Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 23




1. God is the Creator of the universe, its one Lord, the Sustainer of luminous objects like the sun. He was present before the creation of the world. He sustains this Earth and the Sun in past, present and future. Let us worship with self dedication of our soul, Him, the Embodiment of

2. O God, Thou art realisable through yoga. I serve Thee and accept Thee as Protector of the King who takes care of his subjects. This primordial matter and the Sun testify to Thy Greatness. Thy Majesty is
discernible in the day and year. Thy Majesty is seen in the wind and firmament. Thy Majesty is traceable in the luminous Sun. For all that, for Thy protecting greatness and for the learned persons, we always sing praises.

3. God by His grandeur is the sole Ruler of the moving world that breathes and slumbers. He is the Sovereign Lord of these men and cattle. Let us worship with devotion, Him, the Embodiment of happiness.

4. O God Thou art realisable through yoga. I serve Thee. Thy Majesty is discernible in the immortal worlds and the moon. For all that, for Thy protecting greatness and for the learned persons, we always sing praises.

5. They, who unite their souls with God, Who pervades all stationary objects, and protects the vital parts of our body; shine in Him like beams in the Sun,

6. Just as experts yoke to the chariot two beautiful horses, con-trolled with difficulty and through diverse devices; tawny, stout, our bearers from one place to the other, so do the yogis yoke their organs of sense, mind, and vital breaths to God.

7. Artisans control the beautiful diffused form of electricity, swift like the wind, and erect electrical contrivances worked with water, 

O laudable learned person, you  prepare with the aid of electricity a fast moving machine, that takes us from one place to the other.

8. O king, the protector of his subjects, the Vasus approach thee with Vedic verses in Gayatri Metre, Rudras approach thee with verses in Trishtup metre, Adityas approach thee with verses in Jagati
metre, eat thou this food, O learned people eat ye this food pre-pared from barley and cow's milk and its products, and move on Earth, Ether, Heaven, and distinct planets moving in their orbits,

9. Who moveth singly and alone ? Who is brought forth to life again ? What is the remedy of cold ? What is the vast field for production ?

10. The Sun moves singly and alone. The Moon is brought to life again. Fire is the remedy of cold. The Earth is the vast field for production.

11. What is the primary thought? What is the bird of mighty size ? What is the majestic beautiful thing ? What absorbs light ?

12. Rain is the primary thought. Fire is like the mighty bird, Earth is the majestic, beautiful object that protects us with corn. Night absorbs light.

13. O student, may air help thee with cooked viands, black-necked fire with powers of digestion, fig tree with clouds, Shalmali tree with its increase. May the stallion, that moves on the roads the chariot, bestower of happiness come unto thee on his four feet. May the learned scholar of the four Vedas, free from the darkness of ignorance fill us with virtues. May we offer him food.

14. Body is strengthened through penance, warm like the sun's rays. Organs are also strengthened through penance. Vital breaths are invigorated through penance. A learned yogi advances spiritually
through the attainment of love for God.

15. O seeker after knowledge, thyself strengthen the body, thyself walk in the company of the learned, and thyself serve them. Let not thy greatness be marred by any one.

16. O Soul thou art immortal and indestructible. By fair paths thou cultivatest noble qualities. May the resplendent God place thee in that place t where the godly yogis dwell, and derive pleasure.

17. O seeker after knowledge, in this world, fire is a thing of beauty. Just as learned persons perform yajnas with it, so shouldst thou do. Just as a learned person masters this beautiful place of sacrifice, so
shouldst thou do. If thou wilt properly manage the place of yajna, fire will manifest itself as a thing worth seeing. Drink thou the waters puri-fied by the yajna.

Air is a thing of beauty. Just as learned persons perform yajnas with it, so shouldst thou do. Just as a learned person masters the atmos-phere, the home of air, so shouldst thou do. If thou wilt master the
atmosphere, air will look as a beautiful thing. Breathe thou the air puri-fied by the yajna. Sun is a thing of beauty. The learned perform yajnas with its aid. Just as a learned person acquires full knowledge about the sun, so shouldst thou do. If thou wilt do it, sun will appear as a beauti-ful thing unto thee. Enjoy thou the beams of the sun purified through the yajna, and reigning in the universe.

18. O mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, I cannot be sub-
dued by a man, who, though he be quick like a horse, and in full posses-
sion of wealth, the bringer of good furtune, and sustainer of an ease-
loving person, but lies in idle slumber. I utter truthful speech for the
sustenance of vital breath. I use instructive speech for warding off
misery. I speak the truth for the preservation of my soul that pervades
the body.

