Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 21


1. O God, hear this prayer of mine, be ever gracious unto us. Longing for help I yearn for Thee.

2. O Worshipful God, with my prayer, I attain unto Thee through vedic knowledge. A worshipper longs to realise Thee with his oblations. O praiseworthy God, worthy of respect, give us Thy knowledge in this world, steal not our life from us.

3. O Omniscient God, Thou art the Master of all branches of knowledge, put far away from us disrespect to a learned person. Extre-mely venerable, Effulgent and Purifier, remove Thou far from us all feelings of hatred.

4. O God, be Thou the nearest unto us. Protect us with Thy power of protection, while now this Morn is breaking. Reconcile the learned to us ; be Bounteous, give us happiness and nice charity.


5. We call to protect us, this unimpaired Earth, the mother of those who stick steadfastly to their vow, the rearer of truth, full of wealth, free from decay, the giver of various objects, equipped with
excellent houses and pleasureable politics.

6. May we ascend, for weal, this vessel, affording protection, vast in size, well renowned, flawless, highly accommodating, complete in cons-truction, used by the king and his subjects for political purposes, rowed with good rudders, comfortable, free from leakage, and built by skilled

7. May I ascend for welfare the goodly ship, free from defect in construction, that leaketh not, and is equipped with manifold anchors.

8. O intellectual and industrious pair of artisans, behaving like Pran and Udan, sprinkle with water our walking-path for two miles, and provide all places with sweet water.

Teacher and Preacher - Learned Men

9. O teacher and preacher, ye, uniters and disuniters like both the arms, come unto me for improving my life. Arrange water to be sprinkled for us for two miles. Give us the nice lessons of glory, and hear our
mutual discussions.

10. O highly learned person, possessing arms and foodstuffs, slow mover, behaving like scholars, wordly wise, crushing the thief and ignoble souls, as sun crushes the cloud, become for us an ancient pie a sure- giver, and completely banish our afflictions.

11. O immortal, truth-knowing, learned, and wise people, help us in each fray, and our efforts to earn wealth. Drink deep the essence of knowledge, be joyful, be satisfied : then follow the paths which the
sages are wont to tread.

12. Just as kindled fire, the Sun highly illumined with its light, an excellent person, the Gayatri metre please the mind, and just as a person protecting the body, its organs and soul, singing the praise of God
attains to longevity, so should the learned do.

13. Just as a religious-minded person, who lets not the body decay, who preserves his physical strength, vedic speech, and Ushniha metre, realises the significance of soul, and just as a devotee, creating love for worldly destructible objects expands his desires, so should the learned do.

14. Just as a learned person, lustrous like fire, immortal by nature,
supreme, fit for eulogy and research, divine, guarded by five vital breaths,
laudable for his knowledge, and just as Anushtap-metre with praises,
attain to self satisfaction and intellectual mind, so should all do,

15. Just as a learned person, brilliant like fire, air-minded, immor-
tal by nature, gracing the space, and Brihati-metre, realise the signifi-
cance of soul, and just as persons docile like a cow, control their bodies,
organs and minds, so should we all do.
16. O people, just as glittering doors, mighty regions, air in space,
resplendent sun, Pankti-metre, and a learned person in the fourth
Ashrama, gain power and life in this world so should ye acquire life and

17. O people, just as in this world, the female teacher and preacher
of lovely form, like two dawns of great brilliance, all the immortal bright
forces of nature, the Trishtup metre and the bull that carries burden on
its back, give us wealth and life, so should ye all acquire them.

18. O people, just as good physicians the correct dispensers of medicine with skill, with mind awakened, shrewd amongst the learned, bestowers of knowledge, ox and cow, and Jagati metre give us good wealth, so should ye all acquire the same.

19. O people, just as the Earth, speech and intellect, all three, air-folk, subjects, illuminating strength of various kinds, like the milch-cow, in this world, give wealth and attainable objects, so should ye all
acquire these.

20. O people, wonderful,speedy, subtle, invigorating air and fire, human beings who stand on two feet like the metre having two quarters, and like a vigorous bull give life and physicial strength, know ye them.

21. O people, just as the sun, the giver of tranquillity, and nouri-
sher of trees, produces wealth and a Brahmchari observing celibacy for
twentyeight years, like the Kakup metre of twentyeight syllables, the
Assembly that controls the State, and the statesmanship of the ruler that
nips in the bud the machinations of the wicked, give us life and power,
so should ye do.

22. O people, just as a noble, wealthy person, correctly uses an efficacious medicine, as a man more advanced than the others, like the Ati metre, and an excellent bull attain to supremacy and perform their
personal duty, so should ye all da.

