Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 32 - God - Powers - Qualities


1. God is Agni being Self-refulgent; He is Aditya as He engulfs all at the time of dissolution of the universe ; He is Vayu as He is All-powerful; He is Chandrama as He is full of pleasure and is the giver of pleasure; He is Shukra as He is pure and quick in action; He is Brahma as He is great; He is Apa being All-pervading; j He is Prajapati as He is the guardian of His creatures.

2. All divisions of time sprang from the Resplendent, Perfect God. No one hath comprehended Him from above, across; or in the midst.

3. There is no image of Him whose glory verily is great. He sustains within Himself all luminous objects like the Sun etc. May He not harm me, this is my prayer. As He is unborn, He deserves our

4. O learned persons, this very God pervadeth all regions. He was present in the minds of all in the last cycle of creation; He is present now, and will be present in future cycles. He exists, controlling
everything, with His power of facing all directions.

5. Before Whom, naught whatever sprang to being; Who with His presence aids all creatures. God, the guardian of His subjects, rejoicing in His offspring, maintains the three great Lustres. He is

6. May we realise with love and devotion, God, the Embodiment of happiness; who has made the heavens strong, and the beautiful Earth firm, is full of pleasure, and being free from all miseries is all Bliss and is the Maker of all worlds in the space.

7. Whom, the Sun and Earth, the supporters of all, moving in their orbits, worthy of praise for their virtues, affording shelter to humanity, do acknowledge; in Whom the Sun shines in fullj Who shines after manifest-ing great waters and vast space; Whom the teacher and preacher visualise through intellect; may we through concentration realise Him, who is full oi
lustre and happiness.

8. The sage beholdeth the eternal conscious God hidden in the inmost recesses of the heart ; in Whom this world hath found a solitary abode. In Him is this universe dissolved and then created. He is ubiqui-
tous, and pervades souls and matter like warp and woof.

9. May the learned person, who knows the vedas, soon expatiate upon the Eternal and Conscious God, the Imperishable abode of salvation, and hidden in intellect. There are three steps of eternal God, placed
in comprehension. He who knows them becomes the watchman of God through theism.

10. He is our Brother, our Father and Begetter. He knows all beings and all worlds. In Him, the third high stage, the learned obtain-ing the bliss of salvation, move at will.

11. God manifests Himself pervading the five elements, the worlds and all the Quarters and Mid-quarters.

The learned person having studied the four vedas created in the beginning, unites himself with God the Embodiment of Truth.

12. God fully pervading the Heaven and Earth, the worlds, the Quarters, the eternal bliss ; controlling the lengthened thread of Matter, views it, masters it, was its master and will remain so.

13. Having worshipped with truthful action and speech, God Wondrous, the lovely Friend of Soul, may I acquire wisdom which dis-
criminates between truth and untruth.

14. That wisdom which the sages and scholars long for ; with that wisdom, O God, with Thy truthful speech, make me wise today.

15. May the Supreme God grant me wisdom, in consonance with the performance of religious duty. May the Omniscient God and Pro-tector of man grant me wisdom. May the Omnipotent God grant me
wisdom, May the Almighty Father grant me wisdom, May the Ruler of the universe grant me wisdom.

16. O God, through Thy grace, leading a life of truth, may these Brahmans and Kshatriyas of my country enjoy the splendour and wealth of my government. Just as the learned persons bestow best splendour and wealth on me, so O seeker after truth may we try for that splendour and
wealth for thee. 

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