Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 12

Hymns - 117

Desirous of wealth - What to do?

1. A man desirous of wealth, must exhibit vitality and lead undaunted life all through his living years.

2. Powerful divine forces support sun. Night and dawn suckle him (provide nutrition to him) like two mothers.

3. God in there in the world in every form. He takes care of all bipeds, quadrupeds and all others.

4. O man! you have all organs capable of doing great deeds. Acquire knowledge, perform yajnas and attain happiness.

5. O man! understand the meanings of various groups of slokas in vedas. Know the laws of cause and effect and control various things in nature.

6. A person possessed of noble qualities be elected and accepted as a ruler because he makes judgements on the good and bad deeds of people of society for the happiness of society.

7. This hymn hints that every persons returns to god number of times. It says, return to me after acquiring knowledge, wealth, and progeny is each life.

8. This hymn repeats the above statement. O man! be your visits to earth and me hundred and thousand times. Each time uncover knowledge unknown before and create wealth.

9. O learned teacher, preach us noble resolves again and again. Tell us again and again not to do deeds which result in losses and ill health.

10. O man! shun evil deeds to enjoy happiness with health and wealth.

11. O King! I declare you as the ruler. Let all the citizens long for you as a ruler(desire you as a ruler).

12. O King! always watch people so that people observe your true and just laws.

13. O King! you have to perform your duty like the Sun who is in the sky every day before dawn.

14. God is the creator of vital breaths, and Vedas (life and the knowledge that sustains the life).

15. O boy! learn from your mother sitting in her lap. Never think of putting her to grief with distress and violence.

16. O majestic king! improve the strength of your subjects. Through that stength only you can suppress your enemies.

17. O king! bring prosperity to your subjects. Do things which bring prosperity to your subjects.

18. O king! your importance in the country is like that of sun in the sky. Secondly you are a very knowledgeable man. Thirdly you are a thoughtful man who uses the knowledge purposefully. Using your noble qualities, stimulate your people to do right things. Learned people of your state should stimulate you and advise you for doing useful things.

19. O learned person!  tell us what special knowledge you possess. Tell us how it benefits us.

20. O learned person! I love people with special knowledge. They are leaders of men. I, in the position of judge of worth of men, spread your name in my state. All learned men in this state may accept you as one among them and recognize you for your special field of knowledge.

21. The sun helps in the growth of medicinal plants.

22. Elect him as a ruler who is bestower of wisdom, a person committed to his word and is a person who is in control of his senses.

23. Elect him as a ruler who is respected by all classes of persons.

24. God has established among mortals knowledge on how to make use of various items in the creation.

25. Know the imperishable God of manifold vitalities.

26. Have a cook who can prepare highly delicious, palatable meals.

27. Have a cook who acts upon the instructions given, knows the cooking art well and keeps good relations with family members.

28. People who want guidance approach knowledgeable people and the wise people have to guide them in right ways for incresing the prosperity.

29.O learned sages, give us advice that gives us wealth and make our sons heroic by educating them.

30. O householders, take care of learned preachers.

31. O learned person, preach us elevating thoughts that you learned from sages. Sages should nourish you with their knowledge.

32. O king only punish wrong doers and work for the welfare of people like the sun does with his rays. Do no destroy the bodies of people.
(The book says in the footnote that Vedas prohibit hanging on gallows.)

33. Only he, who has knowledge, strength, practices religious duties and has expertise in statesmanship is fit to rule.
(A foot note in the book says this hymn is the same as revealed in 12.6 and 12.21)

34. The army chief must also be a learned man, with confidence to fight the enemies visible in his face like the brightness of sun, and must be willing to stand along with the officers in the battle field.

35. O learned person, marry a girl who is also educated and have a happy and contented life. Have children and love them as your life.

36. The souls take birth again and again.

37. The souls take birth in all animate objects. They take birth as plants, as trees, as animals in water and as animal on earth.

38. Souls after cremation of the body in the fire or in the earth, once again enter and reside in the belly of mothers and take birth again.

39. The souls get the love of their mother.

40. Parents have the responsibility to protect their children from sinful conducts. Sons have to listen to their parents, remain aloof from vices, and through their conduct increase the resolve of their parents to do good deeds and remain away from evil intentions.

To be revised.

41. O learned person, travel constantly in the world, with wealth and seasoned speech, the sources of enjoyment, and serve the people.

42. O most youthful, and resourceful pupil understand the significance of the eloquent speech of mine. One will hate you  and another sings your  praises; but never renounce the truth. 

43. O preacher, the guardian of wealth, giver of riches to the deserving, full of commendable knowledge, and wisdom, thou knowest the truth. For the performance of all noble needs, and preaching the truth, keep far away from us all evil designs.

44. O imparter of vedic knowledge and wealth, in the company of the learned, may thou improve thy body with butter. After the completion of study, let the Adityas, Rudras, Vasus and Brahmas, make thce
renowned. Let the sacrificer's wishes be fulfilled.

45. O learned persons, may all the aged and young scholars living at present in the world acting as teachers and preachers impart spiritual knowledge to this disciple filled with noble resolves. May thy teacher grant thee a dignified position. Shun unrighteousness, and follow Dharma, and stick to it particularly.

46. O learned teacher, thou art the embodiment of knowledge. May I obtain thy strength for the accomplishment of wishes. Thou removest my evils as the fire reduces the fuel to ashes. Thou art full of
strength like the lightning. Give me that strength. O' pupils, ye are the achievers of knowledge, ye are the observers of the real spirit of religion, hence always follow religion.
47.  Lightning and sun, ripen the juices of plants for thee. I take in my belly the juice thus ripened.  I preserve the foodstuffs. 
48. O social learned person, the splendour of thy knowledge is found in the soul, in the earth, in plants, and in waters. Wherewith thou hast overspread mid air's vast region. The light of the sun, that
gives sight to man, is the bringer of rain.
49. O learned person, with the light of thy knowledge, thou duly singest the praise of waters beyond the light of sun, and those that are beneath it here. Thou well preachest knowledge to the students who are
expert in the art of speaking.
50. All learned persons, endowed with various sorts of knowledge, free from disease and malice, friendly towards all, shrewd in actions should spread education and entertain high aims.