23. people, eight vasus, full of divine qualities, extolled by humanity, present in past, present and future, where people move in conveyances, afford pleasure in the spring. The learned acquire with
dignity, in light of the sun, longevity, through offering oblations.

24. O people, know the highly extolled Rudra Brahmchari, who in Summer season, with the recitation of Panchdash stoma of fifteen verses, give strength and life to the soul, with fame and sacrifice.

25. O people know ye the Aditya Brahmcharis, who endowed with
many qualities, living in the midst of people, in the rainy season, praised
with the recitation of Saptdasha stoma of seventeen verses, give life to the
soul with strength and sacrifice.

26. O people serve those wise and divine persons, who praised with a hymn of twentyone verses, in the Autumn season, give to the soul grace, life and sacrifice, with riches and the significance conveyed in virat verses.

27. O men, serve those learned persons, who in winter, praised with a hymn of twentyseven verses, give might, sacrifice and pleasure to the soul with cloud and cows the source of strength.

28. O men acquire knowledge of material objects from those im-mortal, laudable learned persons, who in Dew-time, possessing the know-ledge of thirtythree gods, with the force of truth and strength of subjects that overcome the armies of wealthy foes, give power, sacrifice, and pleasure to the soul.

29. Just as a Hota, on this earth in a place of oblations, with fuel, burns, the fire, and like the sun and moon, acquires supremacy and instruc-tive speech, and just as a person uses wh?at purple coloured like a he-goat, and jujube fruit as medicine, so, thou, sacrificer, perform Homa with eloquence, sweet water, precious substances, milk, corn, well pressed medicinal herbs, ghee and honey.

30. Just as a Hota, the remover of physical imperfections, imbibes
instructive speech, and like a sheep and a ram, obtains medicine from a
watery path, and utilises the Sun, Moon, and valour for acquiring supre-
macy, and avails of jujube fruits and didactic instructions as healing
medicine, or just as one acquires with his sons, water, well pressed medi-
cinal herbs, ghee, and honey, so shouldst thou sacrificer give butter

31. Just as a Hota worships the Lord who sends to jail the wicked
persons and is praised by the subjects, uses medicine with water, solidifies
the force of the warriors of a general, who rends asunder the ignoble
foes, or just as a preacher is a mental healer, or a speech full of knowledge
acts like a physician, or just as a conveyance helps us in reaching our
destination, so does a wealthy person help us for success in life. Just as
the strength of a foe-killing king, manages the air flights between the
earth and heaven, or just as an intelligent person uses well received moral
instructions as medicine like the jujube fruit, so shouldst a sacrificer along
with children, offer butter oblations, full of milk, well pressed juice of
medicines, ghee and honey.

32. Just as a laudable person, invoked with honour, and praised in
a eulogistic language, acquires supremacy and fine speech, by dint of
exertion, increases wealth by fast moving bull, understands the signifi-
cance of Heaven and Earth, uses barley as medicine for acquiring might,
eats boiled rice sweet like jujube fruit and parched grains ; so shouldst
thou, O sacrificer offer butter oblations, with the juice of well-prepared
medicinal herbs, milk, ghee and honey.

33. Just as a learned person acts as a physician for removing our
doubts, like a woollen cloth which pressed removes cold ; just as a mare
with nice foals, runs so fast, as if it flies to heaven, just as two physicians,
true to .their profession, proficient in the science of medicine confer
together ; Just as a disease-killing and milk-yielding cow acts as a
physician, or a speech full of knowledge plays the part of a physician for
purifying the soul, so, O sacrificer, shouldst thou offer butter oblations
with water, milk, Soma juice, ghee and honey procured by thee.

34. Just as a learned person, like perforated objects, provides for
the doors of the sacrificial hall, spacious like the regions ; just as he
protects its doors and regions from rain and fire, and fully masters the
Earth and space like lightning ; just as he makes the knowledge-full speech
useful for the soul like a cow ; just as the Sun and Moon, like life infus-
ing water, mature medicinal herbs, just as he contacts the illuminating
mind for its perfection, so shouldst thou, O sacrificer offer butter oblations
with milk, soma juice, ghee and honey procured by thee.

35. Just as beautiful wive?, with control over passions, serve their
husbands, and the Sun and Moon spread light during the day and night,
and learned persons give splendour and coolness to the soul ; as a good
cook like a learned person with the knowledge of planets, devotedly
prepares nice, dainty meals ; so shouldst thou, O sacrificer offer butter
oblations with well prepared medicinal herbs and their juices, water and
honey procured by tbee.

