Saturday, April 6, 2019

Yajurveda (Simple Version) Chapter 1

Chapter 1: 31 Yajus (Hymns)

1. We depend on the Lord for the supply of foodstuffs and the vigour that they give to our body. The creator of this universe, the fountain head of happiness and knowledge may inspire us for the performance of the noblest deeds with our body organs. Our cows should never be killed. They should kept  healthy and strong.  He should bless that  cows be full of calves and free from diseases. Pray to Lord to see to it that a thief and sinner are never born among us. The lord of land and cattle should bestow his beneficial aspect on them. Pray to him. O lord, please protect the cattle, wealth and progeny of the people doing good and right things..

2. Yajnas act as purifiers of the environment and make explicit true and perfect knowledge. All the learned persons and their followers should not give up the performance of yajnas. Rays of the sun purify the air. They are the mainstay of universe and they also add comfort to people. Sun is in an exalted position.

3. The yajna of the great Lord supports innumerable worlds and it purifies all of them.  Lord, lead us on the path of virtue. Lord, purify us through the store of true knowledge and all jnana and vijnana contained in the Vedas. Lord, purify us through selfless deeds of people. O you men, which branches of true knowledge do you want to comprehend? People have to comprehend true knowledge some or thers shastra.

4. Vedas are the true source of knowledge and their study enables us to enjoy the full span of life. They contain the detailed instructions concerning various duties. Be firmly convinced of the utility of industrial achievements, and may He, protect our yajnas and the knowledge and means therefore.

5. O God, the Lord of Vows (Vrats), I will observe the vow (vrat). Please give me strength for that. I pray to you to grant me success in the fulfillment of my vow (vrat). I take the vow of renouncing untruth and embracing truth.

6. Who prompts people to do good deeds? It is He, the Great Lord who guides people on the path of virtue. The Lord encourages the teacher and the taught, the organizers (yajamans) and the workers to constantly engage in doing good deeds and developing good character and true knowledge.

7. God give us the power so that we root out the evil tendencies of the wicked, the unsympathetic and uncharitable exploiters of humanity. Give us power so that we take to task the disturbers of peace and expose the wicked.

8. O Lord, you are the dispeller of vices. Please punish the wicked. Deal with vicious people who put sages to trouble. Lord, exhort sinful people to do noble deeds, fill their mind with noble thoughts. We worship you Lord, the purifier of thoughts, the Promulgator of knowledge and the giver of knowledge to the learned, giver of happiness and joy in the universe, and worthy of adoration by the religious minded devotees and the wise.

9. O you men, increase the store of goods acquired by honest and fair means to be used in the service of humanity. Dedicate your life to this cause. The spiritually minded people also should not give up humanitarian work. Your life has to be constantly consecrated to the performance of five daily duties. The heat of the sun destroys dirt and odour, and draws substances consigned to the fire, in their atomic form for the purification of air.

10. In this universe created by the all pervading and shining God, I realize and appreciate the power and influence of the sun and moon, feel the inhalation and exhalation of life-giving breath, appreciate the efforts made by the votaries of knowledge for mastering the science of energy. I follow the researches made by the learned in the application of water and fire.

11. I engage in agriculture and craft for removing poverty and ministering happiness to all. May our houses be sufficiently large, airy, comfortable and built in the middle of an open space. Our life has to be in conformity with Vedic teachings. I should feel joy in my domestic life. O Lord, we pray to you to preserve and protect whatever gives us happiness in our life.

12. O learned persons, in this world created by God, inhaling and exhaling breaths are purified by the faultless and pure rays of the sun. Charming and beautiful waters which run to the ocean, go up in the atmosphere and then come down and nourish plants and herbs (that give us medicines) are purified by the rays of sun. You also do Homa with pure substances (Is Homa symbol of Sun? Having a Homa is having Sun symbolically very close to you). I always promote this yajna, support the worshipper or performer of the yajna. The worshipper or Yajnapathi will have pure mind, strong body, noble qualities and will be full of learning.

13. O performers of yajnas, the sun receives the waters and air and converts them back into clouds on a daily basis without rest or break. Similarly, you should always perform yajnas.
We all should perform prescribed yajnas for the attainment of God, for performing noble acts, for the acquisition of fine virtues and for temporal and spiritual advancement. Yajnas purify all substances and human beings. Yajnas will remove all your physical and mental defects. I, the revealer of the Veda, advance the yajnas, the purificatory act of yours.