51. O preceptor, vouchsafe thy wisdom unto us. May the son born to us, be the begetter of different sorts of supremacy. Teach him while receiving education, praiseworthy eloquence, eternal knowledge of the vedas, and the Rigveda, the granter of success in all our actions.
52. O fire-like pure soul this is thine ordered birth, the giver of happiness and remover of misery, whence sprung to life, thou shinest forth. Knowing this do noble deeds, and cause our riches increase.
53. O girl, thou art the imparter of knowledge; with vedic lore remain steady like breaths. O celibate girl, thou art the master of different sciences, with thy religious life, remain steady like God.
54. O girl, thy father, mother, and teachress who know the vedas, impart thee knowledge for the emancipation of thy soul. Preserve that knowledge with iron determination. Henceforth fill up all thy weaknesses, and please the people with thy knowledge.
55. The wives of learned persons, with beautiful bodies and tender limbs, having good cooks and servants to milch the cows, being reborn with knowledge, cook well prepared diet, in this beautiful domestic life. They observing the laws of Brahmacharya, give happiness to their husbands in past, present and future, in all pleasant domestic tasks and give birth to good offspring.

56. O men and women, just as all vedic sacred speech, deep like the sea, protector of the vedas and noble souls, master of supremacy, magnifies on battlefields, the best amongst the warriors, and adds to his glory, so shouldst ye magnify all.
57. O husband and wife, be dear to each other, shun sensuality, be one-minded, dress nicely. Attain together to your goal, and use your vigour for a common cause.
58. Together have I brought your minds, your vows, and your thoughts. O teacher, our protector, be thou our guardian ; give food, physical and spiritual strength to the sacrificer.
59. O learned preacher, in this world, thou art the follower of one principle, wealthy, physically and spiritually strong. Having made all the people blest, stick to thy duty of preaching ; thou giver of happiness, and the dispeller of miseries.
60. Be ye one-mined unto us, both of one thought, free from fault. Harm not the Dharma worth-attaining. Harm not him who preaches religion. Be ever gracious unto us, ye knowers of all knowledge.

61. The learned woman, calm like the earth, preserves in her womb, like a mother, the healthy and beautiful son. May the Omniscient God, the source of all noble actions, relieve the child from pain, in all seasons, with His divine powers.
62. O learned woman, calm like the earth, seek some one else besides our relatives of thievish and plundering nature. Don't wish for an irreligious or uncharitable husband. Whatever course of action thou choosest, may that succeed. To thee be homage.
63. O woman, the embodiment of true conduct, thine are the foodstuffs, and substances brilliant like gold ; cut asunder ignorance, the source of bondage. In unanimity with yama and yami, uplift thy husband to the sublimest vault of happiness.
64. O woman, awe-inspiring to the wicked, I put in thy mouth palatable food for the removal of thy physical ailments. People please thee invoking thee as Bhoomi. May I know thee in every way as the
producer of good progeny, as earth produces foodstuffs.
65. O husband, calm like the earth, I fasten on thy neck, the unbreakable binding noose of pure married life. The same do I fasten unto me for thee. I enter this life for longevity. Let none of us disobey the
law of domestic life. Eat thou young man this food, which I eat. O wife, the embodiment of virtue, follow strictly the duties of married life. I give thee foodstuffs for thy prosperity.

66. He alone is fit to lead a married life, who, like God, the Creator of the universe, and master of eternal laws, keeps constant company with his wife and behaves properly, who, like the sun, opposes
the warriors on the battle-field,
67. The intelligent ply the ploughs. The wise for the comfort of the learned, carry the yokes in different directions.
68. O people, use various implements for cultivating the earth. Employ ploughs and yokes. Sow seed in a well prepared field. With the knowledge of the science of agriculture and full consideration, be quick
to sustain and nourish yourselves. May we get the corn fully grown and ripened in the near fields.
69. Happily let the ploughshares turn up the plough land, happily go the hard-working ploughers with the 'oxen. O air and sun, nourishing the earth with water, cause ye our plants bear abundant fruit.
70. Approved by all the learned persons, strengthened and sprinkled with water and milk, the furrow be balmed with butter and honey. The furrow will give us ghee so we should water it again and again.

71. O farmers the keen-sheared plough, the bringer of bliss, the protector of foodstuffs, moves awry. It is the giver of fast, comfortable conveyances. With it dig the solid earth for protection's sake.
72. O cook, the preparer of palatable meals, please with thy vegetarian preparations, thy friends, the learned, the guests, the officials, and the Pranas and Apanas, the protecting parents, and the children.
73. O persons, just as ye become free from ailments by getting good food from inviolable cows, the source of prosperity, so should we. Just as ye attain to the end of night at dawn, so should we. Just as ye
receive the light of this sun, so should we.
74. We all should live together amicably, as the year lives with its parts, the dawn with its ruddy beams, the husband and wife with their wonderful achievements, the sun together with his dappled courser, the
air, the earth with water, and the lightning with its exact thunder.
75. May I know the herbs that were born three years ago in the earth, that pervade all the 107 vital parts of the body of the patients.

76. O physicians imbued with manifold wisdom and deeds, protect my body from disease, with medicines having hundred, and thousand growths. Cure your bodies as well. Know the innumerable vital parts of your body. O mother thou shouldst also do like this.
77. O people derive happiness by the use of herbs full of blossoms and fruits, conquerors of diseases like horses, and assuagers of physical discomforts.
78. O learned mother comforting like the herbs, may I speak unto thee in proximity, wholesome words. O active, virtuousson, may I, your mother, enjoy your horse, cow, land, home, clothes and soul-force.
79. O souls, this unstable body like the decaying herbs is your home. God has given ye abode in this ephemeral world like water on the lotus-leaf. Enjoy this earth, nourish the body with food and medicine, and attain to happiness.
80. O men go to places where there are herbs, just as kings go to the battle-fields. The sagacious physician, the slayer of fiendish ailments and chaser of diseases, tells ye the qualities of the herbs. Take service from him and them both.