36. God, the organiser of this yajna of the universe, has created
the earthly fire, and atmospheric air, the Sun and Moon as healing
physicians and the lightning, The animating lightning like a physician,
with balms and lead-dust, yields strength and physical power. O sacrifi-
cer offer butter oblations, with well prepared juice, milk, medicinal herbs,
ghee and honey procured by thee.

37. Just as a learned person uses the three Assemblies as a remedy
for uprooting the ills of administration ; or as an active soul possessing
truth, spirit, liability to err, and spoken of in the first, second and third
persons, perceives the light of eye in the lightning. Just as the Sun and
Moon are the instructors of all like laudable receptive intelligence ; or
just as a highly learned woman, with her scholarly and instructive
eloquence amasses great wealth for her famous husband, so shouldst thou
O learned person perform Havan with well prepared juices, milk, medi-
cinal herbs, butter and honey acquired by thee.

38. Just as a learned person utilises a powerful bull, and a noble person f the remover of miseries, and doer of good deeds amongst his fellows, and avails of air and lightning as a physician, and didactit speech for strength, just as an intelligent person acquires vigour, mental force, and speed like a destructive weapon, derives wealth and corn from water, considers medicine a^ a valuable thing, and receives well cooked meals, so shouldst thou acquire with exertion, juices worth drinking, supremacy,
butter and honey, and perform Havan with them and specially butter.

39. Just as an intelligent physician for the acquisition of wealth like the Sun, the protector of its rays, welcomes a man the advocate of peace full of wisdom and doer of diverse deeds ; cultivates anger to inspire awe, respects a king for killing the tiger with a deadly weapon ; just as a learned lady, the Speaker of the Assembly and Chief of the staff are filled with anger, so shouldst thou acquire with exertion wealth, juices, medicinal herbs, ghee, and honey, and perform Homa with them and
mainly butter.

40. Just as a learned person makes the best use of ghee, takes due
care of minor unctuous objects, uses fire in diverse nice ways, takes the
help of state officials and cattle-breeders for the removal of suffering
through cultured speech ; properly utilises a well built person for acquir-
ing supremacy, avails of enterprise snd strength for helping the slayer of
foes, amasses wealth by honest means, treats fire as a healer like medicine,
pacifies mind with tranquillity and knowledge, cures through pathology
the army general, a good guardian j and a wealthy person, a patron of
physicians ; instructs with his knowledge the protectors of forests, and
endears like corn a lovable medicine ; and just as learned devotees of
science, brilliant like fire, serve and consult a physician, so shouldst tbou
O sacrificer, procure juices, milk, medicinal herbs, ghee and honey, and
perform Havan with them and chiefly butter.

41. Just as a learned person deals in various trades, avails of oily
oblations, rears cattle and uses goat, bull, buffalo for purposes of cultiva-
tion, for sowing seeds, and grooving cotton for making clothes thereof, so
shouldst thou O sacrificer do. Just as a learned person enhances the
power of discussion of rival disputants ; puts greasy oblations in the fire,
and cultivates scholarly speech, and rightly utilises all these things, so
shouldst thou O sacrificer do.

Just as a learned person resorts to a device that enhances the
strength of the bull, puts into fire oily oblations, and elevates his soul,
rightly uses all these substances, so shouldst thou, O sacrificer do.

42. Just as a learned person duly respects the teacher and the
preacher, the scholarly speech, and the king, the guardian of his subjects ;
us t as these learned, duly elected, charitably disposed members of the
Assembly,save us from explosive substances and beasts of prey, and grant
us beautiful and fascinating articles } ju?*- is honourable persons respected
by their progeny with parched grains, pure and gracious, joyfully eat the
cooked rice with milk, and nice water ; just as aged spiritual people, full
of sweet qualities, who travel from one place to the other, accept the
offerings made by the people : and just as honoured persons, a learned lady
and a famous person, affording protection like the Sun, the slayer of
clouds, accept sweet Soma juice, drink it, derive pleasure, and master all
branches of knowledge, so shouldst thou, O sacrificer make full use of
all objects.

43. Just as a learned person keeps company with the teacher and
the preacher, who ever derive in a nice manner the useful things like milk
and greasy butter from a goat, and surely eat them before they are snatched
by the wicked, and asked for by chaste beggar women; just as they
utilise rough and refined meals, chiefly of barley, delicious, chasers of
hundreds of ailments, prepared in fire, just as good physicians remove
ills from the sides, from the thighs, from the stomach, from each limb
causing pain, and from vital organs of the patients, and partake of eatable
foods, so shouldst thou, O sacrificer, use all these substances.

