Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 20



1. O King thou art the birth place of princely power, and centre of royal family. Let none harm thee, do not harm me.

2. O King, endowed with wisdom and enterprise, imbiber of truth, good natured, sit thou in the midst of thy subjects in Legislatures for universal rule. Save us from death. Save us from fiery weapons.

3. O King, in this world created by God, the Embodiment of glory, with the strength and valour of teachers and preachers, with the presever-ance and enterprise of a heroic person, with the healing powers of a physician, for eloquence and study of the vedas, do I enthrone thee.

With the wealth of a magnate, for strength of body, riches and fame, do I enthrone thee.

4. O famous and truthful king, doer of noble deeds, and dispenser of justice, thou art happy, thou art extremely happy, hence for God the Embodiment of happiness, for the advancement of Vedic knowledge, do I enthrone thee.

Various body parts

5. May my head be full of grace, my mouth of fame, my hair and beard, of brilliant sheen, my breath, of light and deathlessness, my eye, of even-handed love, my ear, of religious lore.

6. May my tongue taste invigorating food, my voice be full of adorable vedic lore, my mind be full of righteous indignation on the morally degraded, my intellect be self-illumined. Full of joy be my
fingers, delightful my bodily organs, and conquering-strength my friend.

7. Power and wealth are my arms, deed and heroism are my hands. Soul and heart are my shield against danger.

8. My government is my back, my belly, shoulders, neck, hips, thighs, elbows, knees, and all other members of the body are my subjects.

9. May my memory, navel, knowledge, anus, my wife's productive womb, my testicles the givers of pleasure through cohabitation, my sovereignty and penis flourish. Standing on my legs and feet, in the
midst of my subjects, free from favouritism, with even-handed justice, I rule as a king, with full fame.

10. I take my stand on princely power and kingship, on horses am I dependent, and on cows, on agencies of administration I depend, on my soul do I depend. On vital breaths am I dependent, and on invigorating cereals do I depend. I depend on justice like the sun and moon. I depend on the company of the learned, and on the spread of knowledge.

11. There are three times eleven, i.e., thirty three fine objects imbued with attributes, duties and inherent properties, in this world created by God; of whom the sun is the most prominent, and which are
serviceable to mankind.

May the learned persons, with the help of these objects protect me.

12. May the first Vasus with the second Rudras, the Rudras with the third Adityas (twelve months), the third Adityas with Truth, Truth with Sacrifice, Sacrifice with scrificial texts of the Yajur veda, Yajur
vedic texts with the knowledge of the Sanaa veda, Samans with praise-verses of the Rigveda, praise-verses with the texts of the Atharva veda, Atharva vedic texts with inviting texts pertaining to sacrifice (yajna), sacrificial texts with noble deeds, noble deeds with oblations, and oblations with truthful practices, fulfil my desires on this earth.

13. O teachers and preachers exert so that my hair be effort and attempt, my skin be reverence, my flesh be approach, wealth my inclina-tion, my bone and marrow reverence.


14. O learned persons, whatever disrespect we and other scholars show to the learned, may God set me free from all that iniquity and fault.

15. If in the day-time or at night, we have committed any act of sin, may God set me free from all that iniquity and fault. 

16. If when awake or in our sleep we have committed acts of sin, May God set me free from all that iniquity and fault.

17. Each fault in village or in forest, society or mind, each sinful act that we have done to Sudra or Vaishya, or in preventing any body from religious performances, even of that sin , O God, Thou art the

18. O adorable God, giver of divine wisdom, supreme of all, save me from the sin of taunting the vital breaths and inviolable cows,

O lord of celibacy and knowledge, thou art a slow-walker, giver of happiness, and full of delight, save us from distressing violence. Thou avertest the offence committed by the learned towards the learned and the ordinary mortals towards mortals.

19. O King, let thy heart be deep like the ocean. May thou obtain food, fruits and drinkable juices. May water and medicinal herbs be pleasant for us like a friend. May these be inimical for those who
dislike us and whom we dislike.

20. O learned persons pure like water and breath, purify me from sin, just as a ripe fruit is released from the tree, or as an exhausted person full of sweat is freed from dirt by bathing, or as ghee is purified by a

21. May we realising God from all sides, excellently attain to Him, far from darkness, full of Light, God among the gods, Embodiment of happiness, the subtlest of all, and the Supreme Self Effulgent.

knowledge of the vedas related to  progeny and wealth

22. O learned teacher, I, possessing the knowledege of the science of water, come unto thee. May I today heartily drink waters. Bestow on me the knowledge of the vedas, progeny and wealth, whereby I may get happiness.

