant smoke, purifying, white, wealth-producing, ever stirring, recipients of prosperity, seated in woods, rays
and water, and potent like winds preserve our houses.

2. Various flames of fire, moving in nature, bannered with the smoke, fanned by the wind, rise, aloft to heaven.

3. O learned person, honour our friends, revered persons, and scholars. Preach grand truth unto us, and manage thy domestic affairs.

4. O learned person, just as a charioteer yokes fast horses highly praised by the experts, so shouldst thou arrange fast burning fires, and verily take thy seat as Hota instructed by the aged sages.

5. Just as two women, with fair aim, unlike in semblance, feed themselves, and each in succession nourishes a child in embryo, and one bears a quiet, fascinating babe, and the other an active, fair, shining babe, so do dark and bright night and day exibt, and work for uplift of the world as a child. In one of them is born the peaceful Moon, pleasing to the mind ; and in the other is born the beautiful, purifying and lustrous Sun.

6. The explorers, in this world, hold for the people, this fire, vastly expanded, comfort-giving, pariseworthy, investigable in all useful projects.

The learned, and the householders with their disciples and children, specially kindle in woods this fire, wondrous in its attributes, actions and nature, spreading to every place.

7. The skilled mechanics should utilise fire in making automobiles travel for 3339 miles. Fire and water should be employed in making them cover the atmosphere. For this fire, the sacrificer should constantly
be seated, to perform Havan.

8. The learned manifest fire, the head of heaven, resident of Earth, the benefactor of humanity, properly employed in the Yajna, surpassing in the beauty, blazing with lustre, the guest of men, created by the mouth-like power of God for the sake of protection.

9. Just as the brilliant, active sun slays the clouds, so should a wise man, aspiring after wealth, remove his vices, having recourse to various devices.

10. Just as the sun, with the aid of All-sustaining air, drinks the sweet essence of all medicinal herbs, so should a learned person enjoy the essence of the medicinal herbs of his friend.

11. When, for rain, the pure light, coming out of the fire of a yajna full of ghee oblations, reaches the Sun ; he creates in the atmosphere and sends in the form of rain, water, invigorating, pure, youth-infusing, and drinkable.

12. Show thyself strong for mighty bliss, O king most excellent be thy effulgent splendours. Strengthen through Brahmcharya the well-knit bond of wife and husband, and trample down the might of those who hate us.

13. O learned teacher, as thou payest attention to the weighty words of ours, the Brahmcharis; so we, along with men resplendent like the sun, accept thee deserving of highest reverence.

The best men, with strength and wealth, please thee, godly in nature powerful like the sun and bounteous like the air.

14. O well read learned person, may the heroes amongst men, self-controllers, wealthy patrons, destroyers of the killers of kine, all these sages, be dear unto thee.

15. O supreme ruler, hearer of the grievances of the subjects, listen to the important state business in the company of thy ministers, administrator and learned officials. In this spacious Assembly Hall seat thyself, the impartial friend of all, the Lord worthy of respect, along with officials who resort to their duty early in the morning.

16. O head of the state thou art the wisest amongst all the honour-
able learned persons, most adorable amongst all men, responsible for
protection, gracious to all, highly renowned for thy knowledge and concen-
tration of mind through the practice of yoga.

17. May we the state officials, live free from sin, under the shelter of the highly brilliant head of the state, excellent, friendly and worthy of reverence.

We crave today for bliss, and gracious favour of the learned, who live under the command of God, as given in the vedas.

18. O highly learned parson, thy panegyrists wax like waters, attain to true knowledge like expanding rays. May the persons possess-ing knowledge vast like mind come near us, may thou possess the ^qualities of swiftness and force like air.

Thou art worthy of reverence, as thou art highly kind to us through thy wisdom and deeds.

19. Just as the cows and sun's rays protect the beautifying Heaven
and Earth, so should the learned protect both the ears coupled with golden
ornaments, and parts of altar in a yajna.

20. May the sinless, affectionate, just, and glorious king, the urger of the laws of administration, improve our health.

21. O happiness-giving people, elect him as your ruler, who is most mighty, lends lustre to heaven, and earth, is full of beauty and sustains you.

22. O learned people ye all should use in your projects electricity,
full of splendour, Self-effulgent, pervading all substances, ever active,
present in all indestructible elements, well-established, bringer of rain,
killer, and dignified in nature.

23. Worship Him, Whose beautiful sacrifice, wealth, strength,
and mighty glory are enjoyed by the Heaven and Earth; Who is the
creator of all beings, the Embodiment of great happiness, All-pervading
and Supplier of food.

24. They alone perform laudable deeds, whose friend is God, Brilliant, Omnipresent, Majestic, ever young, Exalted, and Supreme,

25. O learned person, fit for great veneration, due to thy strength, come and delight thyself with diverse juices of medicinal herbs and food.