44. Just as a learned person, with the good nature of an instructed
person, having extracted out of oblation the greasy substance, ever acquires
it, develops speech, holds it in veneration, and surely eats it before
enemies snatch it or a respectable married woman asks for it ; just as
persons beautiful to sit for dinner, individually or collectively, showerers
of happiness, wearers of ungaudy clothes, having knowledge of electricity,
conveyers of the opinion of the learned to the masses are freed by a
skilled physician from physical ills from the sides, from the thighs, from
the stomach, and from each limb causing pain, so shouldst an educated
lady cherish him, so shouldst thou, o sacrificer perform yajna.

45. Just as a learned person, attains to supremacy, and uses a
medicine which cures ills of the sides, of the thighs, of a limb suffering
acute pain, of excretory organ, nay of each organ, of persons, .beautiful to
sit for dinner, cultivators of barley, showerers of happiness, digesters of
meals, wearers of rough, ungaudy clothes, chastisers of hundreds
of the wicked, magnanimous in spirit and which the king uses,
and just as the king daily acquires well protected nice greasy substance
derived out of oblation, certainly respects and eats it before it is snatched
by the enemies or a respectable woman asks for it, so shouldst thou, O
sacrificer be conversant with all dealings.

46. A learned person performs deeds with his excellent, speedy
power of commencement. Where the cattle eat the grass nourished by
the Sun and Moon, where oblations reach fascinating places, where there
are streams for rams to roam about, and where oblations reach fascinating
stations, where there are found dignified persons, and oblations reach
fascinating places, where there are good stations of fire and electricity,
where there grow efficacious medicines in good plaees, where abide
excellent people, the protectors of humanity, where there arise and blow
charming and attractive zephyrs, where tbere are the birth places of
greatmen, where there are fruits of trees, where the planets revolve in
their orbits and afford protection to the souls in their beautiful stations,
where there are the abodes of learned persons who spread knowledge and
give us comforts; there shouldst thou praise these substances at opportune
times, and having praised them from near, mike their fullest use accord-
ing to their merits, attributes and nature. Making their collection, thou
shouldst use them in practical works, like undertakings begun in right

Just as fire the fosterer of sun's rays enjoys oblations, and reaches
the trees and protects them, so shouldst thou O sacrificer be conversant
with all dealings.

47. Just as a learned person acquires the desired fire, and just as
the fire, acquires the fascinating stations of air, lightning, and healing
oblations ; just as he praises the fascinating stations of oblations, speech,
and persons desirous of victory ; just as he praises the fascinating positions
of a dignified king possessing noble traits and oblations 5 just as he praises
the fascinating powers of electricity ; just as he praises the fascinating
powers of sovereignty ; just as he praises the charming forces of a protect-
ing commander of the army ; just as he praises the bewildering discoveries
of wealth producing science 5 just as he admires the places of fine water and
men, and acquires the fruits of charming trees ; just as he praises the
habitations of the learned who drink fruit juices and protect knowable
objects ; just as he praises the majestic rays of the sun that draws water
and emits light ; just as he realises his greatness ; just as a highly intellect-
ual person cherishes noble aspirations ; performs deeds of mutual coopera-
tion, and uninterrupted yajnas, and enjoys all useful substances so shouldst
thou, O sarificer be conversant with all dealings.

48. O learned person )ust as a highly intellectual wife praises her
noble, educated husband, the space and the teacher and preacher, like
brilliance of the eyes and just as educated persons, for the acquisition of
wealth, use devices to accumulate riches, acquire and possess wealth tes-
ting it with the sight of their eyes, so shouldst thou acquire and possess it.

49. O learned person, just as Air and the Sun, an educated wife,
and physicians, for gain of wealth having secured the bright gates meant
for going in and coming out, like breath in the nostril, gain strength, and
master nine gates of the body, and for enjoying wealth, the wise gain the
treasure of riches, so shouldst thou be conversant with all dealings.

50. O learned person, just as lustrous morning and evening, protec-
tion-affording sun, moon and an educated wife, for one aspiring after the
acquisition of wealth, for his acquiring the treasure of riches, like speech
in the mouth, grant him strength and wealth morning and evening, and
behave likewise unto all, so shouldst thou be conversant with all dealings.

51. O learned person, just as lustrous, adorable morning and
evening, the bestowers of knowledge, air and lightning magnify the Sun,
and men acquire fame, just as ears give us the power to hear, and grant
wealth to him who aspires after riches, and wants to amass wealth, so
shouldst thou be conversant with all dealings.