23. O God, Thou conducest to our prosperity. Just as fuel illumi-nes fire, so dost Thou illumine our souls. Thou art wisdom personified. Grant me the light of knowledge. Thou art omnipresent. Thou hast
nicely created the Earth, Dawn, Sun, and this entire world. May we always prosper, having realized the Effulgent Lord, the Guide of the universe. May I achieve various big ambitions. May I realise God and
Matter through truthful speech, and noble deeds.

24. O God, the Fulfiller of vows, concentrating myself on Thee, I plunge in divine meditation like fuel in fire, whereby I acquire the vow of truth and faith.

Being initiated in celibacy and gaining knowledge, I kindle Thee.

25. I consider that society or country to be ideal, where the civil and military forces work together harmoniously, where the learned civil administrators cooperate with the commanders of the army.

26. Fain would I know that holy God, where birth and death un-
known, where in complete accordance reside soul and God side by side.

27. Let thy soul be united with God. Let each joint of thine be full of vigour. Let thy noble nature guard thy wealth. Let the imperish-able sap of God's devotion be for thy joy.

28. Those who aspire after power, for delight pour in the stomach
the sap of medicines, drink it, receive it excellently, and purify themselves,
strengthen their body and soul. He who says 'What is this, 1 'What is
that, 1 gains nothing.

29. O learned person desirous of happiness, at morn accept our cake
accompanied with grain and groats, with wheaten bread and hymns of

30. O learned persons, advancers of truth, whereby ye create
pleasant highly known spiritual power, for the attainment of Holy God,
like sun the dispeller of cloud, chant the great Sama hymns in praise of

31. O Adhvaryu, bring into the sacred yajna, Soma, born of clouds. Purify it for king's drink.

32. He is the Lord of living beings, upon whom the worlds depend.
God is mighty. He is greater than space. Hence I realise Him, I realise
Him in my heart.

33. O learned person, thou art trained in nice rules of conduct, by
the teacher and the preacher. Thou art educationally connected with
them. I accept thee for didactic speech, for lofty supremacy, for effective
guardianship, for thy possessing a noble, learned wife, for noble behaviour,
and for full protection.
34. O God, Thou art the guardian of my inner breath and outward
breath, the guardian of my eye and ear. All-healer of my voice, Thou
art the mollifier of my mind.

35. O learned person, invited, do I feed upon the food brought near, prepared by the experts and learned ladies, under instructions from the protecting king.

36. O learned person, just as the sun kindled in forefront of
Mornings, with forward light, long-active, waxing mighty, with thirty three
supernatural powers of nature, the Thunder-wielder, smites dead the cloud,
and throws light on the portals, so do thou with the help of warriors kill
the foes, and open the doors of knowledge and religion.

37. He, who is praised by the public, is the discoverer of different
objects, is the master of just behaviour, is fearless, maintains the vitality
of his body, is engaged in agriculture with oxen, is full of knowledge, is
wealthy with gold, is extremely wise, and performs yajna, is fit for us to
seek shelter under.

38. O Commander of the army may thou approach our sacrifice
(yajna) rejoicing. Thou art lauded by the learned, lord of bay steeds, the
performer of sacrifice, invited by the wise, advancest with giving and
receiving knowledge. Fort-render, enjoyer of thy soldiers as the
sun enjoys after rending asunder the cloud, and Thunder-wielder
art thou.

39. O learned person, just as the sun, residing in space, full of rays,
vast in extent, accompanied by months and worlds like the Earth, stationed
in an intermediate quarter from the E&rth, full of expanse, famous and
ancient, is occupying its pleasant orbit, so shouldst thou be amongst us.

40. O people, just as glib-tongued, child-bearing ladies moving fast,
reach the gates of lustrous, majestic and heroic husbands, and just as
reputed, valiant, well-mannered, vigilant husbands, seek from all sides the.
asylum of wives, advanced in knowledge, so shouldst ye do.

41. O people, just as Dawn and Night fair in appearance, coupled
with the darkness of night, richly-yielding, with growing light, accompany
the sun, long-extended, illuminator of worlds like the Earth, lofty, so
should ye keep contact with an expressive heroic person.

42. Teacher and Preacher, companions of the learned, good orga-
nisers, charitable, pleasant-voiced, first to officiate on a yajna, leaders of
multitude of people, who with sweet oblation increase the ancient light
and glory, are fit to be adored by all

43. Vidya Sabha, Dharma Sabha and Rajya Sabha, all three bent
on speedily solving problems, well-qualified and duly constituted, thriving
through knowledge and authority, like wedded dames, taking charge of
State's administration, with prowess, skill and affluence, preserve the
government like the unbroken thread of progeny.