14. May your house be comfortable. It should not offer shelter to the wicked and uncharitable. May god impart you the knowledge of building houses. May all persons acquire a house through the grace of God and which remains firmly attached to the ground as skin on body. The learned people have to understand the building of house. May God help them to understand. Clouds receive moisture form forests in the form of air and reside in vast space. May God impart you the knowledge of clouds and help us to have water.

15. Yajna is performed with the recitation of vedic verses. I perform yajnas for the acquisition of noble qualities. Assuager of mental, O yajna, accept this oblation and provide happiness for me and the learned. Those who read and teach Vedas, and who are well acquainted with vedic practices may inspire us for the performance of yajnas. Yajnas keep the fire going. Homas maintain agnihotra. From the homa, the hot air goes up and forms the clouds.

16.The yajna keeps away the thieves, refines and sweetens the speech, produces foodstuffs, and provideas knowledge and vigour. The yajna is an instrument to produce rain. Let people inculcate the habit of performing yajnas.

We should try to control and defeat the dacoits, exploiters of impure minds and persons who lead impure lifes. May we through the aid of heroic persons win battles again and again. Just as the sun breaks the substances put in homa into atoms and air takes them above on a continuous basis, so do God and the scholars preach Veda for the good of humanity.

17. We have to avoid in a yajna the use of fire that burns the corpses. We have to use the fire, that ripens the raw commodities. O Lord, you are a dauntless. We think of you and realize you in our heart for the removal of the wicked. O Lord, you are the bestower of permanent happiness. Through you teachings, remove our miseries and confer bliss upon us. We pray to you to bestow happiness upon the learned and the heroic persons. May the Earth and the beings living on it advance in their life through meritorious work.

18. O Lord, you are the sustainer of the universe. Accept our adoration and prayers offered through Vedic verses and develop our mental power and knowledge. I realize you in my heart as supporter of the learned. I understand you as the Statesman and the Guide on the duties of different classes (varnas). I keep you in my heart, the all pervader, the giver of happiness from all directions, please destroy my internal foes.

O you men, lead a life of penance by doing pranayama and follow the wise and learned and persons who are well versed in shastras.

19. The yajna is the giver of happiness, puts an end to the selfish and miserly habits. May the performer of the yajan realize its benefits. The proper recitation is the vedic hymns is itself a yajna. The yajan performed by on special occasions bestows enormous benefits. The yajna is the sustainer of the illustrious sun, the embodiment of vedic lore (The sun is doing yajna). Let us realize the yajna as the bringer of rain, and giver of spiritual knowledge.

20. The foodstuffs and water purified by the performance of yajna strengthen the body and sense organs. Let us do yajnas for sound health, vitality and for long life full of happiness and prosperity. The glorious creator and emancipator of the universe, through His perfect omnipresence, blesses us for acquiring and disseminating true sublime knowledge.

21. O men, just as I the Lord, propagate the knowledge of this yajna in the world created by Me, and perform it through the bright sun, stable earth, vitalizing air and various kinds of breaths in the human organism, you also perform yajnas. Prepare for your benefit mixtures of various medicines, juices and pure water.

22. The yajna confers fuller life and happiness. The yajnas are to be performed everywhere. The performers of yajnas have to spread the knowledge of performing yajnas. The oblation put into fire expands and reaches the regions below sun and moon and produces rain and food stuff. May the sacrificial agni keep us free from disease. I fully devote myself to the yajna for attainment of happiness and material prosperity. May the large living inside me, make our yajna perfect for the attainment of complete joys.

23. People have to be fearless and should not waver in the performance of yajna. God bless the performer of yajnas to have an offspring, who is faithful, free from weakness and excellent in behariour. We wholeheartedly do yajnas, for the purification of water and air, for getting the blessings of mother, father, and preceptor and for realizing the Lord. This means every one of us has to do efforts to make our father, mother, guru and Lord happy.