19. O God, we invoke Thee, the troop-lord of troops. We invoke
Thee, the Lord of the beloved ones. We invoke Thee, the Lord of the
treasure of knowledge. O God, all beings reside in Thee. Thou art my
judge. I know Thee full well free from birth, the Sustainer of Matter
that keeps the universe in its womb. Thou knowest Matter.

20. The King and his subjects in unison, magnify the four stages of Dharma, Arth, Kama, Moksha, wherewith they reside happily in their country. 

The King, the chastiser of the wicked, full of knowledge, the
possessor of strength and prowess, lends valour to his subjects.

21 O powerful King, punish the immoral person residing amongst
women, and the degraded woman living amongst men, with feet upwards,
and head downwards 5 spread happiness amongst your people, and est-
ablish your well established reign of justice.

22. The King establishes his rule over his subjects, which aspiring
after happiness, acquire it bit by bit. His subjects are weak like the tiny
sparrow. He realises land revenue from the people to be spent on their

23. O harmless King, don't utter untruth before us. Let not thy
tongue utter meaningless words like a prattler. A King who has got no
control over his tongue will be extirpated like a weak sparrow, and de-
frauded by his subjects.

24. O king, thy forbearing and loving mother, and thy father
brilliant and nourishing like the sun, rule over the prosperity and riches
of the sovereignty of this mundane universe. Thy father has beautified
his rule for his subjects. I, as his subect, do love him dearly.

25. O master of all the four vedas, thy mother patient like the
Earth, and thy father shining like the Sun, enjoy with knowledge and
grandeur the mastery of the universe. Thy mouth is eager to speak, but
thou shouldst not talk much.

26. O king, like the man taking a load up to the mountain, always lift up these excellent subjects of thine full of sovereign wealth.

Having acquired these precious subjects attain to prosperity, just as an agriculturist in a cool breeze separates corn from the chaff and improves physically by its use.

27. O learned persons among the subjects, elevate this king in all
administrative designs, as a labourer takes a load up to the mountain.
Having thus contributed to the prosperity of the State, aspire after pure
deeds, like the corn purified in a cool breeze.

28. The king and officials, who contribute to the grandeur of their
subjects in part or full, and both make them energetic, tremble when they
unjustly realise taxes from them, just as tiny fishes tremble in the
water below the cow's hooves,

29. Just as we distinguish between man and woman from their
organs, so we realise truth from visible evidence. Learned persons with
the help of truth acquire humility and their desired objects.

30. A licentious king who squeezes money out of his subjects, like the deer who destroys the barley field, cannnot see his people thrive. 

A Shudra maid-servant who has got illicit connection with her master, does not desire the progress of her family.

31. A King, who destroys his subjects, like the deer the barley
field, cannot see his people thrive.

A Shudra servant who has got illicit connection with his mistress,
does not desire the progress of his family.

32. I sing the praise of God, obtainable by him who deeply medi-
tates upon Him, the Remover of miseries, and full of splendour. May He
strengthen our vital breaths, and prolong the days we have to live.

33. O King, may the vedic verses in Gayatri, Trishtup, Jagati,
Anushtup, Pankti, Brihati, Ushni, Kakup and metres uttered by the
subjects, pacify thee.

34. O King may the two-footed, four-footed, three-footed, six-footed
metrical divisions, with different metres or one uniform metre, uttered by
the subjects pacify thee.
35. May the Mahanamni and Revati vcdic verses, all far spread
Supreme Regions, the lightning in the cVuds, and the voices uttered by the
subjects, satisfy the king. t

36. O learned teachress, the girls, who with sharp intellect, obey
thy order, become the wives of learned persons. O unmarried girl, the
wives of learned persons, \Uio through careful inspection learn the art of
cooking, pure like the regions, grant thee knowledge and peace.

37. Affectionate, fascinating amorous wives, well trained in domestic
economy, according to religious rites, are united for life with powerful
husbands full of noble qualities, and placed under their protection. May
they tranquil and peaceful, bound by the ties of affection, enjoy life.

38. O King, just as farmers reap the barley-corn, winnow and
protect it ; so shouldst thou arrange for food for those engaged in the
contemplation of God.

39. O student, who admonishes thee ? Who imparts thee sound
instruction ? Who pacifies thy organs ? Who is thy teacher who is well
versed in religious lore and performs the ya jnas ?