44. O learned person, just as an active scholar, full of vigour,
gathers strength for a strong glorious Commander, being most famous, and
adored throughout the land, masters various objects for glory, full of
vitality, showering happiress like the cloud, acquires full might, and
wishes for the sages in a well known place on the earth, so shouldst
thou do.

45. He, who rears the trees by erecting strong barriers round them,
creating contact with the soul, like one under orders, conduces to our
happiness, fills the treasure of fame, as one fills the belly with sacrifice,
performs sacrifice with edible objects like honey and butter, and tastes
them well, remains immune from disease.

46. Just as a strong, exalted, heroic person, overpowers the
violent foe, but is pleased with an upright, straight-forward man with
little merit, so with brilliant knowledge, and truthful deeds, let the
immortal sages, full of joy and contentment contribute to our happiness.

47. May the mighty ruler, applauded at present, being fearless and
heroic, augmenting bis forces, well trained by past commanders, whose
sovereignty, competent to subdue the foes shines like the sun, strengthen
us, and come to us for our protection, and may he occupy a dignified

48. May the foe-subduing Commander, acquiring desired happiness
with arms, nourisher of men, accompanied by valiant warriors, full of
righteous indignation on the wicked, and swift killer of foes, come to us
from far or near for our protection in battles, and guard and honour
our men.

49. May the Commander of the army, mighty, facing the enemy
with the force of his knowledge, well-trained in the use of arms, with dis-
ciplined cavalry, stand in combat to guard and enrich us. May he nicely
share our this administrative business based on truth and justice.
50. O Commander, in each battle I invite thee, the rescuer, the
destroyer of the ignoble, affable, the giver of glory, deserving of invoca-
tion, the Subduer of the foes, the preserver of administration, quick in
action, adored by the multitude, and the castigator of the enemy's army.
O Bounteous Lord, may thou give us happiness.

51. The ruler, a good protector, accompanied by his excellent
assistants, full of wealth, diffuser of happiness, should protect his subjects
by administering justice, remove the opponents, render all free from fear,
and himself be fearless, whereby we may be the lords of vigour.

52. May the ruler, our good preserver, with his noble family members, a father unto us, drive from us away, even from far and near, our foe men.

May we dwell in the auspicious favour of and obey the orders of the ruler, who is fit to perform acts of sacrifice.

53. O Mighty Commander, go forth, with excellent steeds having tails like peacock plumes, to conquer thy foes. Let none check thy course, as fowlers capture the bird. Come unto us like a skilful archer.

wealthy citizens praise soldiers - 

54. O wealthy citizens,praise the slayer of foes, who is powerful, whose arms wield weapons. Thus praised may he guard our wealth in men and cattle. 

55.In this world, vedic text, like the milch-cow, multiplies our pure glory and wealth, so should I perfect it and protect it.

56. O people, just as both husband and wife, conversant with medical science, guardians of the body, accomplished with noble nature and good dealings, possessing vedic knowledge and sweetness in speech in this world, preserve by different devices wealth and the people.

57. Both kinds of physicians, well versed in the science of medicine,
for the removal of ailment, in this world, prescribe medicine skilfully and
with a sweet voice. May speech full of commendable learning, coupled
with words of praise from men, lead to affluence, conducive to happiness.

58. An educated wife, praised on all side, for her prosperous husband, acquires told, strong organs, and butter that builds the body.

Physicians with their medical knowledge resplendent like the Pun and moon, with efficacious medicines, acquire foodstuffs, good might and nice religious wealth.

59. Laudable man and woman, who moving freely, imbued with
noble qualities, deeds, and characteristics, with acts conducive to happi-
ness, for the attainment of supreme power, delivery from an incurable
disease, and for safety, use the juice of well-prepared, strength-infusing
medicines, always remain happy.

60. Just as highly applauded lightning illumines directions and gates, and engulfs the Earth and Heaven, so do an educated woman accomplishes  desires of her husband (and other family members).

61. O learned persons, you  should  adorn yourselves with the noble qualities of soul and well disciplined speech.

62. O virtuous teachers and preachers, guard us in day and night. O highly educated mother guard us. O health-giving physician, according well, protect the juice of medicines.

63. Well-disciplined speech, protecting mother, laudable preach-ress, these three, and two good physicians, should produce differently the strong, gladdening, well-begotten juice of medicines.

64. May the teacher and preacher, imparters of knowledge, a highly educated mother, a skilled workman, give us glory, fame, and diverse beautiful objects for the consummation of our affluence.

