Thursday, November 8, 2007

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter VIII - Married Life - Wife and Husbad

Chapter VIII

Hymns 63

Wife and Husband

1. I select you as my husband. You have the knowledge and personality.

2. O husband! you gift of knowledge and riches may reach me soon. I may receive comfort from you.

3. O husband! guard me in this life as well as the next.

4. Marriage of learned people leads to prosperity. You have completed student life. May you enjoy the pleasures of newly married couple.

5. O entrants into married life, stick to truth, honouring the vows taken at the time of marriage.

6. O god! fountain of happiness, give us happiness and encourage us to do noble deeds in our married life.

7. O husband! I accept you as the perserver of yajna of married life.

8. O husband! I give well cooked food to you. You provide all the different kinds of comfort to me.

9. O married man! follow vedic knowledge and be the master of a loyal wife and children.

10. O husband, we should have healthy children.

11. O members of my family, protect me and my husband working together like two horses to pull the chariot of our married life.

12. O affectionate and heroic husband, you have to be invited and honoured by equally learned people throught your life.

13. O husband, you can correct the mistakes done by various people. Please correct my mistakes also.


14. O teacher! Instruct us in removing our physical disabilities.

15. O adorable teacher, lead us on the right path by telling what sages had done earlier and show us the examples.

16. O highly learned persons, show us good teachers to learn from.

17. O householder! do rightly the duties of married life.

18. O nobleminded learned people! Earnestly acquire wealth, retain it ad preserve it with the help of others. Prepare comfortable houses for you and accumulate wealth for your use and use of others. May your efforts grant the society prosperity.

19. O married people, drink pure water, take nutritious diet, sharpen your intellect and perform required yajnas.

20. O learned person, we accept you as the priest and guide for the yajna. Perform the yajna according to vedic rites and provide the prosperity to us.

21. O married people, each of you do things related to the yajna of married life in spirit of dharma.

22. O house holder! Serve your king truthfully.

23. O ruler, make good roads for comfortable journey of people.

24. O married man! With full knowledge of the qualities that lead to success, do the deeds that lead to the fulfillment of your aims.

25. O householder! We urge you to discharge faithfully the duties of married life.

26. O good tempered woman! Retain carefully dearly loved well nurtured child in the womb.

27. O husband accumulate wealth in a righteous way and guard me against mistakes.

28. The still unborn ten month child may come out as a healthy child without any trouble to mother.

29. O wife! We should have healthy babies.

30. A husband who is healthy should wish for successful pregnancy of his wife.

31. The person in whose house, wind flows smoothly, is truly a builder of good houses.

32. Well built husband and wife perform domestic yajnas properly. Please provide food and clothes to people who depend on you.

33. O married man you have to lead your life by going for various attractions and enjoying them but should restrain yourself appropriately and preserve your health and wealth.

34. O married man! You are fully educated. Lead your married life practicing sixteen traits or arts [1. pran (breathing) 2. Shraddha (devotion) 3. Kham (happiness) 4. Vayu (activity) 5. Jyoti (brilliance) 6. Apa (water) 7. Prithvi (patience) 8. Indriya (organs) 9. Manas (mind) 10. Anna (food) 11. Virya (semen, genetic organs) 12. Tapa (learning activity, religious activity) 13. Mantra (Understanding) 14. Ichha (ambition) 15. Loka (social consciousness) 16. Nam (anger or censure) ] . From Prashnopanishad.

35. O king you should set an example by leading a happy and proper married life and using sixteen dimensions of life in a exemplary way.

36. We all should pray to God give us the sixteen qualities.

37. God says, O people, do not call me first. Ask your nearest ruler, then farther rulers to solve your problems. Come to me as the last resort. I am there to take care of your burdens which are beyond your strength and capability.

38. O ruler, does of noble deeds, do more noble deeds and make us all happy and bright.

39. O powerful ruler! We accept you for granting us strength and happiness and providing safe environment for our long life till we reach god.

40. O bright ruler you are also a learned person. I pray you to arrange for spreading the knowledge and make us prosper.

41. We accept you god as the giver of ultimate knowledge.

42. O exalted wife, with your knowledge, prepare good eatable and drinkable articles. Energy should come back to me for the next sessions work.

43. O lady! You are praiseworthy, lovable, pleasure giving, adorable, knowledgeable and worthy of respect. Teach everybody the lessons of acquiring such noble qualities.

44. O General, beat our foes away.

45. O god! We pray to you for success in all our actions.

46. O God! Select as our ruler a capable man.

47. O noble king! Your speeches dispel our ignorance regarding political and economic issues.

48. O people! Do not think of illicit affairs with women.

49. O learned and educated king! I respect you for your popularity for providing security and prosperity to the country.

50. O virtuous king! Our impeller towards progress and affluence, know the sayings and conduct of learned persons and sages and do what is appropriate.

51. O married people, enjoy yourselves, produce children, rear them and share with us riches with noble intentions.

52. O learned person, due to your advice and actions, we may obtain material and spiritual knowledge and pleasure.

53. O our commander and soldiers, defeat our foes in all possible ways so that we may be rich and safe all around us on earth, in space and in sky.