24. I perform yajnas free of himsa (violence) for the attainment of noble qualities. Yajnas remove our miseries. A yajna make us receive the rays of sun that ripen a large variety of objects. A yajna makes us receive rain. I perform yajnas with the association and guidance of learned. I can perform yajnas by the push given to me by the Lord, the giver of bliss.

25. O heroic persons, bind by various fetters wicked people in this world, who are opposed to us and opposed by us, and release him not. May the yajnas help us to get rays of sun in abundant quantity. O God, give us thoughts that help us to preserve medicinal herbs that are required in yajnas.

26. O Lord, may we associate with learned and thus freely spread the system of education propounded in the Vedas. The ignorant people who are opposed to the learned and whom the learned disapprove should be brought round to the path of virtue by hundred of means available. May the wicked not blessed with the prosperity and knowledge that help them to do more wicked things. We should subjugate wicked folk who stop yajnas from being performed. The cruel people who are opposed to just living should be bonded by God till they come to senses. Sun and God do their duty and provide us light and fulfill our desires. O you dutiful persons, follow the path of virtue consistently and persistently.

27. I perform the yajnas with the recitation of vedic verses in Gayatri, Trishtup and Jagati metres. O Earth, you are a source of prosperity, happiness and beauty. You provide us with a place fit to dwell upon comfortably and provide us with corn, milk, sweet juices and fruits.

28. O Lord, You provided this earth full of foodstuffs and life giving substances for the living creatures. May the learned people conquer all foes waging severe fight with the aid of warriors and arms and attain power. O learned persons, we know the dutiful persons only are acquiring wealth. You also worship God with you present wealth for future prosperity. Let evil be eradicated in this universe.

29. Oh destroyer of foes, I prepare you for battle. I provide all tings necessary for your vitality. Those who can’t tolerate the good of others must be chastised, and openly condemned. Those who cause harm to others should be humiliated. I want our army to be strong for weakening the foe and waging war when required. O god, let the wicked be punished, the enemies of truth be punished, all those opposed to knowledge should come to grief.

30. O Lord, you are the creator of juices in the soil that help plants to grow. You are omnipresent and pervade everything this universe. You have an inextinguishable flame which keeps on radiating light and energy to the universe. You are worthy of worship by sages, meant for worship through the recitation of the vedic texts. May we worship you and see you and feel you through our spiritual vision, for our advancement.

31. I perform the yajna under the flawless pure rays of the sun. I make the hearts and souls of the people pure by spreading soul-illuminating knowledge provided by you. O Lord, you are the source of all light, purity, you are the giver or bliss of emancipation (moksha). You are the final resort of the universe, fit to be adorned and worshipped by the learned and sages and fit to be loved by the sincere devotees. You are invincible.

Updated on 6 April 2019 (Ugadi of the year), 5 Sep 2007

For Chapter 2

Friday, April 5, 2019

Sukla Yajurveda(Simplified Version) - Vajasaneya Samhita - Chapter 3

Ch. 3 - 63 hymns

1. O learned persons, kindle the fire with the wood sticks, with butter and put oblations in this fire of the yajna.

2. Put the oblations of ghee that removes physical infirmities into this well ablaze fire.

3. Fan the fire and put additional sticks of wood and ghee into the fire that burns vigorously.

4. O beautiful fire, accept my fuel put into you.

5. I sit on the earth on which the learned perform yajna.

6. The earth revolves in the space.

7. The lustre of the yajna fire goes up and down in the space like exhalation and inhaltion in the body. This great fire is similar to sun.