65. Just as didactic speech through free use fulfils our desires like a milch-cow, and just as a mighty tree growing with the passage of seasons, with its sweet juice and edible products fulfils our desires under the advice of physicians, so may I fulfil my desires.

66. O physicians, just as we attain to supremacy, with measured rice diet, with speech full of instruction, knowledge and sweetness, with cows' milk and its products, so should ye use the juice of medicines, highly efficacious and well prepared.

67. Good physicians and an educated lady, with their wisdom,
through the use of material objects resulting from indestructible matter,
should cultivate an acceptable mind, and acquire from cloud strength,
brilliant: treasure, and ample wealth.

68. Teacher and preacher united together, and an educated woman, with oblations made of material provisions, whose home is in clouds born of indestruccible matter, strengthen their might, which shatters to pieces even the splendid force of the enemy.

69. O people, use nicely Soma, imbued with strength-giving quality, in yajna's oblations, just as two learned teacher and preacher, experts in the science of medicine utilise it, or just as an educated lady avails of it, or just as cattle use it.

70. They who acquire wealth for supremacy, attain to happiness. He becomes dignified, who imbued with the spirit of service, full of excellence, desirous of advancement, good guardian, protector of yajna's oblations, enjoys wealth through the sacrificer.

71. An excellent urger, a good guardian bestowing gifts on the liberal offerer, should attract the force and well-trained mind of a sacri-ficer, who abandons not the path of virtue.

72. O men, just as a noble soul, striving for affluence, speaker of the Assembly, a good guardian, full of prosperity, acquires sovereignty, a just mind, worldly wealth and philanthropic deeds, so should ye acquire them, possessing renown and strength.

73. Teacher, preacher, and an educated lady, with disciplined
speech, well trained horses, and enterprise, should augment wealth,
prowess, strength, and enhance a mighty devotee of truth.

74. May both teacher and preacher, fair of form, rolling in wealth,
an educated wife, possessing serviceable objects, and thou a learned fellow,
help us in all our acts.

75. * May both the healers of the body and soul, righteous in their
deeds, an educated woman, who imparts knowledge just as a cow yields
milk, and a highly sagacious person, like the sun that tears asunder the
cloud, possess riches for the sake of prosperity.

76. O teacher and preacher, ye both, cooperating together, and
learned subjects, like the uniterrupted eternal cloud, behave most beauti-
fully in sovereign deeds, and so act as our protectors in diverse ways.

77. O learned person, full of wealth, knowledge and affluence,
thou wisely drinkest the juice efficacious medicines, thou art served by
thy educated wife, may thou be protected by the teacher and preacher
with the works of the poets, just as father and mother rear their son.

78. He, who collects, trains and takes useful service from horses,
bulls, oxen, barren cows and rams, is the protector of food grains, is
imbued with an amiable disposition, and is a wise, brilliant person,
deserves hearty respect.

79. O learned person, within thy mouth is poured the offering,
as Soma into cup, ghee into ladle.

Vouchsafe us wealth, strength-winning, blest with heroes, and
wealth lofty, praised by men, and full of splendour.

80. Teacher and preacher, an educated lady, the leader of the
Assembly, give to the soul, sight with lustre, manly strength with breath,
vigorous power with voice and might.

81. O highly educated people, wedded to truth, chastisers of the
wicked, equipped with horses and pasture-land for cows, just as ye
command respect from men, so should we.

82. O head of the State and Chief of the staff administer the State in a way that no internal or external malicious mortal foe be able to harm it.

83. O wise Head of the State and Chief of the Staff lead us on to wealth, glittering like gold, and highly serviceable.

84. May vedic speech, eur purifier, powerful through the force of diverse forms of knowledge, with wisdom and riches acquired through enterprise, beautify our yajna.

85. Vedic text, the impeller of truthful speeches, the inspirer of perceptions, expatiates on God.

86. Vedic text, with its store of knowledge, illuminates the vast ocean of words, and brightens all pious thoughts.

87. O king, marvellously bright, enjoy these fine objects, full of qualities, prepared and purified by fingers for thee.

88. O learned and renowned king, well urged and taught by the wise, impelled by intellect, enjoy food-grains and riches prepared with skill and wisdom.

89. O vital soul, expeditious in action, attain to vedic knowledge. For our thriving transaction produce edible corn.

90. O people just as loving teacher and preacher, with chastened speech, enjoy sweet knowledge, and as a glorious king, good guardian, slayer of foes as the sun is of clouds, eats the sweet corn grown in the
midst of Soma herbs, so should ye do. 

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