52. O learned persons, just as beautiful and grand morning and
evening, corn oblation, a woman-educator, healing physicians, teacher and
preacher guard light pure like water, so should ye strengthen the body as
breasts strengthen themselves with milk, and in this world full of riche?,
give money to him who yearns for it, so that all persons may become rich.
O seeker after virtue, so shouldst thou be conversant with all dealings.

53. O learned persons, just as amongst the educated persons, good
physicians, the givers of easa to the body, well advanced in the science of
medicine, with noble deeds, attain to supreme glory, and a woman with
her admirable learning and didactic speech, plants wisdom like light in her

heart, and they, along with the charitably disposed, cultivate a pure mind
for the distributor of the treasure's wealth, and accumulate riches, so
should ye be conversant with all dealings.

54. O student, just as mother, mistress, preachress, these three
ladies full of glow with knowledge, in this world full of wealth, for the
soul aspiring after wealth, accept as their pupils, the three girls, superior,
medium and low in intellect; and just as teacher and preacher, laudable
and learned ladies like energy and power in the middle of navel, cultivate
the mind; and just as all these procure these things, so shouldst thou be
conversant with all transactions.

55. O learned person, just as a highly intellectual, educated man ;
who has his abode underneath the ground, on the earth and in the space,
with his instructive speech, leads the instructors of humanity on the path
of virtue, just as a conveyance propelled by fire and steam takes us to
destination, and just as God, the Dispellerof misery, like pleasure-giving
water and semen-virile, invests in this world the soul, aspirant after
wealth, with physical beauty and limbs like ear, eye, etc., and just as these
procure all these things, so shouldst thou be conversant with all

56. O learned person, just as water and heat, the brilliant rays of
the resplendent and lustrous sun, and advanced skill, ripen the sweet
fruits of the fig tree for man, just as water possesses velocity, and a
strong man controls wrath, so trees in this world, the mainstay of humani-
ty, produce wealth for us and for him who aspires after wealth ; just as
all these acquire these substances, so shouldst thou be conversant with
all dealings.

57. O soul, master of physical organs, thou hast fine speech, plea-
sure and restful peace. Thou art soft like the wool. Skilled engineers,
with the use of air and electricity, through their useful workmanship
prepare conveyances that move -in water, overshadowed by the beautiful
space. Just as learned persons amass wealth for the soul, that roams
in space between the earth and sky, is brilliant, contemplative and eager
for supremacy } and obtain these good things, so shouldst thou O sacrificer
be conversant with all dealings.

58. O learned person, just as in this world, for a person aspiring
after wealth, beautiful fire, the giver of desired happiness rightly diffuses
itself on planets like the Earth etc ; just as sacrificers with the aid of air,
electricity, sun, speech and learned discourse derive benefit from fire
and moon ; just as a benign ruler, giver of happiness, liked by all, a nice
protector, the sun, the storer of water, a physician, the desired, beautiful
banyan tree give us desired happiness ; just as handsome lovable scholars,
drinkers of drinkable juice, worshippers, and fire the accomplisher of
desired act, like wealth the bringer of fame, bring for the sacrificer
physical strength, energy, honour and food ; just as these obtain these
things, so shouldst thou be conversant with all dealings

59. O man, just as this sacrificer, mastering the science of cooking
and preparing sacrificial oblations resorts to fire, the giver of comforts ;
and just as he uses goat's milk for strengthening vital breaths, sheep's milk
for invigorating his voice, and cow's milk for supremacy, and just as sacri-
ficers press the essence of medicinal herbs for the protecting ruler, and
for developing instructive speech, so shouldst ye ever do.

60. O man, just as our neighbours and a well-mannered person,
like the fig tree affording shelter under its shade, use the goat's milk
that kills all germs for strengthening vital breaths, sheep's milk for invigo-
rating voice and cow's milk for supremacy, and eat the greasy digestible
oils of those cattle, and gain vitality by eating well-prepared rice-cakes ;
just as vital breaths, praiseworthy tongue, and the majestic ruler that
affords us protection drink the essence of the juices of medicinal herbs,
so should ye do.

61. O Rishi (Seer), foremost amongst the Rishis, descendant of Rishis, this sacrificer hath chosen thee today, of all the learned persons assembled together. He knows thou shalt win for him choice-worthy
treasure, and all good serviceable objects, amongst the sages ; hence he chooses thee.

O learned person, beloved of all, preach unto this sacrificer all the gifts of knowledge the sages impart, and being well trained remain active.

O Hota, thou hast been sent as the man, selected for good speech, and for preaching the vedic doctrines. Preach thou the vedic verses.

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