81. May I know for the health of this patient, all medicines, efficacious in nature, full of juice, rich in nourishments, and possessing strength-giving power. May they all give me ease.
82. Oman, just as strong cows go forth from their stalls and feed their calves, so do the healing virtues of the wealth-giving medicinal herbs, used properly, strengthen thy body and soul.
83. O men, know the medicine that brings ye relief like the mother. Like flowing streams pay back the debt of gratitude. Keep afar whatever brings disease.
84. Just as a thief steals into the cattle-fold, by breaking through the wall, so do all well-known healing plants, come out of the earth tearing it asunder, and drive out from the body whatever malady there is.
85. When I, obtaining them beforehand, hold these medicinal herbs within my hand, the root of life'-killing disease like tuberculosis disappears.

86. O medicines, when ye creep in a patient part by part, joint by joint, ye destroy his pulmonary disease, as a strong man destroys the delicate bodily parts of the foe.
87. O physician, try to extirpate tuberculosis through well-regu￾lated nourishing diet, through control of breath (Pranayam) and through medicines which fully relieve the patient of its pain.
88. O women discussing together the merits of the qualities of medicines, follow these words of mine, that all medicines help each other. Just as one helps the other, so should your teachress protect you.
89. Let fruitful and fruitless herbs, those that blossom and the blossomless, created by God, relieve us from disease.
90. O learned persons, just as medicines .relieve me from sickness, so should ye, relieve me from the curse's evil, the offence committed towards the virtuous, violation of the orders of the xuler, and the entire sin against the sages.

91. The learned talk about the medicines, that like the rays emana￾ting from the sun, come from an experienced physician. No disease shall attack the man, whom, while he liveth, these pervade.
92. O woman, thou knowest fully all the herbs, whose King is Soma, and which possess innumerable healing properties. Thou art most advanced in their knowledge, prompt for the fulfilment of wishes, and
sweet to the heart.
93. O married man, God has created the various herbs, whose king is Soma, that overspread the earth. With their aid, grant semen for this woman, and spreacj the knowledge of these medicines
unto all.
94. O learned persons, collect all medicinal herbs, which are known to ye, and which ye hear of, which are near at hand, or are found at a distance. Advance the strength of the body with their use, and
impart their knowledge to this girl.
95. May not the herb I dig for some purpose, harm you, while being dug. May our and your bipeds and quadrupeds be free from disease by its use.

96. O physicians, discuss together the healing properties of the herbs, with Soma as their head. O King we save from death the man whose cure a learned physician knowing the vedas and up-vedas
97. O physicians know ye the medicines that cure catarrh, piles, tumours, consumption in diverse forms, fistula, diseases of the mouth, and those that cause excruciating pain in vital parts of the body.
98. O people, use the medicine that cures the patient suffering from phthisis. It should be dug by a man expert in the art of smelling, by an exalted person, by a knower of the vedas, by a well qualified
person, by a learned man and by a famous king.
99. O medically trained wife! just as medicine is the source of Strength for me, removes my ailments and gives me power, so should'st thou conquer my enemies, subdue the men who challenge me. Conquer thou every kind of disease.
100. O man, thou knowest the merits and demerits of the herbs. Whatever herb I dig, for whatever purpose or for whom I dig, mayest thou be long-lived, with its use ; and having attained to long age, be
happy and famous by using the herb with a hundred shoots.

101. O physician, be thou our companion, who givest heartfelt delight. Grant us happiness through the most excellent herb, whose retainers are the trees.
102. God, whose laws are immutable, creates the Earth. He pervades the sun, fire, waters and air. He, being Primordial, creates the lustrous moon. Let us worship witt devotion, Him, Who is the
Embodiment of happiness. May He not harm me.
103. O man, utilise fully this earth, worthy of contact and full of water. Its impelled, internal heat makes thy seed grow.
104. O learned person, whatever swiftness, purity, brightness and fitness for sacrifice, there is in fire, may we acquire them all for thee and for being virtuous.
105. May I get from this heat of the earth, corn and all streng￾thening foods. May I get the vedic speech, the repository of the true
knowledge of the Mighty God, and the source of truth.
May I banish diseases, that cause excruciating pains, disallow the tak￾ing of meals, as are the source of trouble to my organs of sense and body.

106. O learned person, possessing the light of knowledge blazing like fire, brilliancy of diverse forms, and height of wisdom ; thou art the giver of laudable knowledge to a worthy disciple. Thereby shine forth, thy lustre, life-strength, and knowledge worthy of adoration and hearing.
107. O man, just as a son, passing through Brahmcharya Ashram (student life) acquires knowledge and with the light of his learning, fcnparts justice like the lustre of the sun, carries on his studies
uninterruptedly, just as the sky and earth are allied together, so should'st thou receive education, manage the affairs of the State, and serve thy father and mother.
108. O son, imbued with wisdom and wealth, to thee, the learned teachress and the mother nobly born, doing wondrous deeds for thy pro￾tection, and master of admirable qualities, give food to eat. Rejoice
thyself, always occupied with thy own praiseworthy hands in serving others, and never swerwing from the path of rectitude,
109. O man, active like fire, possessing unusual strength unlike mortals, gaining power, possessing beautiful appearance, and preserving ancient wisdom, thou acquirest splendour thereby. Increase our wealth with the cooperation of other persons.
110. O learned person, thou art the performer of prosperous sacrifice (yajna), exceedingly wise, laudable, giver of huge riches, nice dweller, protector of foodstuffs and earth, and preserver of immemorial vedic wealth, hence thou art fit for veneration.