8. Vedas are recited for acquiring the knowledge of God. We should recite vedas and understand the illuminating sayings.

9. God, through the vedas displays knowledge of the world and knowledge of the spirit.

10. The Sun receives oblations put into the fire and carries them far and wide.

11. God hears our recitation of vedic texts from far and near.

12. Men should worship supreme Lord.

13. Indra and Agni, I invoke you for food and riches. Indra is the lightning. Hence Devichand equates it to electricity.

14. Knowing the power and utility of sacrificial fire and performing agnihotra will increase our wealth.

15. In this world the instructors and the learned kindle the ubiquitous fire of extra-ordinary qualities.

16. The persons who perform the yajnas get rains for their society.

17. God protect my body, give me longevity, give me splendour, and remove all defects from my body.

18. God give us happiness.

19. May I attain excellent offspring.

20. May I enjoy the abundance of good articles with manifold qualities.

21. O Vedic speech, veda mata, remain in this altar.

22. O god, may we be in communion with you everyday, morning and evening.

23. May we worship God.

24. O God, give us knowledge like a father to son.

25. O God, our benefactor, give us wealth.

26. O radiant God, we pray to you for the happiness of our friends.

27. O God may I be endowed with statesmanship. May noble desires come to me.

28. O God, make me fit for the acquisition of knowledge.

29. May god prompt me to do noble deeds.

30. O God, may not our knowledge of vedas perish.

31. O God, the three forces of nature (water, sun and air) should protect us and help us.

32. Those who worship God will get protection at home, on pathways and on battlefield.

33. The indestructible matter and soul, bestow eternal light upon man during life as well as after death.

34. O God, unless you give the knowledge, man will not be able to acquire it.

35. O God, Master of the universe, we meditate upon you. guide our understanding.

36. O God, protect the learned from all directions from close proximity.

37. O god, protect my offsping, my cattle, my food.

38.O God, Give us splendour and strength.

39. O God, Lord of our houses, take care of my householders, you are the giver of riches to our children.

40. The fire assists us in the accomplishment of our deeds (for cooking food, for giving us heat for our bodies and giving us hot things and also in yajnas).

41. God says, householders do not fear and tremble for the burdens of household. I am there to support you with my strength and intelligence.

42. Guest who come and stay with householders remember them and wish them good things. Householders should welcome religious guests.

43. May we in this world get cows, goats, sheep and abundant food in our houses. May I acquire mundane and celestial happiness and joy.

44. Householders should invite and take care of guests who are delightful and knowledgeable. Sins are washed away by giving well cooked food to them.

45. Let us resolve that we will not repeat the sinful acts that we or others have committed in various places, alone or in group. (It is appropriate that whenever we wish our sins are washed away, we should resolve not to commit them again. There is no question of washing the sins of a person who commits them again and again.)

46. O God, protect us in battles, in this world, with the help of heroes.

47. The persons who sing vedic hymns in cooperation and do specified deeds acquire noble virtues and enjoy comforts in their houses.

48. O God, preserve from tortuous sins. Stop me from doing such sins.

49. The oblation full of cooked articles put into the fire goes up to the sky, and returns therefrom full of rain. In life barter is required.

50. You give something to the other, he gives something to you. Life in this world goes on due to truthful bartering.

51. Learn from the knowledgeable people who are healthy and wealthy and cooperate with them for your health, wealth and power.

52. O God, help me to increase my health, wealth and power, help us to increase health, wealth and power.

53. By reflecting on the high principles and meritorious deeds of elders, we strengthen our mind and take correct decisions.

54. In the current birth as well as future births, do virtuous acts for acquiring strength and longevity and contemplate on God.

55. O venerable elders, give us in this and the next life intellect whereby we may enjoy a long life and perform noble deeds.

56. O God, we will act according to your law to have healthy bodies to enjoy happiness and to be blessed with progeny.

57. O learned men, follow the Veda and the law of Dharma. Accept the food worth eating which uproots all diseases.

58. Worship God. He only makes better housed and prosperous.

59. O God you are the healer of the physical, mental and spiritual maladies. Please heal the diseases of cow, goats, sheep,horse and all mankind.

60. God augments our physical, spiritual and social forces. Through his grace, we should live our full life and then our death should be easy and free from protracted illness and our separation from life should be similar to a ripe cucumber falling from its stem. We seek immortal life through salvation and God should grant us moksha.

61. O God, come to my protection and make sure that no harm is caused to me.

62. Learned persons who follow proper rules of life are endowed with triple life (boyhood, youth and old age). Through grace of God we should also know the proper rules of life, follow proper rules of life and live long.

63. O God, I approach you for long energetic life, for nice food, for progeny, for riches in abundance and for noble children.

for chapter IV

Updated on 7 April 2019, 22 September 2007

Sukla (Shukla) Yajurveda (simplified Version) Chapter 2

Chapter II – 34 Hymns

1. I perform the yajna in a well dug place, having good air to take the oblations into the space. For havan, I use oblations rectified by ghee. I erect the altar and make it sacred with ghee. Just as water from the rail cleans many objects on earth, I carefull clean all oblations that are put in various ladles for pouring into the agni (fire)

2. Yajnas help in bringing rains. I prepare altar for receiving oblations. I prepare altars for the learned to sit on. May these scholars sing the praises and invite the Earth’s Lord, the world’s Lord, and the Lord of Kings, the almighty God to receive my oblations.

