Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 17


1. O fully charitably disposed persons, ever active like the wind, grant us food and strength contained in lightning and clouds, formidable in appearance mountain-like.

Grant us food, strength and juice gathered from the plants, trees
and waters. O man may I possess thy cloudwise strength and thy appetite.
Let thy pain reach the man we dislike.

2. learned person, may the materials of my yajna, like milch kine, be the givers of happiness to me.

3. O women, ye are pleasant like the spring season, full of truth like canals with water, enjoyers of seasons like spring, advancers of truth, givers of butter, givers of sweet juices, worthy of protection, full of various noble qualities, fulfillers of our desires like kine, make us happy.


4. O ruler, just as we, conversant with the knowledge of self-protection in space, approach thee from all sides, be thou our purifier and auspicious to us.

5. O ruler, we rally round thee for safety, just as fire or cloth removes cold. Be thou our purifier, aud auspicious to us.

Make our resplendent domestic life successful.

6. O noble and well-decorated woman, live on this earth in the midst of riches, enhancing thy resources. Just as fire is the emblem of the essence of life, so should'st thou approach us with sweetness and
vigour. Make our resplendent domestic life successful.

7. O learned person, this space in full is the decided home of waters and creatures. Lead the life of a domestic person with certainty like the ocean of vapours in space. Doing virtuous deeds, be propitious
unto us. Let thy shafts trouble others different from us.

8. O excellent diffuser and preacher of knowledge, the gratifier of the hearts of men, with thy pleasant and truthful tongue ; and thy light of knowledge, preach unto the learned, and associate with them.

9. O learned person, pure, foe-destroyer, distinguisher of truth from untruth ; just as fire carries afar our fragrant oblations, so dost thou in this world bring hither for us domestic life and learned persons.

 fit for rule.

10. The Commander of the army, who with purifying conscious force shines upon the earth like dawns with sun's light, who kills speedily like strong horses, the foes that come in the way ; who in the heat of
battle tolerates thirst, whom old age does not touch, is fit for rule.

11. O ruler, our obeisance to thee, the remover of afflictions. Our obeisance to thee pure and worthy of respect. May thy armed forces trouble others than us. Be thou our purifier, and propitious unto us.

12. O King, the leader of men, occupy the seat of justice. Administer
justice unto sailors in ships. Thou art the chief for improving thy
subjects. Be thou a dweller in the solitude of forests, and a lover of
justice. Be thou the enjoyer of pleasure, full of perseverance.


13. The hermits (Sanyasis) learned of the learned, who take their meals without performing Havan, lead a life of sacrifice, and contempla-tion amongst the performers of usual sacrifice (yajna), and worship the Adorable God, after a year's penance, take themselves the honey and
butter of oblations in this yajna.

14. The learned yogis who amongst the learned attain to Godhead, who first of all acquire communion with God, without whose aid no place of happiness is sanctified, dwell neither on heaven's heights nor on the face of the earth.


15. O King, thy powers are the givers of life and strength unto us, the givers of resources for the removal of affliction, the givers of knowledge, the helpers for studying all sciences, the preachers of true religion and service of the learned. May thy weapons trouble others than us. Be thou our purifier and propitious unto us.

16. O learned person, just as fire with its sharpened blaze, gives us all eatables, and just as electricity adds to our wealth, so shouldst thou be helpful for us.

Omniscient God

17. The Omniscient God, the Creator and Dissolver of all objects, our Father, pervading all these regions, is ever-present. He sustains the universe, With his blessing, He grants us riches ; and pervades the subtle primordial vast matter, and the world created therefrom.

18. What is the support of this universe ? What is the material cause of the world in the beginning ? What was its nature ? Whence God, the Doer of myriad deeds, the Seer of all, producing the earth and
the heavens, covers them with His mighty power.

19. God keeps an eye on the whole world, preaches morality to humanity, is full of immense strength, is present everywhere. The Incomparable One Effulgent Lord, with mobile atoms, producing the
Earth and Heaven, with His mighty force puts the universe in motion.

20. Let the Yogis with mind under control, intelligently question the learned. What was the adorable cause, what the transitory result-ant universe ? Who created separately the heaven and Earth and how ?
Know God the Creator of the universe, Who sustaining all regions where human beings dwell, reigns supreme over them.

21. O God, the Lord of food grains, you only provide food to every being, developing our bodies.  Give us Thy devoted friends, good instructions.