111. O man, just as learned persons accept with praise songs for their happiness, the auspicious amongst the wise, the well-read, the expounder of all sciences, the master of vast learning, the embodiment
of truth, and the leader of scholars, so shouldst thou do. They revere the past generations of men. Thus do I instruct thee.
112. O king, may thy power spread in all directions. May thou advance. May thou the master of knowledge and the science of fighting, succeed in all battles.
113. O man of peaceful nature may juicy nutriments be procured by thee, may thou learn military science for subduing the arrogant foes. May thou amass strength. May thou, thus progress, win immortality,
following the noble teachings of God.
114. O most gladdening, prosperous fellow, make progress through different means, like the sun with its beams. Strive for our prosperity, O friend of vast happiness.
115. O learned person, just as a calf is fastened with its mother, the cow, so thou, desirous for spiritual advancement, concentrate thy mind with vedic speech obtained from God, the Support of all.

116. O King, the foremost realiser of essence of problems, all loyal subjects turn to thee for the fulfilment of their wishes. Always protect them.
117. He alone is fit to rule, wlio, full of brilliance, like the One Self-sufficient Lord, is worthy of homage, self-resplendent, and shines forth in God's attributes in the past and future.

Updated 15.5.2024, 12.5.2024

Monday, May 13, 2024

Shukla Yajurveda - Information - Bulletin Board


Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 11.

25. O learned person! Know a person who is rich and charitable and inspire him for acts that lead to prosperity for all.


Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 11.

11. The skilled artisan should use well maintained implements with knowledge on earth for proper construction.

25. O learned person! Know a person who is rich and charitable and inspire him for acts that lead to prosperity for all.

28. O artisans and people with knowledge of those skills, explore earth and atmosphere and prepare useful objects.

35. O learned person, establish good relations between king and people with your understanding of the relations between them.

41. O householder! Study all sciences with your praiseworthy faculties.

42. O learned teacher! Educate well in disciplines,  intelligent pupils with your brilliance.

46. O noble son, do not waste the time during your studies. Just as sun takes away waters and returns to earth for the benefit of people on earth, you should also acquire knowledge for using it later for our benefit.

68. O mother! Do not disturb your child’s education. You and your son must complete this learning task worth doing.

81. The household priest should strive for the prosperity of the house.

82. The household priest with his vedic knowledge help households to do good deeds successfully.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Simplified Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 39 - Journey of a Soul After Death of a Body or Person



Death and Soul after Death

1. This mantra is related to the dead body. The dead body is presented to the various divine entities. Swaha of the vital breathings with their controlling lord, the soul to  earth, To Agni, To Firmament,   To Vayu, To Sky, To Surya. 

2. To the Quarters, To the Moon,  To the Stars, To the Waters,  To the Ocean, To the Navel,  To the Purifying light. 

3. To Speech,  To Breath, To Dhananjaya Vayu,  To the right eye,  To the left eye, ! To the right ear, To the left ear. (You may even interpret it as swaha of.)

4. Prayer: may I obtain, the wishes and purposes of my mind and things happen according my speech (words) . Please bestow on me the  cattle's beauty, sweet taste of food, fame and grace,  truthful speech and virtuous conduct.

5. Worship Him alone. Paramatma, the supreme soul. He, who retains the soul called Prajapati, (the nourisher of men); the well protected soul called Samrat, (filled with lustre); the well received soul called Vaishvadeva (Connected with all meterial objects); the soul  called Dharma, (full of brilliance); the soul progressing called Teja (light); she soul well received in water called Ashwin (connected with Pran and Apan); timely received soul called Paushan (the light connected with the Earth); the violent soul called Maruta (the light connected with man's body); the soul reared in water called Maitra (connected with friendly Pran),  the attacking soul called vayavya (full of velocity like air); the soul invoked called Agneya (burning lustrous like fire), the soul recognised as bead called vak (one that commands and gives orders).

6. After death, the soul goes to the Sun on the first day ; to Agni on the second ; to Vayu on the third; to Aditya on the fourth; to Chandrama (the moon) on the fifth ; to Ritu on the sixth ; to Maruts
on the seventh ; to Brihaspati on the eighth ; to Mitra on the ninth ; to Varuna on the tenth ; to Indra on the eleventh ; to all divine, noble traits on the twelfth. ;

7. The soul after death, according to its actions becomes fierce and calm ; terrible and fearless ; ignorant and enlightened ; trembling and steadfast ; forbearing and unforbearing ; passionate and ascetic ; and a
prey to bewilderment.

8. The souls after death attain to fire with the heart ; to -lightning with the upper part of the heart ; to Pashupati with the whole heart ; to Bhava with the liver.

To Sharva with the two cardinal bones ; to Ishana with righteous indignation; to Mahadeva with the intercostal flesh ; to the Fierce God with the rectum ; to handsome chinned person, to knowable and procurable powers with two lumps of flesh near the heart.

9. Souls inside or outside the womb become virile through pure blood ; lovely through virtuous deeds ; chastisable through ignoble deeds ; supreme through pastime ; noble through spiritual force ; achievers of aims through enjoyment. Suitable place for fire is between the ribs ; for bile the liver ; for waters the rectum ; for soul the protector of bodily organs the pericardium.

10. Swaha ! (statement accompanying burning of various organs) To the hair,  To the nails,  the external skin, the internal skin ! the blood !  the heart's blood ! the fats ! all the wet parts of the body,  the external fleshy parts, the internal fleshy parts, the gross sinews, the subtle sinews,  the tough bones, the soft bones !  marrows !  internal part of the marrows ! the semen ! the anus. 

11. Take nourishing diet for physical exertion, for lofty adventure, for concerted effort, for endeavours by different organs, for enterprise, for physical and mental purity, for contemplative soul, for expounding nice ideas, and for spiritual power.

12. Exert for the performance of religious duty and  penance. Be a  Brahmchari devoted to study as a  recluse and learn from the people lustrous like the Sun. Try hard to avoid sins, expiate for them, and ward off physical ailments through medicine.

13. Honour the just ruler. Keep away Death the great Finisher. Worship God the destroyer of the wicked. Contemplate on God the Great. Try for the preservation of Vedic knowledge (truths regarding the world and Brahma). Revere all learned persons,  utilise all the forces of nature. Acquire the knowledge of Heaven (Brahma) and Earth (entire creation).

Based on Writings of Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Devichand.

You can suggest modifications needed.

