Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 18 - Causes of Prosperity


performance of philanthropic deeds for the good of humanity.

1. May my food and my prosperity, my exertion and my influence, my thought and my mental power, my independence and my speech, my hearing and my vedic knowledge, the light of my learning and my
pleasure prosper through the contemplation of Adorable God, and the performance of philanthropic deeds for the good of humanity.

 practice of religion.

2. May my Pran and Apan, my Vyan and my Dhananjaya, my Nag breath and other breaths, my memory and my well defined knowledge, my voice and hearing, my mind and reflections, my eye and knowledge, my ear and vedic authority, my wisdom and honour, my strength and
valour, prosper through the practice of religion.

grace of God.

3. May my energy and my army, my soul and my body, my house and my armour, my limbs and my bones, my joints and my relatives' bodies, my life and my resources, my old age and youth prosper through the grace of God.

prosper through religious practices.

4. May my preeminence and nice objects, my overlordship and property, my righteous indignation and tranquillity of mind, my angry passion and noble behaviour, my just possessions and acquirable objects,
my coolness like water, and my milk, curd and butter, my victorious power and victory, my greatness and honour, my magnanimity and excellent conduct, my abundance and vast objects, my old age and youth, the continuity of my family and its smallness, my increase of riches and penury, my amelioration and consequent happiness prosper through religious practices.

prosper through true religious teachings.

5. May my truth and love for all, my faith and things that lead
to its accomplishment, my progeny and their possessions, my wealth and
food stuffs, my belongings and philanthropy, my beauty and honour, my
play and sports materials, my enjoyment and extreme delight, my
children born before and those born anew, my future children and my
relation with them, my nice words and reflections, my pious acts and
their aids prosper through true religious teachings.

prosper through truthfulness.

6. May my knowledge and its contributory cause, my immortality and juice worth drinking, my freedom from consumption and acts that remove sickness, my age free from disease and medicines that contribute to it, my life-strength and abstemiousness, my longevity and celibacy, my
freedom from enemies and love for justice, my freedom from fear and
valour, my happiness and its cause, my sleep and its contributory cause,
my fair dawn its cause, my fair day and useful deeds prosper through

prosper by following noble principles.

7. May my leader and well-controlled possessions, my supporters
and accepted truths, my protection and protector, my finances and
toleration, my world and obedience to its laws, my mighty deeds and
fair dealings, my determination and knowlede, my understanding and
objects worth knowing, m.y impulses and thoughts, my propagation and
eugenics, my plough and cultivators, my concentration and learning,
prosper by following noble principles.

8. May my welfare and its materials, my comfort and its means,
my affection and its sources, my religious desire and its means, my purity
of mind and its sources, my immense supremacy and its means, my strength
and its sources, my pleasure-giving comfort and its means, my pleasure
of salvation and its sources, my excellent residence and its materials, my
fame and its cause prosper through the grace of God.

9. May my well-cooked and fragrant food, my affectionate and
truthful speech, my milk and prepared medicines, my sap and medicinal
juices, my butter and food cooked with it, my honey and sugar, my meals
in company and means of enjoyment, my drinking in company and objects
to be licked, my agriculture and food grains, my rain and purification of
air through Homa, my impulse for conquest and trained army, my flowers
and trees, flourish through the prayer of God.

10. May the wealth of knowledge and enterprise, my property and
cooked food, ray prosperity and health, my mind the master of all topics
and God's contemplation, my entire dealings and power, my accomplish-
ment, cows, buffaloes, horses and service of mankind, my pure food
grains and rice, my freedom from hunger and thirst, my food and its
spices, my satiety in food and thirst prosper through the kindness
of God.

11. May my well considered problems and my reflections, my
topic worthy of consideration and thought, my past and present, my
future and constant noble dealings, my good path and noble deeds, my
wholesome diet and diagnosis, my prosperity and supernatural power, my
achievement through yoga and contentment, my power and imagination,
my ambition for strength and logic, my thought and investigation, my
advanced intellect and steadiness prosper through the grace of God.

12. May my rice and my barley, my pulses and beans, my sesamum
and grams my kidney-beans and their cooking, my grams and their
cooking, my millet and its cooking, my excellent rice and inferior corn,
my rice of wild growth and their cooking, my wheat and its cooking,
my lentils and other food grains prosper through the grace of God.