54. O married people, to remain happy follow God’s ways, King’s direction and directions of a physician.

55. People, to be happy understand the use of natural elements and powers – water, wind, etc. and use them appropriately.

56. O married people in the world! Use powers of rains and thunder appropriately.

57. O learned people understand the use of various objects in the world and use them appropriately for your benefit.

58. Those who did many yajnas need to be honoured and recognized.

59. Those who are praised by aged sages for their achievement always remain happy.

60. I may receive the benefits of yajnas done by sages and capable people.

61. Thirtyfour threads weave the fabric of this universe. I also use them skillfully in developing this universe. (They are eight vasus; Sun, moon, earth, water, fire, air, sky, lightning; eleven rudras: pran, apan, vyan, udan, sman, nag, kurma, krikal, devdutt, dhananjaya, and matrishwa; twelve adityas: the twelvemonths of the year, and soul, God and matter.)

62. O sacrifice! Come back in the future as plenty of wealth and prosperity for us.

63. O married man, sacrifice appropriately for strength of the body and strength of the society.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Simplified Sukla Yajurveda - Chapter 5 (V)

Chapter V Hymns - 43

1. O oblation! You are the body of fire. You are the material with which all objects in the universe are created. You only help me in satisfying the guests. You are fast in burning in the fire like the falcon. You are the basis for worshipping the God. I praise you as giver of knowledge, wealth and noble qualities.

2. O stick of wood! you are the creator of fire. O dried grasses! you maintain the fire. You have in you Urvasi (the lower blades) and Pururava (the upper blades). I rub you (sticks) reciting vedic verses in Gayatri metre, Trishtup metre and Jagati metre.

3. O Agnidev! Harm not the sacrifice, harm not the worshippers. Be kind to us today and help us in doing the sacrifices.

4. O disciples of learned men, you can make me escape from curses. Agnidev has entered the sacrificial altar. Please give oblations. O Agnidev! please carry oblations to all devas.

5. O God! set me on the path of learning and virtue. Through your grace, may I attain the invincible, irrestible, inviolate and invulnerable stength of the learned.

6. O god! May your vast power rule over me, and may my power remain under you.

7. O mighty God! may I attain pleasure due to blessings from you.

8. O fire, your force is present in every object.

9. May fire with the names of Angira and Ayu help us.

10. O speech (vakdevata)! you are the dispeller of ignorance.

11. O speech! learned persons through teachings of vedas have to protect you in all places in east, west, south and north.

12. O speech, using you only we describe the twelve months in the year. You are the killer of all miseries.

13. O learned people, you should develop yajnas which promote strong structures on earth.

14. God is the preacher of truth. Sages concentrate their mind and intellect on him.

15. God's invisible form pervades the universe.

16. God is omnipresent. He pervades this universe no all sides.

17. O man and woman, acquire the knowledge from the learned and live in a peaceful home after marriage. Do not spoil your life and do not spoil life of your children.

18. O God! I seek your shelter which is ever-blissful.

19. O god! fill both of our hands with wealth. Grant us variety of pleasures.

20. God punishes sinners and preaches knowledge to seekers.

21. O man! I ordain thee to worship god.

22. O man! you observe me in doing the yajna and later on you also do it.

23. Just as a learner and teacher, I do the yajna, you also do. Your companions have to follow the activities being done my companions.

24. O king! you are the conqueror of foes of the kingdom. You are renowned in yajnas and sacrifices and through them only you are controlling the enemies of the kingdom.

25. O members of the assemly the military people also participate in yajnas and sacrifices to fight enemies.

26. O learned man, I receive you with breaths as witness.

27. O highly learned man, preach noble virtues on earth.

28. O wife of the worshipper,  you and  your husband have to be firm in resolutions. Both of you should gather enough clarified butter and fill all this space with fragrance of it.

29. O god! may all my soft and sweet praises reach you.

30. O god! you are the refuge of soul.

31. O god! you are the developer of wisdom.

32. God you are the giver of lustre to sky.

33. O Lord of religious paths, lead me onward through religious ways.

34. O learned people guard me on all sides.

35. Let the man who knows vedas have a fine home, good speech and vast knowledge.

36. O God! keep us away from all sins.

37. May this general win all wars.

38. O General! attack the enemy with full force. Just as fire assimilates ghee and burns brightly, you also subdue the opposing wicked forces.

39. O king, you should go to the sages and learn more.

40. O learned teacher, let your vast knowledge be mine. Let my learning be guided by you.

41. O learned person, become conversant with all branches of knowledge.

42. O learned person in medicinal plants, do not spoil this treasure. Do their sacrifice properly and make sure they are abundantly available.

43. O man! I live on the earth in a spirit of friendliness towards all. You should also live in a spirit of friendliness to all.

For Chaper 6

Ud. 12.5.2024
Pub. 7.11.2007,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ganeshaya Namah

Om Ganeshaya Namah