3. The sun, the sustainer of the world by giving heat and energy and the holder of earth, spreads the matter and energy released in the yajna far and wide for the happiness of the universe. Adorable fire (agni), you are the guardian of the worshipper and the yajna. Protect the yajna with your inhalation and exhalation and keep the flame going with firm strength. O Yajna, you are inducer of rain through the power of sun.

4. We try to manifest your glory, O Omniscient, All Illuminating God, the giver of happiness to all, the embodiment of effulgence, and the preacher of yajnas.

5. O yajna, you are productive like spring, which makes trees bloom. The sun does yajna from time immemorial, for unfolding all objects (makes them visible to all). The power and potency of the sun helps people. Just as Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas do and promote the yajna, I also do the yajna for the acquisition of divine qualities. I promise, you, the giver of happiness, pervaded in space.

6. O the sky, full of butter given in oblations in yajnas, be here in this decorated place for yajna with your lovely glory. O space, full of water (vapour) be there in this decorated yajna place with your glory. O earth, the giver of shelter for long periods of time, be there in this decorated yajna place with your glory. May the necessary articles be place in the holy yajna place. O God, please protect those articles, please protect the yajna place, protect the worshipper and protect the conductor of yajna.

7. I kindle the fire, the carrier of all oblations to the sky. The oblations, carried by the fire to the sky in yajna bring water through forces of nature, that gives us food in the proper season. The food provides us the enegry, protects us and gives the strength for victory in war. The yajna fire is responsible for all this. May these water and food, givers of strength and power be in plenty for my use.

8. May I today collect through yajna acquire articles which contribute to comforts and happiness. O God may I never stop performing yajnas. O Lord, please provide me your refuge, that is abundant in riches. This fire is the important component of yajna. Through it only sun and air get gain the benefit of oblations. This benefit resides in space.

9. O God protect the sun and the earth, which protect us and allow to perform yajnas. Just as fire acts an envoy and provides the nourishment to earth and sun by making the benefits of oblation available to them, O Lord protect us. Just as sun combines his light with the light coming through the yajna fires and provides light to heaven and earth, God illuminate us with the light of spiritual knowledge.

10. O God bestow on me spiritual power. May we obtain wealth full of various kinds of splendour, and earthly power. May our desires be fulfilled, may they attain to fruition. Men use the life on this earth and knowledge gain from Vedas to obtain salvation. May these earth and Vedas advise me on my journey to salvation. May God, you as my last resort and refuge instruct me in my effort for salvation.

11. Our digestive system digests by means of gastric juice the food put into the stomach. The food goes into the human body by the quality of attractions and then the body has the ability to retain the food. Our inhalation and exhalation are the forces of purification and permeation by providing air throughout the body. I eat food cooked in fire. I pray to God, who provides the sustenance to me through all the organs and faculties of the organs that he provided to all beings in this universe.

12. O Lord, creator this universe, the Vedas and the learned men talk about the yajna that you did for the sake of Brihaspati and Brahma. Through similar benevolence, please protect my yajna and the performer of my yajna (the head priest) and me.

13. May my active mind understand the requirements of the yajna. May God preserve my unabandonable acquisition of knowledge, which is also a yajna. All the learned persons in the world should rejoice. May the great sound “Om” be chanted by us.

13. May my active mind understand the requirements of the yajna. May God preserve my unabandonable acquisition of knowledge, which is also a yajna. All the learned persons in the world should rejoice. May the great sound “Om” be chanted by us.

14. O God! We praise your glory through vedic hymns. We entreat you to promote our knowledge. O God, advance our soul. You are the controller of activities of all and you’re the storehouse of knowledge. You are the superpowerful person in this universe and you only bring victory to individuals in their battles. Bless us to become prosperous and sing your praises. I become pure and holy by following your commands and directions.