13. May my stone and ruby, my refined and rough clay, my
clouds and corns, my mountains and their products, my sand thick and
pulverised, my banyan trees and mango trees, my riches and silver, my
iron and weapons, my sapphire and brilliant gem, my gold and precious
stone, my lead and wax, my zinc and brass, multiply through governmental

 progress through skill and art.

14 May my fire and lightning, my water and gems found in it, my creepers and vegetables, my plants and flowers, my corns ripened in fields and nice food grains, my corns ripened spontaneously in the jungles and those which ripen in the forest, my domestic animals and my wild forest animals, my substance and wealth, the gain and objects worth acquiring, my beauty and diverse possessions, my power and its source progress through skill and art.

15. May my treasure and virtuous act, my dwelling and servants, my religious service and its doer, my ability and love, my collection of wealth and its collector, my noble effort and intellect, my way of knowing, my dealings and reason, my gait and muscular exercise prosper through exertion.

16. May my fiery sun and earthly fire, my lightning and air, my
peace-affording articles and rain, my ruler the aispeller of injustice, and
his ministers, my prosperous deed and its means, my teacher the banisherof
ignorance, and pupil, my instructive speech and the speaker of truth, my
preacher, the remover of stupidity, and listeners, my nourisher and
abstemiousness, my soul and physician, my guardian of vedic lore and
King, my lord of supremacy and general of the army, prosper through the
advancement of knowledge.

17. May my breath residing in the heart and breath in the navel,
my electrical fire and lustre, my breath in the throat and breath pervading
the entire body, my sun and power of retention and attraction, my soul
and patience, my bestower of supreme prosperity and just enterprise,
my fire the Consumer of substances and artisanship, my ruler the ex-
tinguisher of foes, and carftsmanship, my airs and bodily humours, my
ubiquitous lightning and its performances, my all belongings and riches,
my beautiful forces of nature, my giver of glory and its use, prosper
through the knowledge of the science of air.

18. May my earth and its substances, my electricity and physical
exercise, my atmosphere and objects that leside in space, my support of
supremacy and its use, my knowledge that leads to noble deeds and its
contributory causes, my sun and substances diffused by it, my years and
divisions of time, my apparent cause of the knowledge of time and the
science of Arithmetic, my everlasting worlds and their inhabitants, my
lightning, my regions and the substances residing therein, my teacher of
the science of regions and Dhruva star prosper through the knowledge
of Earth and Time.

19. May my pervading sun and its heat, my method of eating and
dainty dishes, my firm rule and protector, my master and his residence,
my mental contemplation and solitude, my mid-breath and strength, my
action dealing with electricity and air, and water, my Pran and Udan, and
Vyan, my beauty like that of the sun and moon, and of mind, my gait and
walks, my pure nature and semen, my spirit of investigation and milk-pot
flourish through the proper use of fire.

20. May my yajna performed in November-December and its subs-tances, my discourse with the learned and its result, my iron determi-nation and its causes, my respect for all and respecter, my use of air and electricity and their sources, my spiritual enjoyment and its means, my lustre like the sun and its usefulness, my vows and their result, my performance of yajna in the company of my wife and its means, my pro-cedure of yoking the horses in chariots and its materials prosper through
skilful application of all substances.

21. May my ladles and their cleansing, my yajna cups and their contents, my good substances in the air and its purifying acts, my Soma reservoir and its peculiar measurement, my pressing stones and mortar
and pestle, my rod for pressing medicine, their pressing and grinding, my sauce and broom, my washing basin and telescope, my altar and its shape, my altar-grass and provisions for the yajna, my bath at the end of the yajna and smearing with fragrant sandal, my recitation of verses, and
purifying oblations, prosper through the performance of Homa,

22. May my fire and its use, my dignity and mentarl 1 peace, my
materials for worship and its purification, my sun and means of livelihood,
my air the cause of life and external air, my nation and national policy,
my Earth and its trees, my uniform statesmanship and control of senses,
my undecaying possessions and ephemeral body, my light of religion and
day and night, my fingers, powers, four directions and sub-directions, be
glorified through the grace of God.