22. O noble King, you  should associate with all. 

Let the venerable rich learned person throw all our foes into confusion.

23. Let us invoke for our protection in battle, the high sooukd individual, wto is the preserver of the vedas, swift like mind, and expert in all deeds. May he the giver of comfort to all, the doer of virtuous deeds, for our safety, approve of our invocations.

24. O King, the lover of noble actions, the head of all Assemblies, select him as thy minister for advice in state affairs, who is highly serviceable, dignified, unworthy of harm, protector, and wealthy. Let
the good subjects bow unto him ; so that this minister be quick to hurt, and fit to be respected in various ways.

25. Ye people, when you elect as your ruler the man, who is the guardian of the lovers of justice ; has a patient mind peaceful through austerity, grants us dainties, and makes the officials and the subjects
respect each other, and live together like the ancient far extended Heaven and Earth, and make progress working unitedly like feet the lowest protions of the body, then alone is the government stabilised.


26. God is the Creator of the whole universe, full of knowledge. Ubiquitous Sustainer, Maker, Seer, and foremost of all. He is known as the Incomparable One. In Him the souls controlling the seven rishis
live in enjoyment according to their desire. He fulfils their lofty ambition.

27. God is the Father, Who made us. Who rewards our acts, and creates the universe. Who knoweth all worlds and all things existing. He is the name-giver of all the forces of nature. He is One. Him
do all created beings seek for informatian.

28. Highly learned persons, tha nourishers of all, the knowers of the significance of the vedas, like a praiser, thoroughly educate these living beings, in invisible and visibly settled worlds, and amass wealth
for carrying out the commands of God.

29. God is higher than this Earth and Heaven, higher than learned living beings, and beyond the divisions of time. Through His persuasion souls enter the numerous assuraable bodies. Him do the
devotees of knowledge see with a spiritual eye.

30. Know Him to be God, in Whom souls sustain the vast eternal matter, the source of creation ; to Whom all yogis attain. Who acts as Lord over eternal soul and matter. Who is Self Existent. In Whom
abide all things existing.

31. O people ye do not know God, Who has produced those crea-tures, Who is away from the irreligious and separate from soul and matter, and being present in al! is still distant ; as ye are sunk in the darkness of ignorance ; occupied with the discussion of partial truth and untruth, engaged in the enjoyment of carnal pleasures, and abandoning the practice of 3 7 oga, are busy with controversy over the meanings of words.

32. Firstly was created the air, in which are performed all good deeds ; secondly was created the sun, which sustains the earth ; thirdly was created the cloud, that fosters plants, waters and souls, and helps the retention of life in material objects, is the guardian of many, and begetter of rain.

33. He is an ideal commander of the army, who is swift, keeps his arms sharpened, fearless like a strong bull, a zealous killer of foes, strikes terror in men ; makes the enemies weep bitterly, works day and night, a sole hero, rends asunder the opponents, and subdues with us a hundred armies.

34. Ye warriors, win the opposing forces, and bear the brunt of their speed with the commander, who makes the enemies weep, is ever exerting, is fond of victory, arranges his soldiers in different divisions,
puts the enemies to inconvenience, is steady, energetic, and strong, with arms in hand.

35. The Commander of the army, with arms in hand, with well-trained and armed soldiers, keeper in stock of arms and weapons, the master of passions, the conqueror of foes, the maintainer of peace in the
country, strong in arms, with sharp shafts fond of fight, discharges his weapons, kills his enemies, and with his disciplined army achieves victory over the opposing forces.

36. O protector of the religious minded, the aged and the forces, the slayer of demons, the remover of our foes, their killer, the^ brcaker-up of the enemy's forces, their destroyer in the battle with military accou-trements, be thou protector of our conveyances that are used on the earth, the sea, and in the air.

37. O Commander of the army, well-equipped with military war-
fare, thou knowest how to strengthen thy army, art an experienced
statesmen, a foremost fighter, mighty, the master of the science of war,
the endurer of pleasure and pain, the fierce slayer of the wicked, the
possessor of nice warriors, and martial intelligent employees, famous for
strength, conquering land, surrounded by victorious heroes, mount thy
conquering conveyance.

