Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 26


1. Fire and Earth are favourable to me; may they be subservient to me in the accomplishment of that aim of mine.

Air and firmament are favourable to me ; may they be subservient to me in the accomplishment of that aim of mine. 

Sun and his light arefavourable to me ; may they be subservient to me in the accomplishment
of that aim of rain*. 

Waters and clouds are favourable to me, may they be subservient to me in the accomplishment of that aim of mine. 

Out of these seven forces are the mainstay of all beings, the eighth is Earth which keeps every one under its sway. O God make all our paths pleasant and

May I thus obtain true knowledge from these forces.

2. I do hereby address this salutary speech for the benefit of humanity, for the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas, the Shudras, the Vaishas, the kinsfolk and the men of lowest position in society.

Dear may I be to the learned and the guerdon-giver in this world. Fulfilled be this desire of mine. May I achieve my aim.

3. O God, the guardian of mighty material objects and souls, Thou art realised through the practice of yoga. We accept Thee as the Protector of the vedas, which symbolise Thy authority, and as the Nourisher of
selfless scholars.

O God, Truth is nobly born of Thee, O God Thou adequately kind-lest in men splendid refulgent mind, laudable wisdom and effectual active mind.

Thou existest as a highly resplendent entity through self-force. Grant us marvellous knowledge, riches and fame.

4. O learned person, possessing vast wisdom and knowledge of the vedas, come here, and drink the juice of medicines ripened by clouds. Thou hast controlled thy senses through yamas and niyamas. We accept thee as the master of worldly kingship and grand supremacy. This is thy home of knowledge. We accept thee as protector of vedic speech, and as full of glory.

5. O exalted learned person, full of wisdom and deeds, slayer of foes like the cloud-dispeller sun, come, and drink deep the essence of knowledge produced by the knowers of the vedas. Thou hast controlled thy soul by yogic practices. We accept thee as the master of milk-yielding kine and grand supremacy. This is thy home of knowledge. We accept thee as the master of worldly possessions, and desirous of glory.

6. We daily pray for light of knowledge, unto God, the Lord of learning, the Leader of humanity, and the Embodiment of Truth. Thou art realised through yogic practices. I accept Thee as the Leader of
humanity. This heart is thy home.

I accept Thee as being the Lover of all people.

7. Just as the Sun, filled with lustre of grandeur, in the midst of illuminated worlds, gives'us pleasure, and therefore illumnates this world with his light; just as lightning exerts with the Sun, so should we continue
in God's grace.

O learned person thou art acceptable through beautiful
restraints. I respect thee for thy knowledge of electricity. This is thy
home. I respect Thee for thy accomplishing electrical projects.

8. Just as a learned person foremost amongst the leaders comes for our protection from far away; so should a person brilliant like fire come in a commendable conveyance.

We accept thee full of literary thought for a learned person. We accept thee, whose this house is meant for the leader of the learned.

9. We pray to him, the master of five senses and lover of five castes, affectionate to all, pure, the knower of the significance of vedic texts, glowing like fire with the warmth of knowledge; the lord of wealth, off-spring and palatial buildings. Thou art imbued with religious laws. I 
accept thee as a dignified literary person. This is thy home of knowledge. I accept thee as a dignified, literary, religious person,

10. May the mighty, thunder-armed, perfectly virtuous king grant
us a comfortable home, may he slay the wicked man who hates u?.

Thou art equipped with justice and statesmanship. We accept thee for the extreme supremacy. This is thy kingly palace. We accept thee as a paramount sovereign.

11. O people, just as cows low to their calves all the day long, so with our songs we glorify for ye, this king, the dispeller of affliction, the checker of assault, and the enjoyer of riches and foodgrains.

12. O learned people honour the king who is great and giver of extreme comfort. Like the queen, riches and foodstuffs proceed from the King.

13. O wise, learned person, come, here I sing verily other songs to
thee. With these praises shalt thou grow strong.

14. O learned person, the seasons spread thy yajna, the months protect thy offering. May our year strengthen thy yajna. May thoukeep our children safe in every way.

15. In the solitude of mountains and confluence of streams a sage develops his spiritual force, contemplating on God through yoga.

16. O learned person, I admire thy house, high in altitude, full of foodstuffs, well ventilated and airy, grand in sight and extremely commend-able. May it be durable like the Earth.

17. O amiable scholar, fully knowing the duty of service, flow the juice of learning for the king, respectable sacrificer and us mortals.

18. God gives instruction for all these graceful glories of men. Willing to serve God, we pray for pleasures.

19. May we be prosperous with strong, brave sons, strong kine, strong horses, the strength of all, strong quadrupeds and strong men about us. May the learned guide our sacrifice (yajna) season-wise.

20. O teachress bring thou near thee in this domestic life, for drinking the juice of medicines, husbands full of attributes like thee, and consorts of the learned ; and may thy husband invite near him the lustrous scholars.

21. O eloquent leader, make our fair dealings worthy of praise. Thou art the giver of wealth. Drink the juice of medicines.

22. O men, just as the giver of wealth and fame, according to sea-sons, humbly desires to drink the juice, so should ye procure this juice, perform havan, and attain to glory.

23. O learned person desirous of supremacy, secure well thy contact with power. In the performance of religious deeds, with a tranquil mind, protect this eternal soul of thine. Sitting steadfastly in this yajna, take into thy belly this efficacious medicinal juice.

24. O majestic scholar, serving gladly thy preceptor, in gladsome company, with the noble qualities, and with thy mother, sister and wife, be happy in the acquisition of nice foodstuffs.

Afterwards make others happy like a confortable house, O learned people, well invoked, establish us in fair dealings, sit near us at ease, and give us good instructions.

25. O mighty learned fellow, for thee is this juice pressed, for the protection of riches. Purify thyself with its sweetest and most gladdening flow.

26. The fiend-queller, and the friend of all, in his country attains to reverence and a dignified position, and lives happily in his house filled with gold.

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