23. May my sacred vow and speaking and preaching of truth, my
inter seasons and progress of the sun to the North and solstices, my control
of breath and heat and cold, my year and Kalpa and Mahakalpa, my thighs
and knees, my big chariot, horses and bullocks prosper through religious

24. May my One and my Three, and my Three and my Five, and
my Five and my Seven, and my Seven and my Nine, and my Nine and my
Eleven, and my Eleven and my Thirteen, and my Thirteen and my Fifteen,
and my Fifteen and my Seventeen, and my Seventeen and my Nineteen, and
my Nineteen and my Twenty One, and my Twenty One and my Twenty
Three, and my Twenty Three and my Twenty Five, and my Twenty Five
and my Twenty Seven, and my Twenty Seven and my Twenty Nine, and
my Twenty Nine and my Thirty One, and my Thirty One and my Thirty
Three etcetera increase or decrease by addition or subtraction.

25. May my Four and my Eight, and my Eight and my Twelve, and
my Twelve and my Sixteen, and my Sixteen and my Twenty, and my

Twenty and my Twenty Four, and my Twenty Four and my Twenty Eight,
and my Twenty E^ght and my Thirty Two, and my Thirty Two and my
Thirty Six, and my Thrity Six and my Forty, and my Forty and my Forty
F^ur, and my Forty Four and my Forty Eight etc. increase or decrease
by addition. and subtraction.

26. May my eighteen months bull and cow, my two years bull and cow, my thirty months bull and cow, my three years bull and cow, my four years bull and cow prosper through the science of rearing cattle.

27. May my male beasts of burden like elephant and camel and simi-lar beasts, my female beasts of burden like mare and she camel, and their loads, my powerful bull and cow, my impotent bull and barren cow, my young bull and strong cow, my calf-slipping and lean cow, my ox and cart-driver, my milch-cow and its milk man prosper through proper training of cattle.

28. A learned man, who has got passion for battle, exertion for prosperity, tact for acquirement, practises yoga for knowledge, arranges for money for habitation, teaches the knowledge of time to the utilizer of days, practises non-attachment towards day and the stupid, uses truthful, friendly language for the confused and the master of decadent knowledge, renders sound advice to the vacillating and the most degraded, gives correct lead to the low-born and the friend of humanity, uses respectful
language towards the leader of men, preaches the art of administration to the ruler, and reveals Kingly statesmanship to the guardian of his subjects, is an excellent politician.

Thou the embodiment of noble qualities art a guiding controller for the friend. Thee for vigour, thee for raining happiness, thee for the sovereign lordship of creatures do we accept.

29. May life succeed through the service of God and the sages.
May life-breath thrive through union. May the eye thrive through the
service of God and the sages. May the ear thrive through the service
of God and the sages. May the voice thrive through the service of God
and the sages.
May the mind thrive through the service of God and the siges.
May the soul thrive through the service of God and the sages. May the
knower of the four vedas thrive through the service of God and the
sages. May the light of justice thrive through the service of God and the
sages. May happiness thrive through the service of God and the sages.
May passion for knowledge be satisfied through study. May desirable
deed be performed through true behaviour, May the Atharva veda, the
Yajur veda, the Rig veda, the Sama veda, and its Brihat, Rathantra, thrive
through the grace of God and the sages. O sages, may we, freed from the
pangs of birth and death attain to the happiness of final beatitude. May
we become the true sons of God. May we be yoked to noble deeds and
truthful speech.

30. We, engaged in producing nice grain, sing the praises of ador-able, immortal Mother the Earth, which envelops all these visible material worlds. May the Holy God, the Embodiment of glory, create on this Earth, in us, a desire for doing noble deeds.

31. Let all airs, all persons, like all thoroughly kindled fires be ready today for our protection. May all the laarned persons come hither for protection. May we possess all riches and food.

32. May our strength fill the seven regions and the four distantquarters. In this world may our knowledge of religious lore guard us with all the learned persons in the acquisition of wealth.

33. May food urge us today for charity. May food taken according
to season strengthen our faculties, Yea, food hath made me rich in brave
sons. As lord of tood may I conquer all the regions.

34. May food be before us, in the midst among us. May food eaten
enhance our noble qualities. Yea, food hath made me rich in brave sons.
As lord of food may I conquer all regions.

35. O learned person, I unite myself with the juices produced from
the Earth. I unite myself with waters and with plants. As such may I
gain strength.

36. O learned person store milk in plants, water in the sky and
water in the air. Teeming with milk for me be all the regions.
37. O King, I besprinkle thee with the arms (forces) of the sun's
warmth and the moon's coolness, with the hands (powers) of attraction and
retention of breath, with vedic speech, with the discipline of an adminis-
trator, and a ruler's sole dominion.