Ud. 13.5.2024, 4.7.2023

Simplified Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 40 - Emancipation (Escaping from Birth and Death Cycle).


Emancipation (escaping from birth and death cycle).

1.  All moving beings in the universe are enveloped by the Omnipotent God. Enjoy what God has  granted you. Do not covet  the wealth of any other man.

2. Man should wish to live for a hundred years but he has to be unselfish and has to do religious deeds in this world, . Karma done for unselfish purposes does not attach to him. There is no other way than this for  emancipation (escaping from birth and death cycle).

3. The men engulfed in the darkness of ignorance by not listening to gurus, and those who disobey the dictates of conscience,  and are  given to carnal pleasures are sinners. They, in this life, and after death, keep getting birth in those sexual enjoyments and participate in  sexual enjoyments but these activities are covered with afflictions and they suffer. 

4. God is permanent, One, swifter than mind, beyond the reach of physical organs, speeding on before them. He has Omnipresence, The soul resides in him and performs action.

5. God  is motionless. He is far distant from the irreligious and ignorant, and near the yogis. He is within this entire universe, and also surrounds it externally.

6. The man, who sees all animate and inanimate creation in God, and God pervading all material objects, falls not a prey to doubt. Both animate creatures and inanimate objects have God within and around them.

7. A man contemplating upon God, feels in Him all beings exist like he is existing.  Such a yogi looking upon God as an unequalled One, becomes free from delusion and grief.

8. God is All pervading, Lustrous, Bodiless, Flawless, Sinewless, Pure, Unpierced by evil. He is Omniscient, Knower of the hearts of all, Censurer of the sinful, and Self-existent. He truly reveals through the vedas all things for His subjects from His immemorial attributes. He is free from birth and death.

9. People who abandon  God, fall deep into the shade of blinding gloom . Those  who are engaged in the material pleasures of the world  sink to darkness deeper.

10. One fruit results from the knowledge of this created world, the Effect. Another fruit results from the knowledge of eternal Matter, the Cause. 

11. The man who knows simultaneously the effect and the cause, overcoming death through the knowledge of the cause, attains to salvation through the knowledge of the effect, the created world.

12. To blinding darkness go the men who worship Nescience. Those proud of little knowledge enter darkness that is darker still.

13. Different is the fruit, they say, of knowledge and Nescience. 

Knowledge and Action

14. He who simultaneously knows well these two, knowledge and Action,   gains salvation through knowledge.

15. As a soul, at the time of death, remember Om. Remember God for your vitality and your eternity,  As a person in body know that soul is immaterial and immortal but the body is finally reduced to ashes.

16. Pray to God. "O Divine, Lustrous, Benevolent God, most ample, respectful adoration do we bring to you. You are  All-Knowing. Remove from us the sin that leads us astray. Lead us through virtuous path to riches, happiness and all sorts of wisdom."

17. Om is the name for God. God is vast like the atmosphere, Greatest of all in merit, action, and nature. 

Based on Writings of Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Devichand.

You can suggest modifications needed.

Ud. 12.5.2024
Pub. 7.3.2023

Shukla Yajurveda (Simple Version) Chapter 1

Chapter 1: 31 Yajus (Hymns)


1. We depend on the Lord for the supply of foodstuffs and the vigour that they give to our body. 

The creator of this universe, the fountain head of happiness and knowledge may inspire us for the performance of the noblest deeds with our body organs. 

Our cows should never be killed. They should kept  healthy and strong.  He should bless that  cows be full of calves and free from diseases.

Pray to Lord to see to it that a thief and sinner are never born among us. 

The lord of land and cattle should bestow his beneficial aspect on them. 

Pray to him. O lord, please protect the cattle, wealth and progeny of the people doing good and right things..

2. Yajnas act as purifiers of the environment and make explicit true and perfect knowledge. 

All the learned persons and their followers should not give up the performance of yajnas. 

Rays of the sun purify the air. They are the mainstay of universe and they also add comfort to people. 

3. The yajna of the great Lord supports innumerable worlds and it purifies all of them.  Lord, lead us on the path of virtue. 

Lord, purify us through the store of true knowledge and all jnana and vijnana contained in the Vedas. 
Lord, purify us through selfless deeds of people. 

People have to comprehend true knowledge some or other shastras.

4. Vedas are the true source of knowledge and their study enables us to enjoy the full span of life. They contain the detailed instructions concerning various duties. 

Be firmly convinced of the utility of industrial achievements, and may He, protect our yajnas and the knowledge and means therefor.

5. O God, the Lord of Vows (Vrats), I will observe the vow (vrat). Please give me strength for that. I pray to you to grant me success in the fulfillment of my vow (vrat). 

I take the vow of renouncing untruth and embracing truth.

6. Who prompts people to do good deeds? It is He,

The Great Lord who guides people on the path of virtue. The Lord encourages the teacher and the taught, the organizers (yajamans) and the workers to constantly engage in doing good deeds and developing good character and true knowledge.

7. God give us the power so that we root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, the unsympathetic and uncharitable exploiters of humanity. Give us power so that we take to task the disturbers of peace and expose the wicked.

8. O Lord, you are the dispeller of vices. Please punish the wicked. Deal with vicious people who put sages to trouble. 

Lord, exhort sinful people to do noble deeds, fill their mind with noble thoughts. 

We worship you Lord, the purifier of thoughts, the Promulgator of knowledge and the giver of knowledge to the learned, giver of happiness and joy in the universe, and worthy of adoration by the religious minded devotees and the wise.

9. O you men, increase the store of goods acquired by honest and fair means to be used in the service of humanity. Dedicate your life to this cause. The spiritually minded people also should not give up humanitarian work. Your life has to be constantly consecrated to the performance of five daily duties. The heat of the sun destroys dirt and odour, and draws substances consigned to the fire, in their atomic form for the purification of air.

10. In this universe created by the all pervading and shining God, I realize and appreciate the power and influence of the sun and moon, feel the inhalation and exhalation of life-giving breath, appreciate the efforts made by the votaries of knowledge for mastering the science of energy. I follow the researches made by the learned in the application of water and fire.