38. O friendly countrymen, encourage the commander of the army,
and begin the battle with him, who with his physical, mental and military
strength, cleaves the enemies' families, usurps their land, is armed with
weapons, slay's the foes, subdues the enemy in the battle, and conquers

39. May the commander of the army, who, with surpassing vigour
pierces in the battles the families of the enemies, is pitiless, wild with
anger, unconquerable by foes, conqueror of the enemy's forces, unequalled
in fight, and victor, protect our armies,

40. In battle, the commander, the leader of these armies of the learned, the conqueror and demolisher of the enemies should march behind. The organiser of the army should march in front. The leader of
big bands should march on the right. The encourager of the army should march on the left. The warriors swift like air should march ahead.

Musical instruments

41. Musical instruments, to infuse valour and energy shoul be played upon before the commencement of the battle, by the learned soldiers of the powerful commander, and mighty king, who possess decent
homes, lofty ideas, are able to conquer the enemies, have led a life of celibacy for forty eight years, are highly learned and strong, full of terrible power.

42. O adorable commander the slayer of foes, like the sun of clouds, make the weapons of our soldiers flourish, excite the spirits of our warring heroes, increase the speed of our horses, and let the din of
conquering cars go upward.

43. O learned persons desirous of victory, may the commander and our forces, under different flags, the emblems of justice and truth, win in the battle. May our brave men enjoy after war. May ye protect
us everywhere at the time of war.

44. O queen the slayer of foes, organise the bands of this army, that bewilders the hearts of the forces of the enemy, remain aloof from sin, convey thy aim to thy soldiers, burn down the foes, whereby they
may abide in utter darkness with hearts full of griefs.

45. O' wife of the comraander-in-chief, expert in the art of archery, trained by a learned person knowing the vedas, on persuasion, go afar, encounter the foes, achieve victory by slaying them. Let not even one of those distant foes escape.

46. Advance, O heroes, win the day. May the commander of the army provide ye with shelter, food and clothes, Exceeding mighty be your arms, that none may threaten or injure you.

47. O learned persons, the army of our enemies, that comes against us in a jealous mood, with its might, meet ye and enwrap it harshly in the darkness of the smoke arising out of the use of cannons so that they may not recognise one another.

48. There where the flights of arrows fall like boys whose locks are unshorn, may the Commander, the protector of the big army grant us shelter, may the entire Assembly adorned with members, grant us a
happy home through all our days.

49. O valiant warrior, thy vital parts I cover with armour. May this calm, considerate king protect thee with efficacious medicine. May the exalted King give tbee what is more than ample. May the learned
encourage thee in thy triumph over the wicked. 50. O Commander of the army, well satisfied with ghee, lead this conquering hero to a high position ; vouchsafe him growth of riches and multiply his progeny.

51. O Commander, lead to eminence, this hero amongst the learned
of the same age. May he have control over his passions. Vouchsafe him
lustre of knowledge, so that he may give each his share.

52. O learned family priest prosper the King in whose house we
perform Homa (offer oblation). May the learned teach him, and may
the master of the vedas teach them.

53. O learned King, may all the intellectuals bear and lift thee
upward. May thou endowed with convincing knowledge, shining with
the light of mastery of various subjects, be propitious unto us.

54. Casting aside dense ignorance and evil genius, these educated
wives of the learned, engaged in different duties like the five regions,
for the growth of riches, serving their husbands should yearn for domestic
life, whereby this domestic life be made firm in the aquisition of wealth.

55. Just as the learned, in enkindled fire, perform Agnihotra
yajna, so should a highly revered person, the singer of vedic hymns,
adorable, lovable sacrificer perform the well lighted yajna, accepting it
with vigour.

56. Just as learned persons, desirous of performing yajna, engage themselves in [the performance of Agni Hotra yajna for the happiness of the learned, and just as for the loving, benign, and virtuous priest, % the wealth of knowledge, and a sacrificer (Yajman) intent on acquiring riches, and lord of a hundred drinkable objects like milk and itsilk, are there, so should ye the imparters of knowledge, having acquired learning perform the Agni Hotra yajna.

57. The householder, who with a tranquil mind, puts into the fire, for performing the yajna, the oblation which moves above and removes foul smell, performs the fourth yajna. May prayers and the fulfilment
of our desires bless us in the yajna where we get material fit for Homa.

58. Sun gives us light from the beginning of creation. Its rays are green. In the created world it incessantly gives us strength. A learned person perceiving fully realises its science. With its light, the
Earth, planets and stars, the protectors of the world, manifest all regions.