38. A King is the maintainer of truth, practiser of truth, destroyer
of foes like fire, guardian of the Earth j spreader of happiness like herbs
born of water. May he protect this our Priesthood and Nobility. May he
be entrusted with the responsibilities of the State, and may his subjects be

39. The sun is conjoined to all material objects and persons, is the
sustainer of the Earth. Its rays that roam in air are well known as uniters
and separators. Utilise those rays, thou Knower of the Sama Veda in full.
Thou behavest rightly towards the sun. May thou protect this our Priest-
hood and Nobility and completion of our undertakings.

40. Moon is pleasant, receives light from the sun and imbibes its
rays. Its Asterisms, and the rays present in the atmosphere, are full of
lustre. May she protect this our Priesthood and Nobility. All Hail to
the Moon, for completion of our undertakings. To those All-Hail.

41. Air is quick, pervades the whole universe, retains sound in the
atmosphere. Its parts are well known as givers of vigour and movers in
the atmospheric vapours. May it protect this our Priesthood and Nobility.
All Hail to the air for success in our undertakings. To those All Hail.

42. Sacrifice (yajna) is the bestower of delights, a nice nourisher,
and the repository of vedic speech. Heartfelt famous praises are its
guerdons. May it protect this our Priesthood and Nobility. All-Hail
to the Sacrifice for success in our undertakings. To those All-Hail

43. He, who is the Lord of Creatures, Omnific, has a mind that possesses vedic speech. The famous verses of the Rigveda and Sama veda touch the innermost recesses of his heart, wherewith he honours the learnad, loves truth and imparts knowledge. May he protect for us this veda and the Dhanur Veda. May he acquire truthful speech and realise religion. For thesa objects one should serve others in a righteous way.

44. O master of kingdom and protector of the subjects, in this
world the householders and others depend upon thy support. Give great
happiness in a nice way to the knower of God and the Veda and the
Kshatriya trained in the art of administration.

45. O learned person thou art the master of voluminous water, the
bestower of calm nature, and deep like the ocean. Being the nice giver
of happiness and blessings come unto me from all sides. O Knower of
the science of air, thou art foremost amongst the group of the learned.
Being the nice giver of happiness in this life and the life to come, come
unto me from all sides.

Thou art worthy of laudable honour and desirous of self-protection.
Being the nice giver of happiness and blessing, come unto me from all

46. O God, the lights in the sun, with their beams spread lustre
all around. Unite us today with all those lights of thine. Make us
worthy of love by every one.

47. O God and learned persons whatever affection ye cherish for
self and God, for kine and steeds, may lightning and fire, present in them,
with all those affections vouchsafe us love.

48. O God grant love to our holy priests, set love in our ruling
chiefs. Grant love to the Vaishyas and Shudras : give out of thy un-
bounded store of love, love unto me.

49. O Mighty God, through the veda, singing Thy praise, I pray unto Thee. The sacrificer through oblations and praises hankers after Thee. O God worshipped by many, never disrespected, give us in this world your knowledge. Steal not our life.

50. Properly utilised warmth conduces to happiness. Properly
utilised fire conduces to happiness. Properly utilised air conduces to
happiness. Properly utilised lustre of lightning conduces to happiness.
Properly utilised sun conduces to happiness.
51. I yoke with fulness of life and strength-giving butter, thee,
fire, mighty, divine, and efficient in protection. Through that yajna-
fire may we obtaining happiness, attain to the loftiest nature of God
free from suffering and full of effulgence.

52. O learned person, these cause and effect are thine two exalted
immortal objects, wherewith thou drivest evils away.

May we with their aid fly to the regions of the pious, whither
have gone the sages, well versed in the vedas, and masters of vedic

53. O learned ruler, thou art cool like the moon ; full of wisdom,
strong like a falcon, wedded to truth, fond of gold, impetuous, nourisher
of all, great, settled in habitation, steadfast, to thee be reverence. For-
bear to harm me.

54. O learned person thou art the heaven's head, the Centre of
earth, the essence of waters and plants. Thou art the enjoyer of full
life of a hundred years, and full of glory. For right guidance be thou full
of food and shelter.

55. O learned person, like the sun thou standest at the head of the
whole world. Thy heart is fixed on God. Spend thy life for the better-
ment of the people. Preach noble deeds and knowledge. Advance
irrigation by cutting canals out of rivers. Help us with rain sent from
thy sky, cloud, firmament earth or any other source of water.