15. May I achieve victory like the victory of fire and moon (Devichand explains; fire refers to the commander of the army and moon refers to a calm and considerate king). I should be able to accumulate materials of war and my people should be able to accumulate materials of war. May the king and military drive off people who hates and whom we detest. Make our people able to remove that sinful enemy in wars using proper military skills and equipment. We should achieve victory like the victory of air and lightning. May air and lightning properly used, drive off our enemies.

May I achieve happiness through the knowledge used for the acquisition of supremacy. I purify ignorant persons by the light of knowledge that I have (I provide knowledge to ignorant persons).

16. We perform the yajna for Vasus, Rudras and Adityas (According to Dayanand Saraswati, Vasus are Agni, Prithvi, Vayu, Antariksha, Aditya, Dyau, Chandrama and Nakshtra. Rudras are Pran, Apan, Vyan, Udan, Saman, Nag, Kurma, Krikal, Devadutta, Dhananjay, and Jeeva. They are all vital breath of person. Adityas are the twelve months.). We make yajnas to keep these things in proper order. The light of the sun and earth bring a person and other things to light. The pran (external air) and udan (internal air) protect persons. Just as birds go to their nests, so let us do daily yajna reciting Gayatri Mantras.

The oblation (ahuti) reaches the space, comes in contact with air and the light of the sun. It then brings as well as comes down as rain for us, which fills streams and promotes plants and flowers.

O fire, agnideva, you protect me from darkness, protect me from my physical eye as well as spiritual eye.

17. O God My I never disobey you. May I never abuse the food, I have got in your creation.

18. May the preachers of the knowledge of Vedas become supreme through knowledge. Let all seekers of truth, devotees of learning and action, attain to happiness. Preach noble words, that bring all kind of joys.

19. O fire and air, you play very important roles in the performance of yajnas. Bring comfort to me. God is near me as he is near to you. I derive happiness from the performance of yajna.

20. O immortal, omnipresent God, protect me from intense pain, protect me form the bondages of sin and ignorance, protect me from the company of evil minded persons, protect me from food injurious to health. Make our food free from poison. Let me live in a comfortable house, praying to you and doing noble deeds. This is our prayer to the lord of the universe. May we get pure knowledge through the Vedas.

21. O god, you are the expounder of knowledge for the learned. Please expound the knowledge unto me. All learned people who sing vedic hymns should master knowledge.

22. May the space is filled with vapours of our oblations all twelve months of the year. May the vapours reach the sun, eight life giving agencies and vital breaths. May the rain come whenever oblations are offered.

23. Yajnas, sacrifices and oblations are for the benefit of all. They are for the happiness of all. Don’t abandon them.

24. May we be endowed with the strong bodies, peaceful and devoted minds that study Vedas and acquire knowledge. May god, the giver of happiness grant us riches and banish each blemish from our body.

25. By means of yajnas we remove men who hate us and whom we despise. (meaning is who have to try to remove hatred by efforts).

26. O god, you are self existent, most excellent and lustrous. Give me knowledge. I follow your directions and commands.

27. O lord of the universe, bless me to become a good householder. Protect my house and be my guardian. Bless me and direct me so that I do my domestic duties without idleness. Bless me to live for hundred years day and night in the presence of God.

28. O Lord of the vows, grant me success in the performance of my vows. I shall undertake vows, which I find myself confident to discharge. I know that I sow what I reap. Bless me to take up fruitful activities.

29. Speak reverentially to the learned, the repositories of knowledge. Speak sweetly and gently to your father, mother, teacher and the students. Deal vigourously with evil minded people in the world.

30. O god remove from this world people filled with evil ambitions and intentions.

31. O god, let the learned be strong, healthy. They should have pleasure as to their capacity and resources.

32. O Fathers, our salutations, our respects, our obeisance! guide us, give us instructions, protect us.

33. Accept your teacher, and always be eager for knowledge so that you may attain manhood with all the required knowledge.

34. O sons (children), please your parents and teachers by offering them various juices, sweet waters, disease-dissipation articles, milk, clarified butter, well cooked food, and juicy fruits. Enjoy you wealth and do not covet the wealth of others.

For Sankrit mantra and full meaning of each mantra

For chapter 3

Updated on 7 March 2019, 13 September 2007