59. This sun, in the midst of heaven, like an aeroplane, sits,
filling the earth, sky and air's mid region, with its light. It spreads its
beams that illumine the world and give us water. It sheds its lustre
on the day, the night and the intervening period.

60. God has set the sun in the midst of heaven. It attracts rain-
water and pours it down, is red, protects us thoroughly, possesses diverse
coloured rays,rotates, keeps under check the clouds and different worlds,
and guards them. It pervades lightning the efficient cause of light.

61. All vedic songs glorify God expansive like the space, the most
delightful of all pleasant objects, the Lord of the wise, the Guardian of
eternal matter and souls.

62. God is the Invoker of the learned, Adorable, our Instructor
in truth and Relinqaisher from untruth, the Bestower of pleasures,
Worshipful, the giver of comfort and remover of discomforts. May the
Effulgent God grant and procure us noble qualities.

63. Just as God, the Sustainer, the Producer of Knowledge, through
devices of elevation lifts me up, so elect him as General of the army who
with his subjugating power keeps my foemen down.

64. May the learned increase wealth through strenuous e
and renunciation ; and may the military and civil heads of the
drive away my opposing foes.

65. Ye heroes, with spiritual force in your hand, attain to happi-
ness through the science of electricity. Having procured the desired
happiness resulting from justice and humility, live in the company of tit
66. O King, go forward to the eastern region. In thy state, with
the use of fiery weapons, be a skilled leader full of passion like fire.
Illumining all the quarters, shine with splendour ; supply food to our
quadrupeds and bipeds.

physical force - mental force - spiritual force -  God, the Blissful Light.

67. Through yoga, from physical force I rise higher to mental force ; from mental force I rise higher to spiritual force ; from spiritual force I rise higher to God, the Blissful Light.

68. The learned yogis, who attain to Cod, the Sustainer of the universe, on their march to salvation, pay no attention to worldly pleasures, but rise to salvation, that frees them from birth and death.

69. Foremost of those who exert, O learned person, come forward, thou art the eye of the literate and the illiterate. The sacrificers, fain to worship, friendly to all, accordant with the highly learned persons, attain to ordinary and extreme happiness.

70. Just as the nurse and mother with different characteristics, but with one mind, working in harmony suckle the same child, so do the night and dawn, with different hues nourish the world. Just as the
brilliant sun shines between the Heaven and Earth, so do the imparters of knowledge imbibe the glow of knowledge.

71. O yogi, thou hast the knowledge of innumerable usages, immense power of meditation, hundreds of accomplishments of life, and thousands of modes of activity. Thou art the Lord of thousandfold
possessions. To thee full of knowledge may we offer our obeisance in truthful words.

72. O learned yogi, with thy light, thou art endowed with excellent noble qualities, yoked with high soul-power. Just as the sun shines in the midst of heaven, so do thou be seated on earth. Grant
happiness to the people like air. As the sun fills air's mid-region with its glow, so shouldst thou strengthen sovereignty with thy statesmanship. Just as fire with its intense heat fills the quarters, so shouldst thou elevate the people.

73. Thou, whose soul is enlightened with yoga, who invitest respect from those who contact thee, the master of good traits, the teacher of the science of yoga, through thy virtuous deeds, seat thyself
firmly in God thy nearest home. Ye all yogis, with laudable acts, stick fast to truth after discussion.

74. Just as a wise person, knows the exalted vedic speech of God, the Adorable, the Giver of the glory of yoga, and enhances his knowledge with that speech, that is wondrous, explains the creation of the universe, is full of knowledge, explains each topic lucidly and gives us wisdom and food, so do I rightly accept it.

75. O Yogi, we adore thee with praise-songs for thy past life, and for thy present life, in which we live with thee. May we worship God through whose shelter thou hast risen. Just as the performers of Homa,
put oblations in the well kindled fire, so do we remove our moral weaknesses through the fire of yoga.

76. O most youthful yogi, first enkindled with dignity, with continuous supremacy, long for us. Constantly unto thee come the learned.

77. O learned person, just as a horse is fed with fodder, and intellect sharpened with prayers, so art thou beneficent and pleasing to our heart ; may we approach thee with praises, and advance under thy

78. Just as an oblation is put with butter, into the fire, filled
with fuel, so with a contemplative mind do I acquire discernment so that
the learned, who strengthen truth, and are devoted to knowledge, may
come here. To God, Lord of the Earth, and Master of all deeds, I
offer-up day after day the inviolable sacrifice of knowledge.