40. May the truly learned persons, bestowersof peace, give necess-
ary instructions for rearing the subjects. O people, may they pacify ye
by means of King's dignity, and peaceful expedients.

41. O King, may day and night, half months and months, affording
felicity, adorn the different periods of thy life. May the learned remove
thy doubt.

42. O male and female students, may the learned teachers and
preachers give ye special instructions ;and thereby eliminate your weak-
nesses. May they examine each joint of your limbs. May your mother
and other female relations bound in the ties of affection, give ye similar

43. O female student or mistress, may Sky, Earth, Space, Air, Sun
and Moon with the stars of heaven, appease each organ of thine, grant
success to thy undertaking ; and prepare a nice, true, beautiful world for

44. O student just as the Earth contributes to the walfare of vital
and minor organs of thy body, thy bones and marrow, so thy teachers with
their qualities, actions and noble nature add to thy pleasure.

45. Who moveth singly and alone ? Who is brought forth to life
again ? What is the remedy of cold ? What is the vast field for pro-

46. The sun moves singly and alone. The moon is brought to life
again. Fire is the remedy of cold. Earth is the vast field for production.

47. What lustre is like the sun's light ? What lake is equal to
the sea ? What is more spacious than the Earth ? What thing is that
which is beyond measure.

48. God is lustre like the sun. Heaven is a flood to match the sea.
Sun is vaster than the Earth. Beyond all measure is speech.

49. O God, Friend of the learned I ask, for information, if Thou in
spirit hast pervaded the universe. Is this created world contained in the
three steps in which Vishnu is worshipped ?

50. I pervade those three steps in which resides the whole of this
universe. This Earth and Heaven I encircle in a moment with a part of
My might. Even beyond Heaven am I.

51. What are the things which God hath entered in? What are the things which God hath contained within Him ? This riddle we propose to thee, O knower of the vedas 5 whereby we become great. Pray tell us what mystery lies in it.

52. Within five things hath God found entrance. These things hath God within Him established, O questioner, this is the thought which I return in answer. Though thou art wise, yet thou art not my
superior in wisdom.

53. O learned person, I ask of thee.

What is accumulated in time without beginning ? What is the great source of creation ? What is the majestic thing ?

What absorbs the bodies.
54. O questioner, know that, lightning is accumulated in the beginning. Intellect is the source of creation. Matter is the majestic thing. Dissolution absorbs all bodies.

55. O learned person, what appears and disappears again and again ? Who eats the corn-fields again and again ? What moves with rapid spring and bound again and again ? What glides and winds along
the path of water ?

56. O questioner know, that eternal matter resolves the world in itself at the time of dissolution, Porcupine destroys the corn-fields. Like hare the air moves with leaps and bounds. Cloud creeps winding
on the path.

57. How many supports hath this world got ? How many are the means of its creation ? How many things are worth bartering ? How many things kindle knowledge ? How many Hotas worship in due
season ? O learned fellow, here I ask thee of the knowledge of these subjects.

58. This world has got six seasons as its supports. Hundreds of things like water etc. are the means of its creation. Countless things are worth using and bartering. Three things kindle knowledge. Seven Hotas
perform yajna in due season.

O questioner I explain to thee these different topics of knowledge.

59. Who knoweth the paramount lord of this world ?

Who knoweth the Heaven, the Earth, and the wide space between them?

Who knoweth the creator of the mighty Sun ? Who knoweth the Moon, and whence she was generated ?

60. O questioner I know the paramount Lord of this world. I know the Heaven, the Earth, and the wide space between them. I know the efficient and physical causes of the mighty Sun. I know the Moon,
and her Creator

61. I ask thee of Earth's extremest limit, Where is the centre of the world, I ask thee ? I ask thee of the strength of the powerful stout person. I ask of the highest space where speech abideth.

62. This equator is the Earth's extremest limit. This Adorable God imbued with qualities is the controller of the world. This effica-cious Soma, the King of medicines is the strength of a stout person.
This master of all the four vedasis the highest abode for vedic speech.

63. God, Who his produced the Sun, is Excellent, and Self-Exis-tent, the First within the mighty world. He lays down the timely embryo. All should worship Him.

64. O charitably disposed person, just as a learned recipient, with the grandeur of his supremacy, worships the Lord of the Universe, pleases Him through service, and drinks the essence of medicinal herbs, so shouldst thou worship Him and drink the juice of medicinal herbs.

65. O God, none besides thee, comprehendest all these created forms. Give us our heart's desire when we invoke thee. May we be lords of rich possessions, and knowledge. 

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