26. He alone is fit to be elected the head of the State, who possesses power, knows how to arrange his army in different military arrays, is majestic like the sun; challenges for battle his impious foes, chastises the wily and deceitful persons, kills the dacoits hidden in forests, and makes
apparent the words of preachers who diffuse happiness.

27. O King, the protector of the virtuous, highly venerable, why
dost thou go alone ? What is thy purpose in doing so ? Lord of
fascinating horses, we are thy well-wishers, consult us in thy true behavi-
our and tell us in blissful words, the reason of thy prefering solitude.

28. O King, advance those persons who wish to utilise according
to their desire, the Earth, which bears at one time many kinds of cereals,
is the mother of many sons, the sustainer of numberless human beings,
great, and lofty; who wish to kill the wicked, the voluptuous, and harmful
persons in the front, and thus extol thy administration.

29. O king, I acknowledge this mighty wisdom of thine. My in-
tellect manifests thee in praise. The learned on great festive occasions
and child-birth bring joy unto thee, the master of intense endurance and
the conqueror of foes with thy strength.

30. The king, who shining like the wind-urged sun, grants full
prolonged life to the sacrifice's lord, in person guards and nourishes the
subjects, and variously sheds his lustre, should drink the glorious sweet
juice of medicinal herbs.

31. O men know ye the illumined sun present in all created objects,
whose rays shine wondrously fgr making the world visible.

32. O pure king, with that same eye wherewith thou lookest as a
guardian, look thou upon us, so that we may follow in thy wake.

33. Ye two divine performers of harmless sacrifice, come hither
upon a plane with sun-bright exterior, and clearly accomplish your
journey, battle, and yajna with agreeable provisions.

34. O young preachers, having acquired knowledge through
celibacy, just as a learned person, the leader of all, endowed with noble
qualities, brilliant like the sun, highly lauded for his speeches on knowable
conduct, visits all our sons and cattle } so should ye approach and gladden
us, and purify our intellect.

35. O slayer of foes like sun, the slayer of clouds, father of supre-
macy in knowledge, giver of food, noble man, all things are in thy power
today, when wilt thou harness them.

36. O king lustrous like the sun, that dispels darkness, is visible
to all, produces light and illumines the whole universe, thou illuminest
thy state with justice and humility, and art hence worthy of veneration.

37. O men, understand the divinity and greatness of God, the soul
of the animate and inanimate creation ; Who dissolves in Himself the
quarters in the atmosphere, and this vast created universe, and spreads
for all darkness like night ; Who again creates the universe with His
invisible, divine might.

38. God, away from darkness, creates that form of Apan and Udan,
whereby the man beholds and perceives.

Immeasurable are His Immaculate Nature and power, different from
soul, and different from Matter, full of ignorance and darkness, wherein
reside the quarters.

39. Verily, O God, Thou art great, truly, Indestructible, Omniscient
God, thou art great.

As Thou art great indeed Thy greatness is admired. Yea, verily
Thou , God, art great.

40. Yea, God, Thou art great in fame. Thou, evermore, O God,
art great. Thou by Thy greatness art the friend of the learned from the
beginning, the Well-wisher of vital breaths, Unconquerable, Ubiquitous,
and Refulgent.

41. O people, just as we, manifest all substances depending upon
God, Who shines in this world and the world to be, created through His
might ; and enjoy the portion allotted to us, so should ye enjoy your share
of prosperity.

42. O learned persons, save us today from sin and blamable afflic-
tion, when the sun hath ascended. May friends, noble persons, atmos-
phere, sea, Earth and light all honour our determination.

43. The lustrous Sun, with its effulgent and moving nature,
revolving repeatedly, bound with the solar system through gravitation,
exhibiting all regions, fixing the immortal and mortal in their respective
stations, comes and goes at the time of rising and setting.

44. The air and Sun, extolled by forefathers, moving nicely,
endowed with swiftness, move with intensity for the welfare of human

Like the kings in the midst of their subjects, they come and go, and
get water at night and morning.

45. Electricity, air, Sun, breath, fire, invigorating wealth twelve
months, and the host of wind should be properly utilised.

46. O learned teacher and preacher, just as a well-read person,
like Udan and a friend dear like Pran guard us with all aids, so should ye
both make us exceedingly rich.

47. O highly learned person, O Omnipresent God, noblemen, O
teacher and preacher, may ye lord over us and our associates.

48. O learned persons, the expositors of knowledge, the embodi-
ments of supremacy, the masters of excellence, friendly, sociable and
penetrating, grant us physical and spiritual strength.

May both the truthful teacher and preacher, the chastisers of the
ignoble, well disciplined speech, and our protector, a wealthy person, and
a highly educated wife serve us.