11. I engage in agriculture and craft for removing poverty and ministering happiness to all. 

May our houses be sufficiently large, airy, comfortable and built in the middle of an open space. 

Our life has to be in conformity with Vedic teachings. 

I should feel joy in my domestic life. 

O Lord, we pray to you to preserve and protect whatever gives us happiness in our life.

12. O learned persons,  inhaling and exhaling breaths are purified by the faultless and pure rays of the sun. 

Charming and beautiful waters which run to the ocean, go up in the atmosphere and then come down and nourish plants and herbs (that give us medicines) are purified by the rays of sun. 

You also do Homa with pure substances (Is Homa symbol of Sun? Having a Homa is having Sun symbolically very close to you). I always promote this yajna, support the worshipper or performer of the yajna. 

The worshipper or Yajnapathi will have pure mind, strong body, noble qualities and will be full of learning.

13. O performers of yajnas,  you should always perform yajnas.

We all should perform prescribed yajnas for the attainment of God, for performing noble acts, for the acquisition of fine virtues and for temporal and spiritual advancement. Yajnas purify all substances and human beings. Yajnas will remove all your physical and mental defects. I, the revealer of the Veda, advance the yajnas, the purificatory act of yours.


14. May your house be comfortable. 

It should not offer shelter to the wicked and uncharitable. 

May god impart you the knowledge of building houses. 

May all persons acquire a house through the grace of God and which remains firmly attached to the ground as skin on body. 

The learned people have to understand the building of house. May God help them to understand.

Clouds receive moisture form forests in the form of air and reside in vast space. May God impart you the knowledge of clouds and help us to have water.

15. Yajna is performed with the recitation of vedic verses. I perform yajnas for the acquisition of noble qualities. Assuager of mental, 

O yajna, accept this oblation and provide happiness for me and the learned. 

Those who read and teach Vedas, and who are well acquainted with vedic practices may inspire us for the performance of yajnas. 

Yajnas keep the fire going. Homas maintain agnihotra. From the homa, the hot air goes up and forms the clouds.

16.The yajna keeps away the thieves, refines and sweetens the speech, produces foodstuffs, and provideas knowledge and vigour. The yajna is an instrument to produce rain. Let people inculcate the habit of performing yajnas.

We should try to control and defeat the dacoits, exploiters of impure minds and persons who lead impure lifes. May we through the aid of heroic persons win battles again and again. 

God and the scholars preach Veda for the good of humanity.

17. We have to avoid in a yajna the use of fire that burns the corpses. 

We have to use the fire, that ripens the raw commodities. 

O Lord, you are a dauntless. We think of you and realize you in our heart for the removal of the wicked.

O Lord, you are the bestower of permanent happiness. Through you teachings, remove our miseries and confer bliss upon us. We pray to you to bestow happiness upon the learned and the heroic persons. May the Earth and the beings living on it advance in their life through meritorious work.

18. O Lord, you are the sustainer of the universe. Accept our adoration and prayers offered through Vedic verses and develop our mental power and knowledge. 

I realize you in my heart as supporter of the learned. 

I understand you as the Statesman and the Guide on the duties of different classes (varnas). 

I keep you in my heart, the all pervader, the giver of happiness from all directions, please destroy my internal foes.

O you men, lead a life of penance by doing pranayama and follow the wise and learned and persons who are well versed in shastras.

19. The yajna is the giver of happiness, puts an end to the selfish and miserly habits. May the performer of the yajan realize its benefits. 

The proper recitation is the vedic hymns is itself a yajna. 

The yajan performed by on special occasions bestows enormous benefits. 

The yajna is the sustainer of the illustrious sun, the embodiment of vedic lore (The sun is doing yajna). 

Let us realize the yajna as the bringer of rain, and giver of spiritual knowledge.

20. The foodstuffs and water purified by the performance of yajna strengthen the body and sense organs. Let us do yajnas for sound health, vitality and for long life full of happiness and prosperity. 

The glorious creator and emancipator of the universe, through His perfect omnipresence, blesses us for acquiring and disseminating true sublime knowledge.

21. O men, just as I the Lord, propagate the knowledge of this yajna in the world created by Me, and perform it through the bright sun, stable earth, vitalizing air and various kinds of breaths in the human organism, you also perform yajnas. 

Prepare for your benefit mixtures of various medicines, juices and pure water.

22. The yajna confers fuller life and happiness. 

The yajnas are to be performed everywhere. 

The performers of yajnas have to spread the knowledge of performing yajnas. 

 The oblation put into fire expands and reaches the regions below sun and moon and produces rain and food stuff. May the sacrificial agni keep us free from disease. 

I fully devote myself to the yajna for attainment of happiness and material prosperity. 

May the large living inside me, make our yajna perfect for the attainment of complete joys.

23. People have to be fearless and should not waver in the performance of yajna. 

God bless the performer of yajnas to have an offspring, who is faithful, free from weakness and excellent in behariour. 

We wholeheartedly do yajnas, for the purification of water and air, for getting the blessings of mother, father, and preceptor and for realizing the Lord. 

This means every one of us has to do efforts to make our father, mother, guru and Lord happy.

24. I perform yajnas free of himsa (violence) for the attainment of noble qualities. 

Yajnas remove our miseries. 

A yajna make us receive the rays of sun that ripen a large variety of objects. 

A yajna makes us receive rain. 

I perform yajnas with the association and guidance of learned. 

I can perform yajnas by the push given to me by the Lord, the giver of bliss.

25. O heroic persons, bind by various fetters wicked people in this world, who are opposed to us and opposed by us, and release him not. 

May the yajnas help us to get rays of sun in abundant quantity. 

O God, give us thoughts that help us to preserve medicinal herbs that are required in yajnas.

26. O Lord, may we associate with learned and thus freely spread the system of education propounded in the Vedas. 

The ignorant people who are opposed to the learned and whom the learned disapprove should be brought round to the path of virtue by hundred of means available. 

May the wicked not blessed with the prosperity and knowledge that help them to do more wicked things. We should subjugate wicked folk who stop yajnas from being performed. 