79. O sage, seven breaths are thy fuel, seven flames are thy flames
of knowledge, seven organs of perception are thy sources of wisdom.
Thou hast seven beloved mansions. Seven priests in sevenfold manner
pay thee worship. With knowledge and fine speech fill full these seven
sources of learning.

80. God is Purely Bright, Wonderfully Bright, Eternally Bright, All Luminous, Bright, Truth's Protector, and free from Sin.

81. Persons, who are excellent like God, noble like other good people, equal towards all, affectionate towards all, respectable, well-balanced, and possessors of worldly objects, succeed in life.

82. God is the Knower of truth, Most Excellent amongst the excellent, Resolute, the Support of all, the Sustainer, the Owner of all owners, and efficient Administrator.

83. He, who is the advancer of knowledge, elevator of religion, Conqueror of armies, lord of goodly forces, keeper of friends near at hand ; driver afar of foes, is worthy of estimation.

84. O learned persons, the performers of seasonwise sacrifice
(Yajna), well-qualified, resembling the aforesaid sacrificers, free from
partiality, similar in nature to the highly learned, truthful and religious,
come near unto us.

May the knowers of reality, discriminators of truth from untruth
like a balance, the supporters and nourishers of their companions protect
us to-day in this sacrifice.

85. He who exalts his men, feasts on dainty dishes, torments the foes, is an admirable householder, lover of games, and mighty, becomes a nice conqueror.

86. O King behave so that thy learned subjects, regular performers of yajna, may become thy followers. Just as learned people, dear as breath, follow God, so should the literate and the illiterate persons follow
this King, tfee giver of happiness through knowledge and teaching.

87. O man resplendent like fire, drink as from a teat filled with milk, this invigorating juice of waters. In the midst of many welcome this well full of sweet water. Fast like a horse, enter thy oceanic

88. O sailor, wish thou to master water. 

89. O men, know that forth from the ocean springs the watery wave of sweetness with rays of the fun. Being divine it is extremely pleasant in taste. The real cause of water is hidden. 

Salvation is the result of the teachings of the learned.

Knowledge of the four vedas

90. He. whose knowledge of the four vedas is like four horns, who studies and enjoys the vedas, is perfectly well versed in them all, preaches them to humanity, and listens to their teachings from others, is the praiseworthy embodiment of knowledge. It is our duty to propagate it to others, and act upon it in our domestic life with words of veneration.

91. This yajna has got four horns, three feet, two heads, and seven hands. This mighty, attainable yajna, the giver of happiness, bound with a triple bond, roars loudly and enters into mortals.

Research the knowledge bidden in the vedas,

92. The learned, masters of the worldly affairs, acquire after research the knowledge bidden in the vedas, and laid three-wise. Electricity exposes a part of that knowledge, sun another part, and the
learned the third part by their wisdom and experience.

93. These vedic speeches which flow from the inmost reservoir of the heart are incontrovertible by the thievish foe. I realise these speeches full of knowledge and see in their midst the Resplendent,
Beautiful God.

94. From the inmost recesses of the heart, purified by mind, flow together our speeches as streams flow to the ocean. These waves of knowledge pour swiftly like the deer running through the fear of a tiger.

95.The exalted speeches full of knowledge fall on the audience from the mouth of a preacher.

96. Just as women of high character, of one mind, gently smiling, incline towards their husbands, so do the speeches of pure knowledge, glowing with apt use, meaning, and relation of words, reach a learned
person, who enjoying them attains to brilliance.

97. As maidens deck themselves with gay adornments and exhibit their beauty to join thair husbands, so, where prosperity reigns, where yajna is performed, there the intellectual speeches are sanctified on all sides. People enjoy again and again.

98. O married couple, welcome the laudable struggle for existence, procure the wisdom of speech, milk, curd and butter. 

May the learned bestow on us excellent possessions, and grant us this domestic life. 

The learned receive the instructive, sjveet words of knowledge,

99. O God, this whole universe depends upon thy power and might vast like the atmosphere. May we realise Thee.

O king may we acquire the strength that lies in thy breaths, thy heart, thy lively soldiers and thy battlefield, and thy wisdom full of admirable characteristics. 

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