49. May I eagerly praise for help and happiness, conjoint electri-
city and fire, intermingled Pran and Udan, the sky, the Earth, the Sun,
the thoughtful persons, the clouds, the waters, the All-pervading God, the
invigorating cereals, God, the guardian of the world and the vedas,
prosperity, and laudable king.

50. May those learned persons, who in our midst are bounteous,'
chastisers of the ignoble, performers of festivals, accordant in call to
battle for slaying the foe, acknowledging their ruler as their head,
protect us and him who preaches virtue, praises God, and preserves the
accumulated wealth.

51. Ye sociable, holy persons, turn yourselves hitherward this day, that fearing I may know your internal intentions. Protect us from the violent thief and dacoit. Save us ye admires of the learned, from the pit in which we are liable to fall.

52. May this day all mortals, all officials, all enkindled fires, be
our protectors with their act of protection. May all godly persons come
hither with their protection. May we possess all riches and provisions.

53. All learned persons, may ye know all venerable objects that
reside in heaven, and air's mid region, and are full of fire like the tongue.
May ye listen to this mode of my studies, and seated in the Assembly be

54. O God, as Thou bestowest on the learned performers of sacri-
fice, the noblest and highest bliss of immortality, and preachest for the
good of humanity, the light of knowledge that conduces to happiness, and
actions worth knowing, Thou art hence worthy of worship.

55. O learned performer of sacrifice, approaching men of iron
determination, with thy intense wisdom, thou promptly honourest the
sage, and wishest to utilise the air, all-bounteous, encompasser of all
substances, pervader of all aeroplanes, and fanner of fire.

56. O masters of the sciences of electricity and air, for ye are all
these substances prepared. The juices of medicinal herbs are yearning
for ye both. Hence come with your excellent qualities, deeds and nature
and enjoy them.

57. I acknowledge a friend of holy strength and a foe-destroying
virtuous man, who possess wisdom and peaceful silence of the night.

58. O lovers of truth, kingly extirpators of the impious, come, and
enjoy the substances prepared for your meals; eagerly waiting for ye both.

59. A wife, obedient to her husband, renowned, light-footed,
eloquent in speech, sympathetic to the patients, attains to happiness
when she lives peacefully with her husband, and nicely cooks the food
highly efficacious, and grown through rain, conducive to our physical
growth, brought daily in use, and relished by our ancestors.

60. The divine immortal souls recognise none as their protector,
but this loving and foremost God. For sovereignty of this land, they
glorify with their praise, the Eternal God, the Friend of all.

61. We invoke the head of the State and the commander-in-chief,
strong, and dispellers of foes. May they be kind to us in the battle-field.

62. O teacher instruct in religious lore this student, anxious for
maintaining good character, and willing to honour the learned.

63. O venerable wealthy commander of the army, just as in the con-
flict between sun and cloud, rays make the sun victorious, so learned
persons encourage thee. O heroic person possessing horses shining like
the praiseworthy rays, the learned advance thee like lightning in the fight
between the sun and the cloud. Verily do these persons rejoice following
in thy wake and affording thee protection. O valorous person, just as the
sun with its host of winds imbibes water, so do thou drink with thy man
the juice of medicinal herbs.

64. O King, thy most wealthy mother has been nourishing thee a
hero; just as air strengthens the Sun, so learned persons strengthen thee.
Create pleasure, being mighty for victorious valour, exulting, strongest,
full of pride and courage.

65. O King, the slayer of foes, work hard for our advancement.
Mighty one, protect us with thy mighty aids.

66. Thou in thy battles, King, art subduer of all hostile bands.
Thou art the destroyer of the depraved, genitor of happinees, slayer of
foes, conqueror, vanquish the foes who wish to kill us.

67. O King, just as sire and mother walk after the child, so do thy
enemies and their territories fall into thy hands. When thou killest
thy unjust foe, all his forces are weakened before thy indignation.

68. Struggle is a source of happiness for the learned. O well-read
scholars remain firm in happiness, Let your favour be directed towards
us; which may bring us riches even from the sinful foe.

69. O King with non-violent, propitious aids, protect this day, on
all sides, our progeny, riches and home. Master of speech conducive to

the welfare of all, keep us for newest bliss; let not the evil-wisher lord
over us.

70. O officials and people, your noble persons full of praiseworthy
knowledge, education and nice instructions, with the help of the non--
violent and just, rend asunder the foes with an army of brave soldiers.

O King, strong like the wind, possess the qualities of joining and
separating like the air, invade courageously thy enemies, and drink for thy
rapture the sap of well-prepared food.

71. O men, just as both immense Sun and Earth, full of brilliance,
the fulfillers of all transactions, the bestowers of beauty, guard this
organised world like a well, and rays also guard it, so should ye guard

72. O teacher and preacher, the dispellers of the sins of nescience,
come ye with force of intellect to the study circles where are studied
the works of poets on worldly and spiritual topics, to the meeting place
and the dwelling of a scholarly person.