The cruel people who are opposed to just living should be bonded by God till they come to senses. Sun and God do their duty and provide us light and fulfill our desires. 

O you dutiful persons, follow the path of virtue consistently and persistently.

27. I perform the yajnas with the recitation of vedic verses in Gayatri, Trishtup and Jagati metres. 

O Earth, you are a source of prosperity, happiness and beauty. 

You provide us with a place fit to dwell upon comfortably and provide us with corn, milk, sweet juices and fruits.

28. O Lord, You provided this earth full of foodstuffs and life giving substances for the living creatures. 
May the learned people conquer all foes waging severe fight with the aid of warriors and arms and attain power. 

O learned persons, we know the dutiful persons only are acquiring wealth. 

You also worship God with you present wealth for future prosperity. 

Let evil be eradicated in this universe.

29. Oh destroyer of foes, I prepare you for battle. I provide all tings necessary for your vitality. 

Those who can’t tolerate the good of others must be chastised, and openly condemned. Those who cause harm to others should be humiliated. 

I want our army to be strong for weakening the foe and waging war when required. O god, let the wicked be punished, the enemies of truth be punished, all those opposed to knowledge should come to grief.

30. O Lord, you are the creator of juices in the soil that help plants to grow. 

You are omnipresent and pervade everything this universe. 

You have an inextinguishable flame which keeps on radiating light and energy to the universe. 

You are worthy of worship by sages, meant for worship through the recitation of the vedic texts. 

May we worship you and see you and feel you through our spiritual vision, for our advancement.

31. I perform the yajna under the flawless pure rays of the sun. I make the hearts and souls of the people pure by spreading soul-illuminating knowledge provided by you. O Lord, you are the source of all light, purity, you are the giver or bliss of emancipation (moksha). You are the final resort of the universe, fit to be adorned and worshipped by the learned and sages and fit to be loved by the sincere devotees. You are invincible.


Updated on 12.5.2024 (Adishankara Jayanti Day),  6 April 2019 (Ugadi of the year), 5 Sep 2007

For Chapter 2


Simplified Shukla Yajurveda - Chapter 37


 Learned Person

1. O learned person, You are  a leader, I accept you as the teacher and preacher.

2. The God has no equal in the creation and is the  Embodiment of knowledge. He creates all beings.  The noble and wise yogis concentrate their mind on and dedicate their action to, the Omnipresent God,, the Highest knower. All should worship Him.

3. O priest I accept you  for the yajna and the successful termination of the yajna. O highly qualified mistress and preachress,   may I nicely accomplish, this day,  the  final stage of the sacrifice (yajna) conducted by you both. 

4. O  young, brilliant, learned women, I accept you, this day in the place where the learned assemble, as head of the contemplated sacrifice, connected with the Earth. O lady, the performer of the yajna, I acknowledge you as head of the yajna.

5. O learned person, at first I accept you with  due reverence, for the excellence of association. Your effort to learn is well-merited. This day, on the Earth, I make you  duly prosper by honouring you for scholarship.

6. O men, just as I acquire the vitality of a glorious person, so may I, this day,  make you prosperous.

May I perfect you  in the use of intellectual words of honour for the sages, and usage of loving conduct. May I perfect you, the preacher of good qualities, in the art of artizanship, and usage of loving conduct,
May I perfect you  in the dissemination of excellent science, and acquisition of knowledge. 

7. May the learned bring us in contact with a person, the dispeller of miseries, the leader of men, the controller of vast numbers in war, and the bestower of happiness. 
May we associate with a lord of wealth. 
May we acquire a truthful, good mannered, and well-read wife.

We seek your  shelter for the advancement of knowledge, and as an excellent means of happiness. We seek your  shelter for performing religious duties, and as a nice instrument for ptotecting religion. 
We seek your support  as a harbinger of happiness, as an advancer and giver of happiness.

8. O learned person, as you are an excellent practitioner of  the learning,  we serve you  for acquiring knowledge, and for its right use.  You are  the master of deep thinking, we serve you  for knowing the duties of domestic life, and nice execution of sacrifice. Direct us in the domestic actions, and excellent execution of sacrifice. We follow you  for success in noble enterprises, and leading righteous dealings.

We serve thee for learning yoga, and mastering all the intricacies of the science of yoga. We serve thee as giver of glory, and for performing all deeds of supremacy.

9. O sacrifices on this Earth in a place where the learned perform yajna, with the powerful fire's strength of warding off bad smell, I fumigate thee for purifying the air, and for alleviating the brain disease of a purifier. On the Earth, in a place where the learned perform the yajna, with the strength of a powerful man, I fumigate thee for acquiring knowledge of the Earth, and knowing the principal part of the essential nature of learning. On this earth, in a place where the learned are worshipped, with the lustre of powerful, fast fire I urge thee for its application, and for doing noble deeds. I prepare thee for the completion of the yajna, for the completion of the best part of the yajna. I goad thee for fame,
and the most important part of the yajna, I stimulate thee for performing the yajna, and the most important part of the yajna.

10. O learned person we establish you  for sincerity, for honouring the learned, and for performing the yajna. We establish you  for philanthropy, for performing the yajna, and for finishing it to the end. We
establish you  for land, for the yajna, and the best part of the yajna,

11. O learned person, a glorious, charitable man, receives you  for the administration of justice, for the observance of religious obligations, and for the performance of religious practices as ordained by God. May he unite you  with the sweetness of worldly objects, but protect thyself from their evil attachment.

As thou art noble, pure like the flame of fire, and embedded in religious austerity, hence we pay thee homage.

12. O woman, unconquerable in the East, in Agni's overlordship, give me life. Rich in sons, in the South, in Sun's overlordship give me offspring.

Fair-seated, in the West, in God Creator's overlordship, give me spiritual sight. Excellent in hearing, in the North, in air's overlordship, Give me increase of wealth.

Strong in convictions in the upper direction, in the overlordship of a learned master of the vedas, give me energy.

Being filled with a reflective mind, protect me from women given to adultery.