56. O learned person, desire-fulfilling sacrifice (yajna) has been
performed by highly learned persons and by Vasu Brahmcharis. With
this well performed and beloved sacrifice accept thou our Dakshina.

57. May fire developed through Homa with oblations and purified
substances, enhance our happiness. May this food acquired by us be
offered to the sages.

58. O discriminators between truth and untruth ; hold fast the
knowledge ye have gathered through exertion, soul-force, control of
breath, mind, intellect, eyes, and ears. Follow the path of the aspirants
after salvation where have gone the fitst-born ancient sages.

59. Ye seekers after God, and common run of mankind, I, the
knower of the meanings of the vedas, and guardian of sacrifice, having
realised God, the treasure of happiness, preach unto ye, the true nature
of God pervading this highest heaven. Know Him about Whom, I, the
follower of religion, instruct thee.

60. O learned persons living together, know this God spread in
the highest heaven, and realise His true nature. He who reaches Him
through yogic paths of the sages, should reveal to Him pious acts pertain-
ing to vedic injunctions and public utility.

61. O learned priest, wake up, attain to light, expel the sleep of ignorance from your sacrificer (yajman) and bestow knowledge on him. Together with this sacrificer arrange for the yajna (sacrifice) and collect
its materials.

Let all the learned priests and the sacrificer sit together in the
yajna on nice seats.

62. Through teaching one acquires vast knowledge. Through
study the teacher and the taught acquire the knowledge of the vedas. Let
this process of study and teaching be carried unto us for the attainment
of happiness by the learned.

63. With a handful of Darbha-grass, with the Yajur veda, with
spoon, with altar, with nice execution, /with the Rig Veda, O learned
priest, conduct this sacrifice of ours with the support of the learned for
acquiring worldly happiness.

64. Our gifts, our receiving of charitable grants, our pious works,
our fees to priests, may the Omnific learned householder set all this for
our happiness in religious usages.

65. There were all never-failing streams of honey and butter flow, may tiie learned knower of all actions grant us happiness for acquiring noble traits.

66. I, the Revcalcr of the vedas, am Omniscient by nature. Lustre
is my eye, everlasting happiness of salvation is my mouth. I am Adorable, I
am the Master of triple light ; the Creator of regions, Eternal Luttrous,
and Supplier of food at all places.

67. O learned person I reveal the Rig-veda, the Yajur-veda, and the Sama-Veda. Learn from Me the vedic lore. O God, out of all the forces on the earth, that conduce to the welfare of humanity, you are the Foremost. Speed Thou us on to lengthened life.

68. O Commander of the army, for the strength that slays the foes and conquers in the fight, and other resources, we turn thee hitherward to us.

69. O Commander, much invoked, kill thou the foes with thy

70. O Commander of the army, win battles, humble the men who
challenge us, send down to nether darkness him who seeks to enslave us.

71. O Commander of the army, like a dreadful wild tiger roaming
in the mountains with a crooked pace, encircle the distant foes. Crush
thou the enemies, whetting thy sharp bolt, thou chastener of the wicked
through punishment, and win battles.

72. O ruler, just as the heat of the sun, being present in all crea-
tures, reaches the distant objects, so shouldst thou, come near us for our
protection. Just as electricity being present in all objects lives near us,
so shouldst thou listen to our eulogies.

73. Men should know fire in the brilliant sun, fire in the earth, air
and water. The knowablc fire in the shape of lightning, shining in the
universe, has entered all the plants with vigour. Just as this fire preserves
us by day and by night, so may thou the Commander preserve us always
from a ferocious person.

74. O Commander of the army, may we fulfil our desires through thy protection. O Lord of wealth, may we get the riches which give us valiant sons. Waging fight may we succeed in battles. O Commander
free from old age, with thy aid, may we win undecaying wealth and glory.

75. O learned person, approaching with raised hands and adoration, we have this day fulfilled for thee thy longing.

O wise man, with undeviating fixed purpose, contemplative mood, and absolute restraint thou cultivatest good qualities.

76. May the learned subduer of all places, the King, the knower of til the four vedas, the scholarly teacher, and the wise, guard our know-ledge for our welfare.

77. O most youthful king, guard the teachers who impart know-ledge and listen to their sermons.

Protect with all thy force the offspring and the ladies of those who have died in war.

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