73. Ye two learned persons, believers in non-violence, come
hither in a sun-bright plane, and explain fully to us the conduct
of life.

74. The transverse and extended light of the sun and lightning is
found above and below. It is struggling from hither and thither. With
its knowledge men should gain strength, and become venerable and
philanthropic with their wealth.

75. Electricity hath filled the Heaven and Earth and the great
apparent realm of light. This fire is utilised through application; being
the cause of sound, it is used for non-violent industrial concerns. For
fastness in battle it is used as a horse that covers distances quickly. It is
helpful for the growth of food grains from the Earth.

76. The teacher and preacher are deserving of praise, who like the
King and Commander of the army, the bestowers of happiness and
chastisers of the irreligious sinners, spread technical knowledge through
vedic verses, speech and proclamations.

77. May our sons listen about the Immortal God, to the eternal
preachings of the vedas from their teachers, and bring us joy.

78. Endowed with knowledge and good education, the prosperous,
wise persons, expect riches, and desire for vedic instructions from me.
Just as the strong cloud well fed through Homa, brings me joy, so should
the teacher and the taught teach us different sorts of vedic knowledge.

79. O Mighty God, Thy nature is matchless. Among the learned
sages not one is found Thy equal,

Thou wast never born, nor is born. None can comprehend what
Thou hast done or shalt do.

80. In all the worlds God is the Best and Highest whence sprang
the valiant, wealthy hero. Quickly when born he overcomes his foemen.
All benefactors of humanity who follow God derive joy.

81. May these my songs of praise verily exalt Thee, God, Who is

Men, radiant like fire, pure, full of knowledge, sing Thy praises
admiring material objects.

82. O King, this man of high character is obedient to thee. The
miser who hides his treasure is thy enemy. The hidden wealth of a
wealthy trader, protected against arms and violence, is meant for thee,

83. The King is endowed with innumerble branches of knowledge
through sages, the knowers of the vedas, possesses vast strength, and is
famous for his noble actions, His greatness is spread vast like the ocean.
I praise firmness in the administration of the wise and well-organised
government functions,

84. O supreme King, protect this day our dependants from all
sides with different kinds of harmless, lucky aids. Endowed with speech
contributing to the welfare of all, protect us for newest prosperity, where-
by no evil-minded thief may have his sway over us.

85. O king, quick like air, just as I, internally pure, believing in
progress, active and valorous, with nice store of knowledge, attend thy
literary conclaves, so shouldst thou ours.

86. We accept as our masters in this world, the Commander-in-
chief, fair to see and fit to be invoked, so that in the Assembly and battle,
all our men be happy and free from disease.

87. The prosperous person, who for the acquisition of noble traits,
the acquirement of desired happiness, obtaining things worthy of possess-
ion, verily serves the king and public leaders, becomes thereby peaceful in
mind and free from trouble.

88. O king and public leaders, valiant, conquerors of riches, immer-
sed in knowledge, attain to happiness, adorn the subjects, drink the
medically prepared juice, arrange for the supply of water, injure us not,
and gain victory through righteousness.

89. May the master of wealth and vedic lore come nigh unto us,
may we cultivate truthful speech. May the learned associate with an
exalted and brave person, the lover of humanity and follower of the path
of rectitude.

90. The moon with beautiful gaits, like a loud-neighing horse,
runs in the atmosphere, receiving light from the sun. Object of many
a man's desire, abundantly golden-hued, she acquires beauty, lustre and

91. Singing their praises with godlike wisdom, let us invoke each
learned person for your protection ; each scholar for the acquisition of
desired happiness, and each sage for enjoying progress,

92. O learned persons, just as the Sun, set in heaven, the bene-
factor of humanity, increasing in his power on Earth, ripens medicines
and grows food, removes darkness of the night with his lustre, and shines
forth, so should ye dispel ignorance and gain glory.

93. O teacher and preacher) this footless Dawn, first comes to those with feet. Being headless, speaking loudly with the tongue of birds, she goes down for twenty four hours.

94. May all learned persons, equally charitably disposed, and equally full of righteous indignation, in unison, be the bringers of riches, today and hereafter, for a thoughtful person, for us and our progeny.

95. O King refulgent with fame, lord of the hosts of men, the learned strive to win thy love. O supreme King, suppressor of violence from all sides, chastiser of the ignoble, be thou the master of richer.

96. O men, the Commander of the army with manifold acts, afford-ing protection to the millions, with warlike weapons, like sun the slayer of clouds, slays the foes for mighty prestige, and secures wealth and food for ye, so should ye show him respect.

97. O men, the mighty king, always enhances his power and valour, and arranges for the supply of water, for the happiness of the world created by God. Human beings anxious for the fruit of their actions sing the glory of God like their forefathers. Praise ye also Him.

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