13. O learned person, in the company of other men, act  nobly, protect us from the lightning-fall.

Practice action, contemplation and knowledge.

14. God pervades all the objects of Nature. He is Father of the wise, and Guardian of all living creatures.

He is Self Effulgent, and being Creator, shines like the shining man of knowledge. Let all attain to Him.

15. Fire duly receives light from the Self-Effulgent God, and from the impelling sun created by God.

Know Him truly through righteous conduct.

Through religious practices, attain to God, the Self-Illuminator, the Stimulator, and the Glorifier of all material objects.

16. God is the Sustainer of the Sun, who imparts heat to all objects in the atmosphere. He is Immortal and realisable through austerity. Effulgent God is the Sustainer of all the forces of Nature. He shines
lustrously. May He grant us Vedic speech, full of excellent teachings and companion of the learned.

17. May I see God, the "Protector, the Immovable, knowable through paths of virtue, here and hereafter. He encompassing the Quarters and sub-quarters, permeates all the worlds.

18. O Lord of all earths, protect in this world the righteous learned persons. Give us the pleasant knowledge of useful instructions and excellent teachings. Protect favourably the learned for acquiring divine virtues. With the help of the teachers and preacher who know the science of honey, antidote to poison, bless us to live longer.

19. O God, we meditate on you for making our  heart pure, for the steadfastness of mind, for the manifestation of knowledge, and for learning the science of heavens. Please preach us the sacrifice free from violence, noble dealings with  and amongst learned persons.

20. O God, you are our  Father, the creator. Please instruct us like father. 

May we, the masters of material objects win you with our sacrifices. Please give me sons and cattle. Grant us offspring. Bless me  that I remain together with my husband.

21. O learned person or woman, enjoy nicely day with knowledge, in a wide awake manner, in the light of the Sun. Similarly enjoy the night also.

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 36


1. May inbreath and outbreath be strengthened in my soul. May my speech acquire mental strength, whereby I may gain physical strength.

May my speech be commendable like the Rig Veda, my mind reflective like the Yajur veda. May I master the Sama Veda, the expositor of the science of yoga. May I possess good eyes and ears.

2. Whatever defect I have of eye or heart, or perplexity of mind, that may God amend. Gracious to us be He, Protector of the world.

3. Oh men, just as we having studied the science of moral duty, the science of contemplation, and the science of sacred knowledge, meditate upon God, the Reliever of afflictions, inaccessible through physical organs, the Giver of affluence, the Object of desire, the Impeller of our intellects,
so should ye do.

4. With what help does the ever-prospering, wonderful God become our Friend ? With what constant, most mighty wisdom does He impel us in noble attributes, actions and natures ?

5. O man, God, the most advanced in happiness, the Embodiment of joy, grants thee happiness through food; and gives thy soul, the eradi-cator of misery, durable wealth.

6. O God, Thou granting us manifold glories, and protecting us from all sides, dost fairly guard us, thy friends, who praise Thee.

7. O God, the Showerer of joys from all sides, with what aid dost Thou delight us, in what way dost Thou bestow happiness on thy worshippers.

8. O God, like lightning Thou shinest in the universe, may weal attend our bipeds and our quadtupeds.

9. May God, friendly like breath, be gracious unto us; may God, tranquiliser like water be kind to us; may God the Just be benevolent to us; may God the Mighty, and Guardian of the vedic speech be comfort-giving to us, may the All-pervading God, the vigilant creator of the universe be
pleasant to us.

10. May the wind blow pleasantly for us. May the Sun warm us pleasantly. May lightning roar for us. May cloud send the rain on us pleasantly.

11. May days pass pleasantly for us. May nights draw near delight-fully. May lightning and fire, with their aids, bring us happiness May the Sun and rain givers of joy, comfort us.

12. May beautiful waters be pleasant to us to drink and acquire happiness, and flow with health and strength to us.

13. O wife calm like the Earth, just as the Earth free from thorns and pits, the resting place for all durable substances, is comfortable for us, so shouldst thou be. Just as wide Earth gives us place for dwelling, so shouldst thou delight-affording, give us domestic happiness.

14. O peaceful, learned, noble wives, just as beneficent waters sustain us for a big famous fight and energy, so should ye endear yourselves to us.

15. O noble wives, give us your most propitious affection in this world, like mothers longing for progeny.

16. O wives, just as ye make us calm like water, so should we make ye peaceful. As each of ye satisfies her husband for decent living for him, so may we acquire power and wealth for him.

17. May sky be peaceful.

May atmosphere be peaceful.
May Earth be peaceful.
May waters be peaceful.
May medicinal herbs be peaceful.
May plants be peaceful.

May all the learned persons be peaceful. May God and the vedas be peaceful. May all the objects be peaceful; May peace itself be peace-ful. May that peace come unto me.

18. O God, the Dispeller of ignorance and darkness, strengthen, me, May all beings regard me with the eye of a friend. May I regard all beings with the eye of a friend. With the eye of a friend do we regard
one another.

19. Do O God, the Preventer of mental delusion, strengthen me. Long may I live to look on Thee. Long may I live to look on Thee.

20. Obeisance to God, the Queller of sins, the Source of light.
Obeisance to God worthy of adoration. May thy punishments torment others. Be thou Purifier, and propitious unto us.

21. Homage to Thee God pervading like lightning, Homage to Thee God, the Inspirer of awa for the sinners. Homage, O Bounteous Lord to thee, as Thou desirest to give us happiness.

22. O God, from whatsoever place, Thou desirest, give us freedom from fear thence. Give to our people and our beasts happiness and fearlessness.

23. O God, let waters and plants be friendly to us; unfriendly to him who hates us, and whom we hate.

24. O God, Thou art the well-wisher of the learned. Immaculate, the Exhibitor of every thing like the eye, the Eternal knower of every thing. Through Thy kindness may we see for a hundred years; may we
live for a hundred years; may we listen for a hundred years to vedic lore; may we preach the vedas for a hundred years; may we live content inde-pendently for a hundred years; yea, even beyond a hundred years, see, live, hear, preach and be not dependent.